Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 523: The old driver never gets lost

Chapter 523 The old driver never gets lost

"Oh! Who dares to attack..."

Suddenly hit by a massive object, Nefarian turned over in the air a few times unsteadily. After finally stabilizing his posture, he was about to get angry when he suddenly saw the figure sneaking up on him in front of him.

"Onyxia?! I thought your mission failed and you were dead. What are you doing now? Why are you attacking me like crazy?"


Onyxia happily let out the muffled laughter unique to giant dragons, and at the same time launched a ferocious attack on her brother without mercy.

"I don't die so easily. I live a much better life than you now. I don't have to worry about the threat of that lunatic father, and I don't have to be bound by tasks. I can enjoy life every day, eat well and live well. How can I be a coward like you! Still immersed in that Hiding here in the shadow of a lunatic and doing research tremblingly!"

While dodging the continuous attacks of his sister's claws in embarrassment, Nefarian shouted angrily, "Are you crazy! You should know what will happen if you go against your father's will. Have you forgotten the tragic experience of your mother? "

Speaking of her mother who loved her since she was a child, Onyxia's huge longan gradually began to congeal. She brewed a deep breath at the fastest speed and sprayed it towards Nefarian. When the other party also sprayed out shadow flames to resist, Accelerate the flight speed and hit the elder brother directly again.

"You still have the nerve to mention your mother! Have you forgotten how that lunatic treated the three of us?!"

Taking advantage of the two huge dragons entangled with each other while firing their mouths above, Varian immediately ordered the large army to pass through the dangerous-looking iron cable.

It just so happened that the tribe also took advantage of the time when the alliance captured the gate and fought against the black dragon to enter the Blackstone Mountain. Seeing that the alliance had begun to pass the chain bridge, Goyle also ordered the tribe to follow the pledged troops to march to the upper Blackstone Tower. .

Leaving aside the Horde side, the Alliance army, led by Varian, Magni, and Gelbin, marched down the spiral mountain passage all the way, except for sporadic Dark Iron Dwarves. Did not encounter large forces.

As for the dark iron dwarf soul standing on the stage on the road... just ignore him.

Magni frowned and said, "It seems that the group of black iron dwarves are determined to fight us in Blackrock Abyss. Except for some scouts, there is no decent resistance on the periphery."

Charlemagne shrugged, "Isn't this a matter of course? The 30,000 troops assembled by the three countries of the Alliance have clearly exceeded the upper limit that the Black Iron Dwarves can handle. They will definitely want to fight more in their home court."

"Besides, Blackstone Abyss still has the help of their master Fire Element. No matter how you think about it, it is much more meaningful than being pushed by the alliance stupidly outside."

When the large alliance troops came to the rock mill at the bottom of the Black Rock Mountain vigilantly, they finally found a large-scale army here, but the main force of this army was not the Black Iron Dwarf, but was captured by them to mine here. Slaves of all races.

Driven by the whips of the Black Iron Overseers, these slaves in tattered clothes tremblingly made a desperate charge towards the solid alliance army with their pickaxes in hand.

However, there was no such thing as Uzuki. The Black Iron Supervisors slipped back while the slaves rushed up. Presumably, they themselves did not think that these slaves could pose too much threat to the alliance army.

Looking at these poor guys, Magni became more and more angry in his heart. Before the slave army rushed to the front, the dwarf king took the lead in launching the gods to descend, jumped in front of the army, and violently used his hands The hammer hit the ground.

This shock wave-like huge impact made the slave soldiers suddenly unsteady on their feet, and the originally barely unified charge formation suddenly became overwhelmed, and the courage that had just been gathered disappeared immediately with Magni's mighty blow. do.

Seeing that the scene was subdued, Magni yelled at the group of slaves while the iron was hot, "Listen! You are all free, and the Dark Iron dwarves who enslaved you will completely decline from today onwards. Go home and return to your own lives. Bar!"

The slaves looked at each other for a while, they were gradually numb and couldn't react to Magni's words.

But when a few slaves who had been enslaved for the shortest time were the first to run out crying, in line with the idea of ??following the crowd, the more than a thousand slaves in front of them immediately dispersed and swarmed out without order.


Magni snorted coldly after withdrawing his transformation, "That brat Dagran wants to use such dirty means to stop us, and he doesn't take the alliance too seriously."

Alleria looked at those slaves who ran wildly and were disheveled, and said with some emotion, "Although I heard that the black iron dwarf is a rare conspirator among the three dwarf clans, I didn't expect them to be so cruel. Use slaves."

Bryan sighed softly, "The Dark Iron Dwarves have been the upper-middle class of the dwarf clan since the time of Anvilmar, the king of the mountain. After accepting Ragnaros's enslavement, they passed on the pain of enslavement even more. The poor man who was caught by them, their path has completely gone astray."

After driving away these poor slaves, Magni and the others led the large army to the entrance of the Black Rock Abyss through the masonry area in the direction in which the Black Iron Supervisors fled just now.

The structure of this city built inside the mountain is quite complicated. When Charlemagne and his friends first came to Blackstone Abyss in the previous life...like most people, they were completely lost in this huge city.

But after countless times of running corpses and going the wrong way, although he dare not say that he can walk with his eyes closed, he basically knows the structure of the city by heart.

Combined with the map that the members of the Hidden Passage spent years making painstakingly, the coalition forces now have a basic understanding of the various areas of the city.

Looking at the intricate map in front of him, Magni obviously felt a little dizzy, "Forget it, Charlemagne, tell us how to go, we just follow you."

Varian and Gelbin also nodded hastily, and even Azshara and the ancient oath elite who had been silently following behind all turned their eyes to him.

Charlemagne rolled his eyes helplessly. Although he felt a little speechless about the group of outreachers, he also knew how complicated the capital of the Black Iron Dwarf was, so he took over the command very simply.

"Then let's turn left first and enter the Eastern Barracks. The confinement room on the right is of no value. Be careful, there must be a lot of Dark Iron Dwarves in the barracks."

Sure enough, as soon as the large army of the alliance followed Charlemagne to the first floor of the Eastern Barracks, hordes of black iron dwarves couldn't wait to come here from all directions.

The small gate leading to the Eastern Barracks is very...delicate, and at most two people can pass through at the same time, which instead provides a convenience for the coalition forces.

Liadrin raised the Guardian of Truth to the front, and Jarod hurriedly took the Scale of the Guardian of the Earth from Charlemagne and pushed it up helplessly.

The mages behind the two meat shields immediately let go of their hands and feet and carried out a brutal attack on the black iron dwarves in the barracks. What range spells such as blizzard, flame storm, and arcane barrage were passed by them as if they were free of money. Delin and Jarod are released indoors.

Not long after... the entire first floor of the barracks was completely quiet.

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