Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 466: Martial Law? side to side

Chapter 466 Crossing the river? side to side

The sudden appearance of Sargeras brought great psychological pressure to the coalition forces. Although Charlemagne relied on his gags to relax the atmosphere for the time being, the critical moment came next.

Charlemagne turned his head and asked Azshara solemnly, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid Kil'jaeden will continue to be blocked by you. Can you still hold on?"

Azshara glanced at Vashj, who was still in a trance, and sighed softly, "Of course it's no problem. If there were no accidents just now, Kil'jaeden would not have seized the opportunity. Don't worry, leave it to me, at least block it." He and I can still do it.”

Charlemagne nodded, and continued to say to Tyrande beside him, "The next battle is not for you to participate in. Go find Malfurion quickly and let him summon the power of nature to bombard the palace. The portal will be handed over to me." .”


Tyrande hesitated after hearing Charlemagne's words, "Can you really close the portal by yourself? How about I stay and help?"

Charlemagne was immediately laughed at by this ignorant idiot, and shouted loudly, "What's the use of staying here except to die! In this high-end battlefield, you can only hold back, go back quickly! Brother Stormrage is still waiting!" And you."


Tyrande snorted displeasedly after hearing his words, but she was not ignorant of the general situation, and after a little hesitation, she turned her head to the Well of Eternity to find the Stormrage brothers.

"You scourge, don't die so easily, I still have a debt to settle with you!"

With Tyrande's loud cry when she left, Vashj, who had been dazed before, finally began to come back to her senses. Charlemagne patted her on the shoulder heavily. When the loyal head maid turned her head to look over Made a final confession to her.

"Then you will act according to the plan, pay attention to saving your own life, remember, you must wait until the scheduled time before proceeding with the next plan."

Because of self-blame, Vaschi, who still seemed a little sluggish, tried to pull himself together, nodded solemnly and said, "I know, for Her Majesty the Queen, I will definitely follow the plan strictly."

When making arrangements on Charlemagne's side, Archimonde laughed triumphantly when he saw the arrival of Sargeras, and he even stopped what he was doing because he knew that as long as Sargeras came, Wanting to destroy this miserable world is just a matter of moving his fingers.

Kil'jaeden in the palace area also looked at the fallen titan who was gradually stepping out of the portal with a smile, but at this moment his expression suddenly changed, because he found that there was a green light on Sargeras' calf. scars.

"Who caused this? Why..."

However, there was no time for him to think deeply at this time. He suddenly felt the strong binding force coming from his feet, and the arcane fluctuations around him also clearly reminded him that he was being attacked.

Sure enough, when Kil'jaeden was trying to break free from the spiral arcane ripples under his feet, Azshara holding a staff had appeared in his sight again.

Kil'jaeden frowned in displeasure, "Tsk...it's really difficult, no wonder Sargeras values ??your joining so much."

The combat power shown by Azshara made this fraudster feel very troublesome. Although the opponent's current strength is due to the fact that the opponent's current strength is backed by the Well of Eternity, Azshara's combat power has clearly surpassed that of all other players except the Big Three. other demon generals.

If this queen is allowed to join the Burning Legion and get Sargeras' fel infusion, becoming the fourth giant is almost a certainty.

When the second round of the fight between Azshara and Kil'jaeden began, Krasus was casting a spell, and through the wound Brox had received from the oaken battle ax blessed by the demigod of the forest, he triggered The natural force inside the wound temporarily blocked Sargeras' movements.

Krassus, who was sweating profusely, said to Ronin who was assisting him, "I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for a few seconds, and we can only watch Malfurion and his actions in the palace!"

At the same time, Tyrande had joined the two Stormrage brothers who were beside the Well of Eternity, and she relayed Charlemagne's words to Malfurion.

Although the archdruid didn't know the intention of this Mr. Kieran, he still nodded and said, "I know, I can still summon the force of nature to bombard the palace. I just hope he can close the portal as soon as possible and send Sarah Guts banished from Azeroth."

After speaking, Malfurion didn't hesitate any more, gathered all the power of nature in his body and began to summon dark clouds over the palace. The power of thunder penetrated these clouds and began to attack the beautiful palaces below. The strong storm also It began to sweep the entire palace area.

While Malfurion and Tyrande were not paying attention, Illidan took out several bottles from his magic backpack, and secretly filled the bottles with water from the Well of Eternity.

When everyone started to act according to their duties, Charlemagne, who was standing on the shore of the Well of Eternity, took advantage of Crassus to hold Sargeras temporarily, and poured all his power into the dragon soul, and even he Mobilized the huge magic power of the Well of Eternity.

The originally calm lake began to become turbulent with the loss of a lot of magic power. Sargeras, who had already entered Azeroth half of his body, obviously felt the bad atmosphere and tried hard to get out of the portal.

But he was dragged down by the wound caused by the green-skinned ant just now. The powerful force erupting from the wound actually slowed down his speed of passing through the portal for a short time, and he felt extremely uncomfortable being stuck in the middle of the portal.

"Humble ants! Your sad world is about to be destroyed, give up unnecessary struggle!"

Charlemagne, whose magic power was highly condensed, and cold sweat had begun to appear on his forehead, smiled contemptuously, "Sargeras, maybe under normal circumstances, you can easily destroy the planet Azeroth, but now you just crossed the river and entered this world... You have to hold it for me!"

"hold head high!"

Dragon Soul emitted a dazzling golden light under the infusion of massive magic power from the Well of Eternity, and finally, under the urging of Charlemagne, sent out the strongest blow since its birth.

A solid golden dragon sprang out from the Dragon Soul, and everyone around the battlefield could hear a loud dragon roar. This golden little dragon bombarded heavily at the feet of Sargeras. in the Well of Eternity.

The entire battlefield fell into a brief silence following the sudden blow, but then the follow-up reaction of this powerful attack that bombarded the Well of Eternity began to gradually appear before everyone's eyes.

Thanks to book friends "Nockcount" and "wz318" for their support.

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