Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 503: love and family

Chapter 503 Love and Family

If you want to secretly sneak into the heavily guarded Hearth Valley, you will definitely not be able to swagger through the main road.

According to the route provided by Tirion's repeated attempts to infiltrate, Charlemagne went all the way from the upper reaches of the Sodoril River into the mountains, quietly bypassed the sentry tower in front of the gate of Hearth Valley, and came to the east side of the fortress when night fell. By the city wall.

Charlemagne stroked his chin and looked at the defenses on the city wall. "Sure enough, the defense is very tight. There are several scouts with strong bows patrolling each section of the city wall. It is impossible to sneak in without disturbing one person." '

Fortunately, after reaching the peak of the epic, Charlemagne has been able to control the vector to form a wind force around his body and push himself into the sky to fly freely. If it is in the daytime, such a conspicuous figure passing through the sky will definitely cause alertness, but at night...

In this age when only torches can be relied on at night, it is basically impossible to photograph Charlemagne's figure in the sky.


With the sharp sound of a gust of wind, Charlemagne had quietly ascended to the sky, and the sound aroused the vigilance of the scouts on the city wall. Unfortunately, they looked at the forest in front of them for a long time but could not find anything. At this time, Charlemagne had already He has sneaked over the city wall from the air and entered the interior of Hearth Valley.

Since the main entrance of the castle in Hearthglen was also guarded by a large number of troops, he simply landed directly on the outer wall of the third floor of the castle, and the defense here was relatively weak.

Under the premise of eliminating the landing vector, he did not arouse anyone's vigilance, and quietly fell into the blind spot of the two guards. At this position, the torches of the two guards happened to be unable to shine on him.

In order to distract the guard blocking the door, Charlemagne took out a stone that he had prepared earlier from his bag, and threw it towards the top of the outer wall with extremely fast hand speed.



The sound of the stones obviously attracted the attention of the two guards. While they turned their heads, Charlemagne slipped into the castle with oil on his feet.

'Phew...he finally came in, let's slowly go down to the second floor to find Tailan. '

It's almost 8 o'clock in the evening. Tailan should not be asleep yet. You should be able to find him in the lord's office on the second floor. The key lies in the guards guarding the lord's hall.

This section of the road made Charlemagne trembling a little. The wooden stairs might creak if they stepped on them carelessly. He could only carefully eliminate the vector generated by his feet, and at the same time avoid the patrolling guards along the way. Slowly arrived at the door of the lord's hall on the second floor.

Sure enough, as he thought, perhaps Isenlien and Garithers were not at ease with this upright Lord of Hearthglen. Thirteen guards stood around the entire hall, guarding him in the name of protection just like tin cans. Beside Tyran.

'Hmph, the next thing we can do is to break in. These guards should be loyalists of Garithers and Isenlien, so just kill them. '

Charlemagne took off Solidar from his body with light movements, and slowly drew the bowstring to the full, five energy arrows appeared on the bow arms at the same time, and shot out without making any sound under the gaze of Charlemagne's sharp eyes .




The five people who were shot in the neck did not make a loud noise, and stretched out their hands in pain to grab their necks and fell down slowly.

"Kang Dang!"

The sound of the armor falling attracted the attention of other guards around, and Charlemagne was staring at a man wearing the captain's armor.

Sure enough, after seeing these dead guards on the ground, the squad leader's face changed and he was about to shout loudly, but the second round of arrows shot by Charlemagne quickly patronized the other five people, one of whom was this The squad leader who intends to command loudly.

"Ho **** ho..."

The squad leader who was hit by the arrow was still making a hoarse voice, as if he wanted to give a final order to his companions around him before he died, but unfortunately, he was completely unable to make a sound after being precisely destroyed by Charlemagne, and in the end he could only be unwilling fell to the ground and died.

When the last three panicked guards were also quietly killed by Charlemagne from outside the hall, Tailan slowly pulled out a thick two-handed epee from behind and asked in a deep voice, "Which one is here, Can you show up so I can take a look?"

The process of Charlemagne shooting and killing 13 guards was quite long, but in fact, less than two seconds had passed since he launched the attack. Such an efficient killing made Tai Lan feel a little scared.

Being able to sneak into the castle without making a sound and kill all his guards in a very short time, the opponent must be a top bow and sneak master. He is only a peak hero and he is really not sure.

"Hehe, Lord Tyran Fording, please take it easy. I have no ill intentions towards you. Killing them is just to provide a space for our conversation not to be monitored."

Following the sound of this unnerved voice, under the gaze of Tyrande, a man wearing a blue hood swaggered in from outside the door. The shape clearly shows his race.

Gripping the two-handed sword tightly, Tailan, who was dripping with sweat in his palm, had a look of surprise in his eyes, "High elf? With your strength, you shouldn't be an unknown person in Quells, right?"

Charlemagne put down his hood, exposing his handsome face with a scar in front of Tailan's eyes, with a confident smile on his face, as if he didn't care about the guards who might come around at any time.

"The Duke of Quel'Thalas, Charlemagne Theron, came quietly this time because he was entrusted by the deceased, and he has a few things to hand over to Lord Fording."

Taylan was startled when he heard the other party's words. Charlemagne's reputation had spread throughout the continent since the Second Orc War. Of course, Tailan had heard of this powerful High Elf Grand Duke.

"It's a great honor to meet the Duke, but can your excellency explain to me what's happening now? Otherwise, I will protest Quells through official channels."

Taylan's neither humble nor overbearing attitude made Charlemagne's eyes flash with admiration, "To make a long story short, you will know it after reading these things."


Charlemagne walked up to Tyran and put the package that Tirion packed and handed to him on the desk in the lord's hall.

"Please hurry up. Although I believe you will make the right choice, a prolonged period of time will inevitably arouse the vigilance of others."

Tai Lan felt that the grand duke did not seem to have any malice towards him. With a puzzled expression, he put the two-handed sword back into the scabbard behind him, and quickly walked to the desk to open the package. The first thing that caught his eye was The mini warhammer that he missed so much.

"This... this is! Where did you get this warhammer? And this flag, which I once threw away with my own hands! This painting..."

Taylan's hand holding the picture frame began to tremble slightly, and Charlemagne could tell that he was trying to control his emotions.

Charlemagne chuckled and said, "These three items were all given to me by the same person, your father, Tirion Fordring."

Thanks to the book friends "香·Remnant Soul" and "Ye丨灬 Qinghuan" for their support.

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