Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 488: Tyrande: Sorry to bother you

Chapter 488 Tyrande: Sorry to bother you

When Charlemagne walked out of the portal with Alleria and the others, they were already surrounded by green plants. This was Darnassus, which Charlemagne desperately didn't want to come to.

At this time, the ceremony at the Howling Oak is about to begin, and the greetings of the leaders of the allied countries should continue for a while. Charlemagne does not intend to bump into Tyrande foolishly.

"Aurelia, take them there. If Queen Azshara asks about my whereabouts, tell her that I'm wandering around Darnassus. Anyway, I have nothing to do with today's leader signing ceremony."

Aurelia shook her head helplessly when she saw Charlemagne's unmotivated look, "Okay, but it's not a good idea for you to keep hiding from the High Priest of Whispering Wind, or..."

"Don't talk!"

Charlemagne's attitude is very firm: "I still want to live with you for thousands of years, there is no need to talk about this matter, you go, don't worry about me."

Valeira wrinkled her little nose, and she pulled Alleria towards the Cenarion area, "Let's go, Sister Alleria, let this shrinking turtle keep hiding, one day he will It's revealing."

Charlemagne responded indifferently, "Let's talk about it when the day comes."

After Alleria and the others left, a certain bored Duke simply took out his fishing rod and sat on the edge of the temple garden to catch fish. The passing people looked at this high elf with strange behavior.

Today is an important day for the official conclusion of the covenant. They didn't understand why there would be foreigners sitting here leisurely fishing.


Charlemagne seemed to be busy with endless work all day long. Only when he was free did he notice the feeling of exhaustion from his body. He couldn't help but yawned. As for the fish... he didn't expect to catch it.

"Oh! The high elves are really lazy, the important duke actually sneaked here to fish on this important signing day, really..."


The familiar voice from behind made Charlemagne tighten his neck reflexively, and he knew who the mocking person was without looking back.

Charlemagne rolled his eyes, turned around with a flattering face and asked with a smile, "Well, why is the High Priest of Whispering Wind here free? Shouldn't you communicate with other leaders at the ceremony?"


Tyrande, who was riding on the snow-white nightsaber, withdrew his contemptuous gaze at Charlemagne, and said with a cold snort, "I'm not interested in this formulaic ceremony, just leave it to Fandral, but you don't need to help Is your king entertaining?"

"Ah, actually..."


Just as Charlemagne scratched his head and apologized and tried to explain, a graceful figure suddenly teleported to the two of them.

Jianna hurriedly said, "Sorry, I'm late... High Priest of Whisperwind?"

Tyrande's eyes looked at Charlemagne and Jaina, and it took a few seconds before he showed a clear but mocking smile.

"So that's how it is. I'm just confused. Please continue, both of you."


Looking at Tyrande leaving on the night saber, Charlemagne and Jaina were full of question marks. For a long time, Charlemagne didn't want to understand what Tyrande meant, so he simply interrupted Jaina's thoughts with "Forget it!" Now, leave her alone, this guy has never been able to understand the atmosphere since before, and often burst out some strange words inappropriately."

"Huh? Charlemagne, have you known the high priest of Tongfeng for many years?"

Jianna heard Duke Theron's familiar tone, and turned her head with some doubts to ask her own question.

"Eh...not at all."

Charlemagne scratched his head, saw Jaina's curious eyes, and changed the subject very simply, "Forget it, this is not important, let's get down to business, how is the tribe going?"

Talking about business, Jaina quickly straightened her face, "The Great Chief Goel has ordered the Warsong clan to withdraw from Ashenvale, and I have also told him about the situation of the Blackrock orcs."

"He agreed to cooperate with the alliance and the oath when he attacked Black Rock Mountain, but he asked the oath to be responsible for opening the portal and sending the tribe's army to the destination. After all, there is no arcanist in the tribe who can open the portal."

Hearing this, the corner of Charlemagne's mouth curved. He keenly noticed that what Goyle said was only to send them there, but did not mention the issue of going back. "Not now, maybe later."

Jaina didn't understand what he said, and Charlemagne didn't think about explaining her guess to her now. Seeing the puzzled expression on the face of the princess of Kul Tiras, Charlemagne snapped her fingers. woke up.

"Okay, don't worry about this issue for now. It's no problem to transport the Horde to the eastern continent. Dalaran and Quel'Thalas will take care of this work. Thank you for your hard work."

Jaina, as the lord of Theramore, today's signing ceremony is inseparable from her. After reporting her work, she hurried to the venue. After sending Jaina away, Charlemagne continued to pretend to be fishing and began to think about receiving it. down plan.

However, when the three Windrunner sisters left the banquet hall to find him, the Duke of Quel'Thalas had already fallen asleep leaning against a big tree with a fishing rod in his arms.

Aurelia looked at her boyfriend amusedly and distressedly, "Charlemagne has been too busy these past few years, and he doesn't know how to cherish his body at all."

Cirvanas said appreciatively, "This is the man I value. No matter how lazy he is usually, once he has something important to do, his sense of mission will drive him to fulfill his responsibilities."

Vereesa curled her lips and read quietly, "Obviously it was forcibly snatched from the elder sister..."

"Huh? You said it as if you didn't **** it."

"Eh... I didn't say anything, second sister, you got it wrong."

In order not to wake Charlemagne, the three sisters simply took out a fishing rod and sat beside him and started fishing, but seeing how they looked back every three seconds, no one would care whether they caught a fish or not.


After more than an hour, Charlemagne's fishing rod, which had already eaten all the bait by the fish, suddenly shook, and there was a rattling sound on the water.

Vereesa looked at Charlemagne who had just woken up and was scrambling to reel up the line with a dazed expression, "Is this okay? Fishing in a dream?"

Of course, there is no such beautiful thing in the world. In the end, what Charlemagne pulled up was a heavy rotten log soaked in water. It should have hit his fishhook while floating in the water.

"Tch! Even a piece of broken wood can disturb people's dreams."

Charlemagne put down his fishing rod angrily, only then did he find the three Aurelia beside him.

"Eh... When did you guys come? Why didn't you wake me up?"

Aurelia gently helped Charlemagne pick off the fallen leaves from his head, "I've been here for a while, I don't want to disturb you since you are sleeping soundly."


Charlemagne stood up, stretched his body, and immediately felt refreshed. "I slept well this time. How is the ceremony? Nothing went wrong, right?"

Cirvanas leaned against the big tree beside him and said with a bored face, "What could go wrong is nothing more than everyone signing the covenant with formulaic expressions. There is nothing worth paying attention to at all."

But just after she finished speaking, the three Shadow Leopards, who were lying quietly at Vereesa's feet, moved their ears at the same time, raised their heads and looked towards the direction from the temple garden to the Cenarion area. The little girl Valela was in a hurry Come here in a hurry.

"Charlemagne! There is an emergency. Lor'themar sent someone to bring it from the country. It is the information sent back by sister Emeril."

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