Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 451: Tyrande Invincible (Fog)

Chapter 451 Tyrande without misery (fog)

At this time, although Krasus had a trace of doubt in his heart, he couldn't bring the dragons straight into the demon lair of Golden Azshalin. He could only temporarily remember this highborne named Zilan in his heart, and maybe he would be able to do so at a critical moment in the future. time comes into play.

At the same time, a major event occurred among the rebels in Black Rook Castle.

While Malfurion and Cenarius split up to seek help from dragons and demigods, Tyrande Whisperwind, who had just taken over the position of High Priest of the Sisterhood of Elune from the previous leader, was killed in a battle. The Satyr under the command of Xavius ??was kidnapped, and the King of Satyr specially sent someone to send this heavyweight prisoner back to the palace in the rear.

"Are you kidding! You trash can't even protect your own leader, what use are you for!"

In the camp of the rebel army, Illidan, who is leading the Moon Guard, is furiously accusing Tyrande of the ashamed Luna Priests. If it wasn't for the help of Ronin and the Moon Guard next to him, I'm afraid he would have rushed to kill him. These incompetent trash.

Ronin sighed, and comforted Illidan, "Forget it, the battle is so fierce, and the priests of the Elune Sisterhood cannot always pay attention to the movements of the High Priest of Whisperwind. Now we should find a way to rescue her."

Brox was also grateful to the moon **** priest who had helped him back then, and he immediately stood up and said decisively, "If you want to rush into the golden Azsalin, count me in! Orcs have always been kind to repay their kindness."


It took Illidan to calm down. After a little thought, he knew that it was impossible to rush into the capital full of demons to rescue Tyrande with the current manpower alone.

"No... you continue to lead the rebels, wait for Malfurion and Cenarius to bring back reinforcements before attacking."

Ronin heard that Illidan intended to act alone, and he asked a little uneasy, "What about you, are you planning to..."

Illidan replied without hesitation, "I'm going to try to see if I can sneak into Golden Azshaline and rescue Tyrande!"

"The large army is too conspicuous, but it will be much more convenient for me to act alone."

Luo Ning opened his mouth, but in the end he reluctantly gave up on persuasion. Although he was single, he still couldn't understand Illidan's feelings for Tyrande, but seeing the firm expression on the other side's face, he knew that he would not listen. Advised.

Finally, Illidan left the camp of the rebel army alone, and ran straight towards the direction of Jin Azshalin. He actually had an idea in his heart on how to rescue Tyrande, an idea that might lead to his ruin...


Azshara looked at the beautiful priestess in front of her who exuded silver light and had a holy face, and gradually lost interest in her after repeated attempts to persuade her to no avail.

"Let me say this for the last time, become my maid, and you will become my most trusted vassal together with Vashj and Kieran in the future."

Tyrande opened her closed eyes, shook her head slightly and politely refused, "I'm sorry, I have dedicated my whole life to the moon **** Elune, and I will not serve anyone else. Please come back, Your Majesty the Queen."

Azshara seemed a little displeased by being rejected many times, she snorted softly, "Forget it, it's up to you." Then Azshara flicked the hem of her long skirt and turned to leave the room specially prepared for Tyrande .

The demons of the Burning Legion also came many times before to torture Tyrande to obtain more insider information about the Resistance Army, but due to the blessing from Elune, the demons were unable to break through the faint silver light on the priestess' body at all. do her any harm.

Azshara is quite interested in Tyrande, who has a firm belief, and has repeatedly invited her to give up her belief in the moon **** to become her maid, but Tyrande, who is very devout, refuses every time with the same reason. Ra lost interest in her.

Before leaving, Vashj's jealous and murderous eyes made Charlemagne, who had been acting as a transparent person, jump out of the corner of his eyes, "Vashj is... afraid that Tyrande will take away Azshara's favor and trust? '

After Charlemagne joined Azshara's close servant position, he was not overly excluded by Vashj, which may be due to the difference in gender. There are many things that Vashj and other nieces can only be responsible for, such as helping the queen change clothes and serving the bath wait…

Azshara's strong interest in Tyrande obviously made Vaschi murderous, but Charlemagne was not worried about Grandma Tai, after all, Elune's blessing was still there.

Sure enough, the next morning, it was reported that Vashj tried to kill Tyrande at night and failed. Let her go.

However, Charlemagne suddenly had an extra task. Azshara ordered him to pay attention to the safety of Tyrande, and don't let her die in the palace so easily. After all, the Burning Legion still has a lot of things they want to pry out of her mouth. .

As for Elune's blessing, it must be limited, and it cannot last forever, otherwise Tyrande would not be captured by the satyrs and come to Golden Azsalin.

At this moment, Charlemagne was standing in front of Tyrande with his eyes closed and meditating with great interest, and let out a strange laugh, "Hey, hey, I didn't expect Grandma Tai to have this kind of time, it really makes me feel very... Happy!"

Tyrande, who was sitting by the bed and praying silently in her heart, suddenly twitched her eyebrows. She opened her eyes and retorted displeasedly, "Who are you saying is Grandma Tai? I am not even three thousand years old this year, and I am still very young." !"

Sure enough, women are very concerned about their age, even this great priest who claims to dedicate everything to the moon **** is no exception.

"Hmph! Compared to me who is only a few hundred years old, you are already a grandma. I don't know how long your so-called blessing from the moon **** can last?"

Tyrande's originally calm expression became obviously very upset. She looked Charlemagne up and down and responded, "Why are there men around Queen Azshara? Are you the queen's male favourite?"

The corner of Charlemagne's mouth twitched visibly, and he said with a half-smile, "Unfortunately, I guessed wrong! Queen Azshara doesn't have any male favourites, I'm just a mere valet."

"Is it? lol!"

"That's it, Grandma Tai."



Two extremely boring people confronted each other here. A dreadlord came with a group of demons in the middle. After many attempts, they still couldn't break the blessing on Tyrande, and finally left one by one in disgrace.

Charlemagne has always been on the sidelines, and only after the devil left did he lightly hand over a sentence.

"Stubborn High Priest, I wonder how long the blessings on you can last? The torture methods of the demons are very ~ cruel. You don't want to be rescued by Malfurion, do you? Come to me after you figure it out, maybe I can show kindness and help you escape."

Thank you book friend "Jessica·Mi Li" for your support.

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