Chapter 482 Pointing the country

Duke Theron's words made the big bosses of the night elves sit upright and listened intently to what he said next.

Azshara's eyes were also full of splendor. Although she had heard about Charlemagne's strategic goals before, Azshara still felt a little sorry to see this confident high elf in front of her.

"Unfortunately, it would be great if he is really my direct minister, Kael'thas Sunstrider. Although this Sun King is also a wise king, it is a pity that his policy is slightly conservative. If Charlemagne is handed over to me, the whole of Ai will be unified." Xerath shouldn't take many years! '

Charlemagne didn't notice Azshara's sight, and he continued to make gestures in the northern part of the Kalimdor continent.

"Although the night elves have temporarily reached a settlement agreement with the orcs after various mediations, most of them have now moved to the Azshara area to cut trees, but...the Warsong lumberyard has not been dismantled yet, right?"

As the military leader, Garald nodded, "Yes, we have protested to Chief Goel many times, but every time he used the excuse that the Warsong clan was disobedient and unwilling to withdraw from the Ashenvale area. Let's go, we can't send troops to drive them out."

Charlemagne smiled knowingly, "It's no wonder that the trees in Azshara are far inferior to Ashenvale in terms of quantity and quality. The Warsong clan is indeed the most difficult clan to manage, but their chief dead, it would be pure nonsense to say that Goyle can't control them at all."

He reached out and tapped heavily in the southern part of Ashenvale, "Actually, the tribe covets the large amount of high-quality wood in Ashenvale, and is unwilling to give up this area. Chief Goel deliberately turned a blind eye to their actions, but If they are allowed to continue stationing, I am afraid that sooner or later there will be a frontal conflict between the two of you."

This is not Charlemagne talking nonsense. Later generations of Silver Wing Sentinels and Warsong Orcs fought around Warsong Gulch for many years. It was not until Brain Roar completely flattened half of Ashenvale that the local conflicts between the two sides for many years came to an end.

But this guy who was full of war didn't last long. After the siege of Orgrimmar, the orcs who were the main body of the tribe suffered extremely heavy losses. The elves were driven out of Ashenvale entirely.

Charlemagne's words made the four big night elves present frown. Now that the night elves have moved to the new capital and are waiting to do everything, it is really not the best time to start a war with the orcs.

Charlemagne took advantage of the blacksmith and said, "So, the night elves also need allies. There are two options, either join the alliance with humans as the main body, or...join a newly established neutral organization."

"Once the night elves express their position and sign a covenant with their new allies, the Horde will not be able to risk offending two major organizations at the same time and continue to make small moves in Ashenvale. It is only a matter of time before they withdraw."

Goyle is not an idiot. He has been educated by Orgrim elites for many years and he is very clear about the principle of cooperation. Offending a third-party neutral force while being hostile to the alliance is the right way to die.

If the two sides really make an agreement to destroy the Horde, the night elves and tauren alone will be enough for them to drink a pot, let alone the alliance soldiers who crossed the sea. With the bridgehead of the northern castle, marching into Durotar should not be too easy .

Now the balance of power between the Alliance and the Horde is obviously unbalanced. The Alliance occupies almost the entire eastern continent. Although there are still some minor problems within each country, it will really lead to the Alliance's overall expedition and only occupy a small part of Kalimdor. The Horde is hard to stop.

"Recently, I heard that the Horde is sending people to contact the wild boar and the Kokar centaur clan who fled to the Barrens. According to the news from Jaina, the Horde has even reached the Thousand Needles in the south and the Galak centaur. Some connections."

"If Goel successfully wins them over, the tribe's power in central Kalimdor will also expand dramatically. To make matters worse, they can even connect to Desolace through the two tribes of centaurs."

"If the tauren and night elves fight independently... Once the centaur and the tribe break through Stonetalon Mountain, the night elves' territory in Feralas may even be in danger of being cut off and surrounded."

Charlemagne's speculation is not entirely unreasonable. Although Goyle has not yet contacted the centaur clan in Desolace, if Charlemagne sits as the chief of the tribe, he will definitely take this step.

At that time, the tribe will completely surround Feralas through Desolace and Thousand Needles. Although the night elves can get supplies and support from the sea, this supply line is too long. Once the tribe sets up a stronghold in Desolace With the development of the navy, the entire Feralas is in danger of falling.

Charlemagne smiled slightly when he saw the worried expressions on the faces of the Big Four, and continued to draw a circle in the areas of Stonetalon Mountain and Feralas.

"Conversely, if the night elves and the tauren formally form an alliance, the two sides agree to send troops from Stonetalon Mountain and Feralas at the same time to completely wipe out the centaurs in Desolace, and the north and south passages of the night elves will be completely opened up, and the areas that need to be defended Only Thousand Needles to the east is left."

"Combined with the fact that Theramore, who is scheduled to join the new organization, is holding back in Dustwallow Marsh, the situation of the night elves will be clearer, right?"

Garrod's gaze moved with Charlemagne's fingers swiping on the map, and this genius commander gradually sorted out his thoughts in his mind.

"I see. I have considered opening up the land route to Desolace before, but considering the mobility of the centaur and whether the tauren will cooperate has been unresolved. If I can really join this new neutral organization, the first thing is to Take back Desolace before the Horde and the centaurs form an alliance."

Garrod raised his hand and said, "Although I still can't fully believe in Queen Azshara, she is indeed the only one who has the prestige to connect the elf branch races together. I agree with the alliance."

There was an intoxicating smile on Azshara's face, she sat on the chair and nodded the area of ??Desolace and said, "If you want to attack Desolace, my Naga can help you, Desolace is vast There are quite a few naga living on the coastline, and I can mobilize them to join the attack on the centaur."

Fandral bowed his head and thought for a while, then turned to Malfurion and said, "Master, I also agree to join this newly established organization. If Desolace is taken down, we can start to restore the ecology of this land, and Getting a supply route to Feralas is also really important."

After hearing the opinions of the two, Malfurion nodded in agreement, "In principle, I also agree. The meaningless struggle with the orcs should also be brought to an end."

The three big bosses all agreed, and now only Tyrande, who represents the priest system, remains, and everyone in the room turned their attention to the High Priest of Elune at the same time.

Thanks to book friends "Crazy Deer", "Pale and Dead", "BlackHarvest", "Book Friends 20171001002352510", "Silver Destruction", "Assassination with the Wind", "wz316", "Little White Bear Without Limits", "Impulsive Potatoes" and "Nockcount" for their support .

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