Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 542: On the number of lives of slave brothers with three surnames

Chapter 542 discusses how many lives the slave brothers of the three surnames have

When Charlemagne dragged Onyxia, who had regained her confidence and looked forward to it, and started shopping in Thunder Totem, Ulan had already ridden on Ebythian's body and turned the entire Highmountain around, releasing all the seals one by one.

Abyssian first sent Ulan back to the Thunder Totem, and then joined Malygos in the southern snow mountain. At this time, a Voidwalker-like monster that seemed to be magnified and ugly appeared in this snow mountain.

"I, Ugenes, am finally free! Stupid tauren, I will make you pay for..."

"hold head high!"

Before Ugennis could finish his opening lines, Malygos had already led Ebyssian to attack.

In the sky, a huge arcane magic ball wrapped in ice was falling rapidly. The Void Lord, who was still in a concave posture, felt the pressure, and raised his head stupidly to look at the sky above him. Ugennis spews searing shadow flames.


Of course, the shopping duo also heard the screams of pain resounding throughout Highmountain, and Charlemagne and Onyxia turned their heads to look to the south at the same time.

"It looks like the fight is about to start. I don't know how long that Ugainnis can last."

Onyxia covered her mouth and smiled softly, "How strong can a void lord who can be suppressed by Abyssian and the tauren be, he is only a demigod intermediate level, Malygos should be able to do so soon." Get rid of him."

As predicted by the Black Dragon Princess, about ten minutes later the whole of Highmountain heard another miserable howl, and Charlemagne shrugged and said, "It seems that this non-existent Mr. Void Lord has left the stage with a box lunch, and we will go too Find Ulan."

"Okay, master."


"That's it, this is the last pure-blood male of the Black Dragon Clan, Abby Xian."

Half an hour later, Charlemagne, who was carrying the Hammer of Kazgros, had brought the Black Dragon Prince to Wyrmrest Temple.

Including Ysera, who was just awakened from a dream by Alexstrasza, the two female dragon kings have already looked at the embarrassed Ebyssian with curious and gossipy eyes, and even Nozdormu, who has always been indifferent. He stroked his beard and smiled slightly.

Alexstrasza nodded in satisfaction after a while, "Yes, it is indeed a very pure blood of the black dragon royal family. The hope of the black dragon family depends on you... By the way, can you change your transformation form? The tauren form looks I'm not used to it."

Nozdormu also added, "The crisis in Highmountain has temporarily come to an end. From now on, you will live in the obsidian holy land of the Black Dragon clan for a long time. If something happens to the Highmountain tribe, Charlemagne will notify us as soon as possible. "

Under the watchful eyes of the bosses, Ebisian could only honestly nod in agreement, but he was more insistent on the issue of the mortal form. He said it was to commemorate Hun Gaoling who saved his life back then.

Fortunately, the dragon kings were not too entangled with this little problem, and soon with a look of anticipation, they sent the unknown Ebixian graciously to the Obsidian Holy Land in the northwest of Wyrmrest Temple.

Waiting for him in front of him will be a large group of female black dragons who were recently taken back from all over the world by the four-color dragon clan...

After sending the dragon seed into the harem, the four dragon kings gathered together again, and Charlemagne hoped that they would also witness the next action.

Under Ysera's explanation, Charlemagne and the others knew that the dream had entered the time to launch a full-scale attack on the nightmare, but they didn't know that the green druid on his head was taking the lead together with Eranikus Charge ahead.

Although the current flow of time in the Emerald Dream is still friendly to Ysera, even if the outside world passes by only one day in a year, it is difficult to relieve the anxiety in her heart in this way. Ysera still hopes to return one day sooner. into the dream.

"So Xavius ??still hasn't shown up?"

Charlemagne frowned slightly after listening to Ysera's description, "If this Nightmare King cannot be completely resolved, I am afraid that corrosion may erupt again in the future. It is best to find him out and kill him directly."

Ysera smiled wryly and said, "Malfurion and I thought the same way, but it's a pity that Xavius ??hid in the dream world for the rest of the time except for provoking Malfurion. I don't know which corner is manipulating the nightmare. We Couldn't find him at all."

Charlemagne stroked his chin and suggested thoughtfully, "Then let's lure him out. I know that guy Xavius ??has several very important obsessions."

"One of them is Malfurion. He was killed by Malfurion twice, so he must have a deep resentment against him. The other...is me and Queen Azshara."

Under Ysera's questioning gaze, Charlemagne shrugged and said, "Xavius ??always thought that he was the closest to becoming Queen Azshara's husband, but the Queen didn't think so at all, and at most regarded him as a dog." .”

Charlemagne glanced at Nozdormu, the smuggler next to him, and said with a little resentment, "Then I appeared, although my favor and Xavius' failure are not directly related, but I'm afraid I'm the only one in his heart." It is the chief culprit who hindered him from becoming the Prince of the Night Empire."

Ysera's eyes lit up, and she said first, "You mean... let you and Queen Azshara enter a dream to lure Xavius ??out of his hiding place, so we can take this opportunity to completely kill the Nightmare King?"

Charlemagne smiled and nodded and said, "That's it. The Green Dragon Army has been dragged down too much by the nightmare. Although there is no way to completely drive the three ancient gods out of the Emerald Dream, as long as they kill their vanguard general Xavius, Thinking about it, I should be able to be peaceful for a long time in the dream."

Ysera thought for a while and approved Charlemagne's plan, but it will take some time before it can be implemented. Charlemagne still has some things to deal with in the material world, and Queen Azshara needs to be kind to her first. .

But before that... Charlemagne plans to take the four dragon kings and Onyxia to the Uldaman underground palace first. Some things are best carried out under the witness of the dragon kings.

After teleporting to Ironforge, Charlemagne didn't go in to greet Magni because the four dragon kings were by his side.

And I heard from the guard at the door that Magni has been in retreat for a long time. Since the end of the Battle of Blackrock Mountain, the dwarf king has temporarily left the job of the king to the sad Brian, and he has been squatting by the big forge to create a new one. Artifact.

There are two artifacts that Magni will build this time, one of which is the Thunderfury long sword that is custom-made with materials provided by Wind Prince Sunderland.

After several months of hard work, Magni has successfully forged this giant long sword and delivered it to Sunderland. He also received some rare minerals recently collected by the Prince of Wind through his subordinates as a reward.

And now... Magni is doing his best to use the Eye of Sephiras to create his own artifact, the Warhammer, which he will use for a long time.

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