Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 459: Brother Green Wind?

Chapter 459 Brother Green Wind?

After finishing speaking, Charlemagne didn't stay any longer, and deliberately put his **** together and blew a kiss at Tyrande, and quietly sneaked into the night under the embarrassing expression of the high priest.

"Ziran Farstrider! One day I will make you pay! Ahhhhhhh!"

Seeing the gossiping expressions of the sisters around you, you can tell that they have completely misunderstood. I am afraid that some people have already generated at least 8,000 words of eclectic scene descriptions in their minds, and those with richer imaginations may also have pictures and texts.

If this is true, Tyrande will admit it. Anyway, a mere male elf will not affect her belief in the moon god. As for Malfurion and Illidan, I can only say sorry.

The key is! What that mean-mouthed brat said was completely nonsensical. Apart from flirting, that guy only accidentally met his...cough, the two of them had no substantive contact at all.

Tyrande saw the embarrassment on Maiev's face pretending to be calm, she knew that she would not be able to clean up this matter even if she jumped into the Well of Eternity, and finally yelled madly.

Charlemagne satisfied the bad taste of teasing Grandma Tai and left the camp of the rebel army with a happy face. Sure enough, Grandma Tai was more fun 10,000 years ago. The old hag who extremely rejected the upper elves and had a conservative style in the future is really impressive. It's disgusting to see. '

Tyrande revealed the whereabouts of the Dragon Soul, and Charlemagne didn't bother to meet with Ronin and the others. They wouldn't recognize him anyway, and now he is still in the form of a night elf.

When he teleported back to the palace, Azshara was already waiting for him in his bedroom while enjoying refreshments.

Seeing Charlemagne walking in, Azshara had a playful look on her face, "Kiran, tell me the truth, are you really not interested in Tyrande? Why can't you help but want to tease me every time we meet?" Her? If this goes on, she will definitely not be able to get married. "


Charlemagne scratched his head in embarrassment when he heard the words, "I really don't have any thoughts about the relationship between men and women. I just want to tease her. As for not being able to marry... it shouldn't be so. Malfurion and Illidan are two Lu's brothers will probably continue to rob her and get bloody."

"Green all over?" Azshara and Vashj asked puzzled questions at the same time.

Charlemagne shrugged jokingly, "That's right, isn't the fel energy Illidan uses now green? Malfurion is a druid, and the natural energy he uses is also green. Who else is green?"

Even Charlemagne jokingly thought in his heart that he might as well call them the Green Wind Brothers in the future.

"Pfft, hahaha!"

Azshara and Vashj couldn't help laughing out loud. They had already understood what "green" was under the influence of Charlemagne before.

At this time, a maid came in from outside the door and bowed her head respectfully and reported, "Your Majesty, Haka, the dog king, please see me."

A trace of disgust appeared on Azshara's face, she waved her hand impatiently and said, "I know why he came, tell him that Kieran will go out later and hand over the dragon soul to them."


After the little maid went out, Azshara frowned and asked Charlemagne, "Ziran, are you really sure to expel Sargeras? Once you shoot, there is no turning back."

Charlemagne smiled confidently, "Of course I dare not say that I am absolutely sure. After all, the situation is always changing, but as long as it does not exceed my expectations, it should not be out of control. Sargeras this time The expedition must end in failure."

"Okay, then leave it to you."


Charlemagne nodded respectfully and said, "Your Majesty, please immediately summon your own real direct troops and act according to the original plan."

Azshara put down the cup in her hand, straightened her graceful body and nodded, "I know, I'll leave the outside to you."

When Charlemagne took the order to leave, Azshara looked at Vashj who was accompanying her and sighed softly, "Although I don't know whether Zilan's plan will be successfully completed in the end, but... I will work hard for you in the future, Vashj .”

Washi shook his head with a smile and said, "Whatever your majesty says, as long as you can contribute to your majesty, this grievance is nothing."

Azshara smiled and stretched out her fingers to gently stroke Vaschi's face, "My good boy, I will definitely not treat you badly in the future, let's get ready."


Charlemagne has already taken the dragon soul out of his bag, and just as he walked to the main entrance of the audience hall, he saw a shit-shoveling officer waiting anxiously here.

Charlemagne sped up his pace slightly and held up the small golden disc in his hand and said, "Master Hakar, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, this is the soul of the dragon."

Haka, as always, brought a lot of hellhounds with him. These monsters with disgusting saliva in their mouths made Charlemagne feel sick from the bottom of his heart.

Demons like Cerberus are too obvious to suppress spellcasting professions. Although Charlemagne is not a full-time mage, it will be more troublesome to fight with his current equipment.

"Oh, Lord Kieran, I thought you really betrayed Queen Azshara and escaped. I didn't expect that you were used by the rebellious parties of the Sunstrider. It's really hard for you to get the dragon soul this time."

"Everywhere, it's all for the arrival of the great Lord Sargeras."

Haka smiled meaningfully, "Hehe, I have seen your loyalty. After the master comes, I will definitely not be stingy with your rewards."

"Haha, when the time comes, I will ask Lord Haka to say a few words for me."

"It's easy to say, easy to say."

The two guys who are not smiling are pretending to be bureaucratic here, making Azshara, who observed the situation here through the crystal ball on Charlemagne's neck, look amused.

Afterwards, Hakkar took the dragon soul and strode towards the shore of the Well of Eternity. Those highborne elves who were tortured by the devil's urging and tortured to the bony state cheered after seeing this artifact. There was also a presumptuous smile on his face, as if he felt that he had won the victory.

Charlemagne saw this scene with a sneer on his face, ‘Hehe, I hope you can still laugh out loud in the future. '

With the addition of the Dragon Soul, the speed at which the Highborne's expansion of the portal was significantly accelerated, but at the same time, the resistance army outside the city finally broke into the city full of demons under the courageous impact of the demigods and giant dragons. .

But this impact caused huge damage to the Resistance Army. The giant dragons, which were usually considered extremely powerful in the eyes of mortals, were shot down from the sky by countless evil bats and doom guards. Even the demigods of the wilderness began to suffer casualties.

The wild boar demigod Agamaggan has been rampaging in the formation of the Burning Legion with his powerful strength and huge body. He has killed countless demons, but at the same time, he was also chopped off by demons along the way. Wound.

In the end, this great demigod died heroically near the Valley of the Giants in the Central Wilderness because of his serious injuries after the battle with Mannoroth.

Charlemagne sighed when he got the news, "He is the first demigod of the wilderness sacrificed, but he will definitely not be the last... May your soul rest in peace in the Emerald Dream."

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