Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 475: Awaken Azshara

Chapter 475 Awakening Azshara

As the magic net controller of the entire Azeroth, Malygos knows the coordinates of almost all the magic net nodes. Through the portal he opened, Charlemagne and his party directly arrived at Azsuna and Nazaras College. main entrance.

Many places in this once prosperous Arcane Academy have now collapsed. The entrance is just as Charlemagne remembered, and the stairs have completely collapsed.

In order to prevent the ladies from jumping and getting into the water, Charlemagne and Malygos respectively added the slow descent technique to the four of them, and a group of them slowly floated into the academy from the air.

Waterproofing may have been considered when the academy was first built. The entire lower floor of the academy has been soaked in seawater for 10,000 years, and there is no sign of leakage at all.

The ghosts along the way were driven out by the Queen's Guards led by Varoson as early as 10,000 years ago, and now the entire academy is empty without a trace of popularity. The echo of Charlemagne and others walking on the floor wearing leather boots is what they can do. The only sound heard.

Looking at the desolate scene in front of him, Malygos felt a little emotional, "I have also been to this famous Arcane Academy, and it is indeed the school with the highest level in the entire Dark Night Empire. Not only the success rate of students is very high, but the professors The research projects are also quite high-end.”

Charlemagne shrugged and said, "But who made them fall into a foolish prince, who recklessly followed Farondis to launch a rebellion, and it is only natural for them to be purged."

During the chat, everyone didn't stop their feet, and soon led by Charlemagne to the room on the lowest floor on the right.

"Here, this used to be the dean's room. After Varosen drove the ghosts out, they built a huge underground palace under the dean's room. I remember that the mechanism to open the door is..."

While explaining, Charlemagne began to look for the mechanism designed by himself on the wall. When he injected arcane energy into a seemingly ordinary lamp socket, and performed a series of complicated operations up, down, left, and right, accompanied by a short arcane With the flash of magic and the sound of heavy stone slabs rubbing against each other, a passage of stone steps leading to the ground suddenly opened on the floor.

Charlemagne walked to the entrance of the passage with some excitement and looked, "Oh! The passage is still there, which means that there is a high chance that the underground palace still exists."

Then he condensed a fireball above his left hand, and tentatively stretched his hand into the passage. The fireball burned normally, indicating that the interior of the underground palace is well ventilated and there is still air circulation.

"Let's go, I don't know if Queen Azshara woke up early, is the underground palace still intact?"

Led by Charlemagne, a group of people lined up in a straight line and began to walk deep along this passage for only one person.

On the way, Vereesa curiously asked Charlemagne ahead, "By the way, how beautiful is Queen Azshara? I have seen many records describing her beauty in the ancient books, but what does she look like? "


Charlemagne raised his head and thought for a while, "It's hard to describe. Her appearance and figure make it impossible to pick out any flaws. It makes you think that a perfect woman should be like this...feeling."

The little girl seemed a little unhappy, "What, such a vague answer."

Malygos, who was walking at the end, added, "Actually, Charlemagne is right. In terms of mortal aesthetics, I am afraid that no woman is more beautiful than Azshara. With all due respect, even if you three sisters are all There is no one in a million beauties in the high elves, but it is still a little worse than Azshara."

Cirvanas curled her lips in dissatisfaction, "Hmph! Then I want to see how beautiful this queen who is called the light of light is."

Even Alleria, who is usually relatively stable, has a sense of confrontation in her heart, not to mention that Queen Azshara is still involved with her lover. Although it is not a love relationship between a man and a woman, it is still necessary. Defend.

It took about five minutes to walk through the entire stone passageway. As Charlemagne stepped into the interior of the underground palace for the first time, everyone's eyes suddenly opened up.

Although there is no light in the entire underground palace, the gorgeous and grand architectural style of the Dark Night Empire can be seen just from the range illuminated by the light technique in Charlemagne's hands.


Charlemagne snapped his fingers, and as his arcane energy gushed out, the arcane lamps placed on the walls on both sides of the underground palace were lit up one by one, and the magnificent underground palace was finally completely presented in front of everyone.

While the three Windrunner sisters and Onyxia were in a daze, Malygos looked around with some nostalgia, "It's been a long time since I saw such a well-preserved royal palace architectural style, it is indeed the place where Queen Azshara sleeps .”

After lighting up the lights, Charlemagne walked towards the deepest part of the underground palace alone. There are many arcane dormant chambers like crystal coffins neatly arranged in the wide underground palace. The further you go inside, the more Charlemagne begins to see. acquaintances.

Suddenly, Charlemagne stopped in front of a dormant cabin, and looked at the bearded male elf sleeping inside with interest, "Oh? Isn't this Valothen? It seems that the entire underground palace is working well."

As the captain of the queen's personal guard, Valothen will inevitably wait until the queen and everyone have fallen asleep before going to sleep for the last time. Since this guy has successfully slept, it shows that Charlemagne's plan is going perfectly.

When Alleria and the others regained their senses from watching, Charlemagne and Malygos had already reached a high platform in the deepest part of the underground palace, and a huge exquisite dormant chamber was placed on this high platform.

Charlemagne reached out and wiped off the dust covering the surface of the warehouse, and Queen Azshara sleeping peacefully inside could be clearly seen from the transparent roof.

For Malygos, he has not seen this queen for more than ten thousand years, but in Charlemagne's subjective consciousness, it has been less than a month since the last time he parted with Azshara.

Malygos crossed his arms and asked Charlemagne, "So, do you decide whether to wake her up now or continue to sleep? Looking at the area and layout of the entire underground palace, the maids and personal guards who followed her into sleep are less than one year old." Thousands of people."

At the beginning, Azshara’s personal guard actually split once, some of them completely surrendered to the Burning Legion, and later became Satyr under Xavius, and the rest loyally followed the queen and fell into a deep sleep.

As for the maids, Azshara’s closest beings almost never took refuge in the Burning Legion, but the number of maids here is not all, after all, some of them have been arranged by Charlemagne and Azshara to sink into the deep sea with Vashj Become a Naga.

At this time, the three Windrunner sisters and Onyxia also walked to Azshara's dormant cabin with curiosity. When they saw the sleeping beauty inside, the four who were originally unconvinced lost their fighting spirit at the same time.

Even Cirvanas, who has always been strong, shook his head depressedly, "Well...it's really incomparable. Before I saw her, I really didn't believe that there is such a perfect woman in the world. Now I am convinced."

Charlemagne sank into thought with his chin in his hand, and subconsciously answered Malygos' question, "To be precise, the total number of dormant chambers I had people build was a thousand. If they all arrive, it should be just enough for this number. But it looks like some people are still falling behind.”

When he passed by just now, he roughly checked it. Some of the dormant chambers were empty, and there was no sign of the underground palace being opened before. This only shows that the number of people entering the underground palace was less than a thousand.

Frowning and thinking for a while, Charlemagne sighed and said, "It's better to let the queen out. After all, I will wake her up after ten thousand years of appointment with her. If I miss the appointment...who knows if this powerful queen will What's going on?"

Malygos nodded and took two steps back, "Then do it, I will protect you by the side, although there will be a battle, but I will definitely not let Azshara attack you."


As Charlemagne operated the mechanism to open the hatch of the dormant compartment, Queen Azshara, who had been sleeping for 10,000 years, once again came into contact with the outside air through her skin.

Thanks to the book friends "Jessica & #183; Mi Li", "魔 & #183; Remnant Soul", "Nockcount", "Mozalla", and "Dragon City Tanhua" for their support.

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