Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 551: honest man you are too young

Chapter 551 Honest man, you are too young

Desperate Xavius ??cried and begged for N'Zoth's response, but in Charlemagne's view, this guy's actions were doomed to be futile.

Xavius's actions in the Emerald Dream have been completely exposed. If N'Zoth doesn't want to expose himself, he will continue to pretend that he doesn't know anything.

Taking advantage of Xavius' distraction, Charlemagne quietly discussed with Malfurion who had been forced to retreat. The Arch Druid's eyes lit up after hearing his suggestion, and he readily nodded in agreement.

Looking at Xavius ??whose expression was gradually going crazy, Charlemagne didn't intend to waste any more time with him, and took out a twisted twig from his waist, which was barely an arrow, and put it on the bow.

When Xavius ??finally gave up thinking completely and started going crazy, the two rounds of ten-shot arrows shot by Charlemagne had already approached the Nightmare King one after another.

The crazy-faced Savis didn't even hide. From the previous battles, he probably understood Charlemagne's attack strength. As long as he didn't hit the vital point, he couldn't kill him at once. He just stretched out his hands to protect his head and chest. , continue to move forward.

"Heh... Sure enough, it's as I expected, but in this way, you've dug your own grave."

Charlemagne stared at a twig stuck on Xavius's shoulder and chuckled mockingly. Before that, he didn't intentionally put water on it to reduce the force of the attack, but simply because he wasn't used to using the bow.


Savis was shocked when he saw the weird smile on Charlemagne's face, and he instinctively sensed that something was wrong.

However, it was too late to realize it at this time. Malfurion, who had changed back to human form, slammed his staff on the ground with both hands, and a large amount of natural force gushed out at once with his spellcasting.

The twig on Xaviz's shoulder sprouted and grew up almost instantly, gradually enveloping Xaviz's entire body of Sartre with his terrified and unwilling expression.

"No! Another stupid druid spell, why is this branch growing so fast?!"

Xavius, who had suffered once before, noticed the abnormality on his shoulder, cut off half of the branch immediately, and tried hard to pull out the arrow to stop Malfurion's attempt.

However, this was meaningless at all. The crazily growing branches soon grew into a towering tree, and the sad Nightmare King was smothered in the tree in the same way for the second time.

Charlemagne took back the impromptu Garnier bow, smiled and gave Malfurion a high-five to celebrate, "I didn't expect that the leftover Garnier branch from making the bow would actually have a miraculous effect. Xavius ??should never be able to revive this time." gone."

Death in the Emerald Dream is somewhat deadlier than the outside world, because death in this mirror world represents the death of the soul.

Without a soul, Xavius' body in the outside world has completely become an empty shell. No matter how many tentacles N'Zoth has, it is impossible to reverse the world rules and revive Xavius ??again.


To Charlemagne's surprise, Malfurion squeezed his hand after the high-five, and the originally relieved expression on his face gradually turned into a ferocious twist.

Feeling that the situation was not right, Charlemagne immediately showed a flattering dry smile on his face, "Uh... Druid of Stormrage, can you speak well if you have something to say, after all, things like feelings... are more about asking for your love and my willingness."


By the time Ysera, Eranikus, and Azshara finished off the four corrupted green dragons and brought them back to the bottom of Saradrassil in their forcibly transformed human form, the battle here had long since ended .

A large number of druids and the green dragon who stayed behind to assist have defeated the nightmare monsters at the door and invaded the interior. It is only a matter of time before the nightmare corruption of Saradrassil is cleaned up.

At the place where Charlemagne and the others fought, there was only a big tree that popped up at some unknown time and two night elves with bruised noses and swollen faces, who seemed to have just finished wrestling.


Seeing this, Azshara smacked her lips unwillingly, "That fellow Xavius! Made me miss a good show."

Charlemagne twitched his brows when he heard Azshara's regretful tone, and simply ignored the wicked queen, turned his head and asked Ysera with his swollen and leaky mouth, "Your Majesty Yshara, Isendre How are they?"

Seeing the funny face in front of her, Ysera managed to hold back her smile and replied, "They have been restrained temporarily, but fortunately their corruption is not deep, as long as they return to the Emerald Holy Land to recuperate for a while. recover."

"That's good. The nightmare problem should be temporarily resolved. I hope His Majesty Ysera can send the Green Dragon Army to participate in the second quicksand battle in the near future. This time we will try to break into the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj and completely kill C'Thun. .”

Hearing Charlemagne's words, Malfurion, the archdruid who had been in the dream for a long time, immediately changed his expression, "The second quicksand war? What's going on? Could it be that something happened in Silithus? ?”

Charlemagne's cheeks twitched when he saw this guy, and he said casually, "Of course someone will tell you the specific situation when you return to the material world, so I will leave the dream world first."

Finally, he turned to Eranikus beside Ysera and said, "By the way, Mr. Eranikus, it seems that one of the pieces of the Quicksand Scepter is in your hand. I want to recast it and open it. Gates of the Qiraji, I hope you will send him to Quel'Thalas when you return to the material world."

Eranikus tapped his huge faucet, "No problem, just the other three fragments, do you have any idea?"

Charlemagne showed a confident smile on his face, although his twisted and swollen face looked a little funny...

"The piece kept by Valastats has been found from Nefarian's treasure house. I ask His Majesty Malygos to lead him to find that shark all over the world. Ana As for Cross’s piece, just go to him and ask for it.”

At the beginning, the quicksand scepter was broken into pieces by the disheartened deer helmet in front of the dragon clan, and the four pieces were collected by the bronze dragon prince Anachronos.

Except for the largest piece in his hands, the other three pieces were handed over to his trusted three-color dragon for safekeeping, namely Valastrasz, Athoregus and Eranikus.

艾索雷葛斯那个爱上灵魂医者的逗比龙当年玩心发作,将碎片绑在了一条大鲨鱼的身上,这家伙前段时间被玛里苟斯痛揍了一顿,这会正满世界Look everywhere for that shark.

Eranikus said with a smile, "Then I have no problem, I will send it to you as soon as I leave the dreamland."

Then Charlemagne was ready to return to the real world with Queen Azshara's playful gaze.

However, when they turned their faces away from Malfurion, Azshara was surprised to find that the chicken thief guy returned to the original high elf with no injuries on his face.

Charlemagne showed a successful plan with a smile on his face, 'Honest man, you are still too young, how could society like me make you beat up so easily. '

At this moment, Charlemagne, who was triumphant, obviously didn't notice Azshara's meaningful expression. Her Lady Queen's eyes were obviously shining brightly, and she didn't know what she was planning in secret.

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