Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 528: Azeroth, rich in dutiful sons and dutiful daughters

Chapter 528 Azeroth Rich in Dutiful Sons and Dutiful Daughters


Recovering the Eagle's Claw, Charlemagne finally descended from the air, and sat down on the ground under the gaze of Varosen's complex expression. The short dozen minutes of fighting made him feel exhausted.

While being responsible for attracting Magmanda's attention, and shooting calming shots from time to time to prevent the stupid dog from going crazy, coupled with the continuous control of the vector to keep him floating, Charlemagne felt that he was responsible for the output, support and MT alone. all work.

Charlemagne, who was sweating profusely, glanced at Magmanda's body, then turned to the people who were also trimming and asked, "Who can skin it? This stupid dog's coat is so tough, maybe it can be skinned after taking it back." Make several sets of high-quality leather armor."


The pampered bosses said... peeling, what is that? Can I eat it?

Among the people present, Alleria is proficient in tailoring, Ronin and other mages also have some research on enchanting, Fandral is more interested in herbal medicine and alchemy, but skinning...

In the end, Garona shook her head helplessly and stood up, took out her divine weapon dagger and began to undress Magmanda.

While everyone was resting on the spot, Charlemagne took out a bottle of blue to shiny liquid from his bag, and under the curious gaze of the others, he walked slowly to the flame talisman that was still shining red behind Magmanda. Wen Department, carefully dropped a drop of liquid from the bottle on the rune.


The burning flame rune was immediately extinguished when it encountered this drop of blue liquid. Jaina, who is a specialist in ice spells, even immediately felt that the activity of the surrounding water elements became much stronger.

The Princess of Kul Tiras hurried to Charlemagne, looking at the bottle in his hand with bright eyes, and asked curiously on her face, "Charlemagne, what is this bottle of liquid?"

"Huh? This?"

Charlemagne raised the bottle in his hand and shook it lightly, "This is the off-site aid I mentioned earlier, the essence of water provided by the Duke of Hydraxis Water Elemental, and only with it can we destroy these things in the Molten Core." Burning runes."

"The Duke of Water Element?"

Except for Tyrande, the three Windrunner sisters, and Valeira who knew about it, everyone else had puzzled expressions.

Khadgar scratched his head lightly and asked, "When did you get involved with the water element? This water essence should be very precious, right?"

Charlemagne carefully put the bottle back into the magic backpack, and replied casually, "Of course it is very precious, and the essence of water has been stored for hundreds of years."

"If I hadn't convinced them that Ragnaros could be completely expelled from the material world this time, the water elemental duke wouldn't be able to take this thing out so easily."

In fact, Charlemagne originally wanted to contact the tide hunter Neptulon through the Duke of Hydraxis, but unfortunately he failed. Now the tide hunter is commanding the water elemental army in the deep sea and some Naga and Naga that are directly controlled by the ancient gods. The sea monsters were fighting, and they couldn't get out to see him for the time being.

However, the Duke of Hydraxis promised that as long as Charlemagne can fulfill his promise to expel Ragnaros, the water element will always regard him as his best friend and ally.

The promise of the water element is of great significance to Charlemagne and the whole world, and it will also play a positive role in his future layout. Besides, the expulsion of Ragnaros is a win-win deal. Charlemagne was originally He patted his chest and assured the Duke of Water Elemental that he would accomplish this task.

After Magmanda was settled, the cave had come to an end, and Charlemagne and the others decided to repair it for a while.

Jianna used the slightly increased activity of the water element here to create a small cool area for everyone present, and everyone squeezed into this spell-making field with revived expressions.

Fandral said with some complaints, "If it weren't for Queen Azshara and Your Excellency the Prophet not being willing to participate in the strategy, we would have pushed all the way there long ago, so there is no need for such trouble."

Charlemagne shook his head, "Don't talk about it, I think those two should have their own considerations, probably out of the idea of ??training us, now Azeroth has entered into troubled times again, in the future between the Old Gods and the Burning Legion Under attack, they are definitely not enough."

Only three of the demigods of the wilderness are alive now, and Tortola is still recovering from his injuries in a deep sleep. The Battle of Mount Hyjal also caused a lot of damage to the wolf **** Godrin, and he is currently recuperating in his temple.

Only Cenarius, the assistant hiding at the back, is still roaming the forest alive and well, but this guy, like the dragons, usually doesn't get involved in mortal affairs.

With the loss of the legacy of the Guardians of Tirisfal, Queen Azshara is the only mortal demigod left in Azeroth, and there are only two Velen brought back by Charlemagne from outer space. The catastrophe that is about to blow out is not enough.

Tyrande said with some emotion, "Demigod... What should I do if I want to get the approval of the star soul?"

Among the people present today, Charlemagne, Tyrande, Elisande, and Maiev have reached the peak of the epic, and the others are still a little behind.

Another epic peak, Aegwynn, was left by Jaina in Theramore to manage the city, and Aegwynn, who had already exceeded the age limit, had no chance to break through again.

Theoretically, it should be Tyrande and Elisande, who has been in contact with the Pillars of Creation all year round, who are expected to break through first.

But according to Velen and Azshara's explanation, the breakthrough of the demigod realm requires some opportunities in addition to hard factors such as strength. What if Maiev and Charlemagne are first seen by Star Soul?

After resting for a while, Charlemagne led the group of elites back the same way again. As expected, when the group returned to the Lava Bridge, Varian and the others had already arrived at the Molten Heart. There are still some shattered cores of the fire element around.

Charlemagne waved his hand to greet them and said, "It's coming soon, how are Dagran and Moira going?"

When this question was mentioned, Magni's face immediately darkened, "That unfilial girl! She said that she voluntarily became the Black Iron Queen. After I killed Dagran, she actually madly expressed that she wanted to sever ties with me. I ..."

Varian reached out and patted Magni on the shoulder, signaling him to calm down. The dwarf king gasped heavily, trying to calm down the anger in his heart.

"In short, I have nothing to do with her from now on! What she likes to do has nothing to do with me!"

Charlemagne shook his head helplessly, then changed the topic knowingly and began to ask about the arrangement of the alliance army.

Gelbin, who was driving a specially equipped steam mecha, was the first to answer with the sharp voice unique to dwarves, "We have sent most of the army back, leaving only a small number of troops to guard the entrance of the Molten Core."

Varian also nodded and said, "Although Moira promised that the Dark Iron Dwarves will not stop our crusade against Ragnaros, we still need to take the necessary precautions. After all, the Dark Iron Dwarves are famous for their cunning."

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