Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 479: devil’s temptation

Chapter 479 Temptation of the devil

'come yet…'

Charlemagne's heart tightened, and he tentatively asked, "Her Majesty, can you listen to me?"

Azshara nodded and agreed without hesitation, "Tell me, I still trust you."

"Yes, Quel'Thalas has a different system from the Suramar city-state structure. It is a sovereign country that has been independent for thousands of years. It is not realistic to want to completely surrender it... With all due respect."


Azshara leaned on the armrest of the throne with her right hand, put her cheek with one hand and asked with interest, "It makes sense, a sovereign country cannot be easily surrendered except through war, but I don't want to make a mess among the elves. Internal friction, how do you say I should subdue your motherland?"

Charlemagne had already prepared for this, and put forward a suggestion, "It's better to let Quel'Thalas accept the Queen's jurisdiction in name in the form of a franchise country. Same as Quel'Thalas."

Azshara saw that Charlemagne still hadn't finished speaking, and raised her chin slightly to signal him, "Continue."

Charlemagne nodded, "The same method can be applied to the night elves. It may be very difficult to subjugate this race with a huge population, not to mention that their high-level leaders still have deep prejudices against the high elves."

"Further divergent thinking, such as tauren and draenei and other relatively close races can also join in. In name, Her Majesty is the leader, but in fact they are not subordinate to each other."

"This new alliance organization is different from the alliance and the tribe. As an absolutely neutral force, it can even control the scale of internal friction between the alliance and the tribe to a certain extent, and devote more energy to fighting against foreign enemies. "

Azshara smiled more and more as she listened. When Charlemagne finally finished speaking, she stood up from the throne and walked to Charlemagne, gently stretching out her slender fingers and lifting his chin.

"I really want you..."


Seeing Charlemagne's bewildered look, Azshara couldn't help but let out a coquettish laugh, "Don't get me wrong, there is no deep meaning, I just want you to be my direct minister, if you are so capable The subordinates should be able to speed up my reconquest of the world, but unfortunately..."

Charlemagne heaved a sigh of relief while shaking his head and refused, "I'm sorry, I am the Duke of Quel'Thalas after all, and I can't pass the Sun King directly under your Queen's command, but as long as it doesn't involve conflicts between the two countries, I am willing to provide some reference and help for your Majesty at any time."

Azshara let go of Charlemagne and walked back to the throne to sit down, and said with a meaningful smile on her face, "Then it's done, and I will tell you this directly when I visit Quel'Thalas later." The Sun King announced, but..."

"Isn't it a strange feeling to be under the descendants of Dath'Remar who bowed to you before? Have you never thought of becoming a king?"


Charlemagne was startled by Azshara's astonishing words, he froze for a few seconds before shaking his head and said, "No, His Majesty Kael'thas has always trusted me, and the former king Anasterian also knew me well." Well, I can't..."

Azshara interrupted Charlemagne, staring straight at him with golden eyes and asked, "I'm not asking if you dare, I'm just asking if you have this idea. It's inconvenient to do things if someone is hindering you?"

Charlemagne sighed and said, "Your Majesty, please don't make fun of me. I am very satisfied with my life now. At least now I have absolutely no intention of usurping the throne."

"Hmph? In other words, if the current Sun King dies, if the successor doesn't get along with you, you still have this idea, right?"


Charlemagne really couldn't answer this question. Since elves have a long lifespan, he had never considered what would happen to Quel'Thalas after Kael'thas' death. The provocative words made him feel terrified.

‘Given the high death rate of the king of Azeroth, this possibility is not completely impossible. Then who will inherit the throne? '

'Leanda? Although she belongs to the royal family, she does not have the right to inherit, unless the direct line of Kael'thas is cut off...'

'Eh... It seems that Kael'thas really has no heirs, but will Liane really be able to take on this important task when she arrives? '

Charlemagne and Lianda have also had a lot of contact. Although this cousin of Kael'thas is not a mediocre person, she is not an amazing talent. The talent for arcane art is the same, and the same is true for governing the country...or even worse. .

I heard that when she was the head of the Royal Arcane Academy, she had some disputes with her subordinates. It was because of this that Lianda was transferred by Kael'thas to the Riding Sun as the captain.

Thinking of this, Charlemagne couldn't help scratching his head in annoyance. Apart from Lianda, the royal family didn't have any offshoot members at all. The Sunstrider family has always been thin, and the Kael'thas generation only had cousins. two people.

Azshara couldn't help but smile happily when she saw the troubled look. Obviously, her inducement was intentional. If Charlemagne could take over the position, it would undoubtedly be of great benefit to her. After all, this valet can be regarded as relatively Familiar with him, Azshara, who is a genius in the sky, has already seen him through.

Low ambition, easy to be satisfied, honest and non-partisan, and outstanding ability, this kind of people are usually the favorite subordinates of kings.

Azshara, who has a keen sense of politics, has already seen from Charlemagne's description of Quel'Thalas the hidden dangers of this country...or the royal family of the Sunstrider. The population is thin, and talents are even more scarce.

Once King Kael'thas, who had mutual trust with Duke Theron, passes away, the prestige and ability of that offshoot princess alone will definitely not be able to suppress the grand duke Charlemagne. Even if he doesn't want to fight, the royal family will take the initiative to take him back. The right to avoid the weak and the strong.

At this point, Charlemagne's public words and deeds will affect tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of people in the high elves. A huge interest group has long been formed, but because of the decentralization behavior made by Duke Theron, many people have not attracted attention. alert.

But once the conflict between the royal family and him broke out, even if Charlemagne didn't want to move, the people under him would encourage him to usurp the throne for their own interests, which is the so-called persuasion.

Azshara saw the troubled look of her favorite subordinate, she smiled lightly and stopped forcing him, "Okay, since you can't figure it out, let's put it on hold for now, your proposal is very constructive, I will consider it, If there is no accident, it should finally promote this third force according to your plan."

Charlemagne breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Your Majesty, then I will return to Quel'Thalas to report the information. I believe that the Sun King and the entire kingdom of the high elves will look forward to your visit."

Thanks to book friends "Mozalla", "Xizai", "Dragon City Tanhua", "魔· Remnant Soul" and "Nockcount" for their support.

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