Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 508: Actually missed one!

Chapter 508 actually missed one!

The inexplicable Charlemagne asked Magni many times what was the matter, but the dwarf king remained silent and was unwilling to continue talking about this topic.

In desperation, Charlemagne had no choice but to give up continuing to ask, and changed the subject, "Then, according to your tone, is there any other war in the Eastern Continent?"

Hearing that Charlemagne finally gave up on the pursuit, Magni breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly followed up his topic, "Yes, new changes have taken place in the northern battlefield. This incident happened very strangely."


Charlemagne and Cirvanas looked puzzled, they looked at each other, and Charlemagne continued to ask, "Did something happen in the north?"

‘Isn’t it referring to our riot in Hearthglen…’

Magni observed the faces of the two, sighed and said, "It seems that you don't know yet, Ashbringer Alexandros Mograine was killed when he attacked Andorhal, and even his body and None of the weapons were snatched back by the Scarlet Crusade."

The two Charlemagne were stunned for a few seconds when they heard the news, "Huh?!"

Cirvanas frowned and asked, "What's going on? We've been traveling in the Eastern Plaguelands before coming to Dun Morogh. Why haven't we heard about this at all?"

Magni looked a little sad. Back then, Ashbringer was a masterpiece of his life created by himself. Now that people and weapons disappeared at the same time, Magni naturally felt uncomfortable.

"This matter has been temporarily blocked by high-level officials in various countries. It is not surprising that you did not hear the news during the trip, mainly because Alexandros' death was very strange."

Charlemagne's face moved, and he asked solemnly, "What's so strange?"

"According to his eldest son Renault's report, his father died after being betrayed by Scarlet Prosecutor Fairbanks, but Fairbanks has mysteriously disappeared, and even the body cannot be found. Some soldiers say that Raynor betrayed his father."

Magni shook his head helplessly, "This matter has already caused great controversy in Lordaeron, and in addition to the inexplicable turmoil in Hearthglen, the former Silver Hand prosecutor Ethan Leon died, and Carrie Queen Asia was furious and ordered the two news to be completely blocked."

Charlemagne frowned and murmured, "What's the matter? Logically speaking, all the dreadlords are dead, and Saidan is also in the royal city of Lordaeron. It should be impossible for Mograine to die. Why does history still happen?" Similar events in ? '

If Charlemagne's predictions are correct, it should be Renault, the rebellious son who was forbidden by his father to develop a relationship with his step-sister, rebounded and killed his father with his own hands under the temptation of a certain existence. The unlucky Fairbanks just Because he witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he was imprisoned by Renault.

Afterwards, Renault will probably flee into the Scarlet Monastery with Mograine's adopted daughter, Sally Whitemane. From then on, the two will be called dogs and men.

Then Charlemagne confirmed the news from Magni, that Raynor and Sally did retreat into the cathedral of the Scarlet Monastery after the incident happened.

However, unlike their nourishing life in the original history, even though they hid in the monastery, the couple still faced the persecution of the Scarlet Mage Duane and the Scarlet Warrior Herold every day, and they were always in a state of high mental tension.

Charlemagne doesn't care about Renault's father-killing and son-killing fate. Death is his only ending. The key lies in how this happened.

'Think about it again. There were five Dreadlords sent by Kil'jaeden to monitor Ner'zhul. Deserocco, Varimathras, and Balnazar were almost certain to die in Los Angeles. Dan Lun. '

‘Tichondrius was killed by Illidan. Under the influence of fel energy, it shouldn’t be fake, so the only possibility is... Mal’Ganis, right? '

Charlemagne vaguely remembered that the guy who escaped from Alsace's feigned death seemed to have disguised himself as Scarlet Admiral Barry Weswin afterwards, and had been tempting Abedis' daughter Bridget to fall since then.

Charlemagne's eyes flashed brightly, that is to say, Mal'Ganis gave up his original plan and found an opportunity to infiltrate Lordaeron's high-level executives to make trouble? So who is more suspected? '

Saidan Dathrohan did not chase natural disasters alone like in history. His possibility is not high. Queen Calia has always been under the protection of Alonsus Faol, and it is also unlikely.

Fao has no chance at all. That guy in Xalatas is not a freelancer, but with her bad taste, she probably has already discovered the identity of the Dreadlord, but she just deliberately pretended not to know and hid aside to watch the fun.

Among the remaining senior executives, the dead Mograine and Iselion can be ruled out, and the soft guy Renault is also impossible, which means that the most likely one is...


Magni was startled when he heard Charlemagne shout out the name with a cold look in his eyes, "Garythers? What's wrong with him?"

Charlemagne hammered the table heavily. He felt very self-reproached and annoyed at his omission, and said with a sullen face, "Garithus, there is something wrong with this guy. I'm afraid he's not the real Garithus at all. He's sitting in Hearthglen now. This guy should have been transformed by the Dreadlord, and Mograine's death has nothing to do with him."

Magni frowned tightly after listening to Charlemagne's analysis, "Charlemagne, it's not that I don't believe you, but your thoughts are all guesswork, and it's impossible to get him to plead guilty. As far as the scandal of Lordaeron's high-level officials, it would be terrible if they got it wrong."

Lordaeron, which has just been re-established, is still very fragile. It is really hard to say what the outcome will be if another oolong rebellion happens when people are panicked.


Cirvanas smacked her lips in displeasure, "I knew I should have killed him in Quel'Thalas with a single arrow. It's too dangerous for a dreadlord who is good at demagoguery to lurk in the upper echelons of Lordaeron. If he wants to subvert Lordaeron, it is not impossible to turn this country back into the land of the dead."

"It's not that easy." Charlemagne shook his head, "The identity of Garithos has not yet been fully recognized by Queen Calia, and Lordaeron's high-level officials will definitely guard against him, but it will be difficult to say if it continues. .”

Magni said with an irritable expression, "It's no wonder that guy Garithos has been running to the King City of Lordaeron recently. I thought he was sincerely repenting and wanted to gradually return the military power. I didn't expect that he would have replaced him long ago."

"Da da…"

Charlemagne tapped the table with his right index finger lightly, lowered his head slightly and rolled his eyes to start thinking about countermeasures.

"In this way, Magni, don't inform the royal family of Lordaeron first, but pass the news to Baron Tyrosus of the Holy Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands, and let him inform Tirion to prepare. I am afraid we can only rely on The Argent Dawn of Eastern Plaguelands has come to deal with Garithos."

Magni slapped the table in surprise and stood up and asked, "Tirion?! That old guy is still alive?"

"Well, and he has a feud with Mal'Ganis. You told him that Mal'Ganis was behind everything that happened to Tyran. He will definitely use the influence of his first generation of paladins to call for a crusade against the large army."

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