Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 438: seek death? I give you everything!

Chapter 438 Death? I give you everything!

Onyxia, Charlemagne and the others who had just hatched the Nether Dragon didn't know that at this time, on the floating island where they took the eggs, there was a huge hysterical black dragon throwing a tantrum and wreaking havoc on the surrounding environment.

"Who! Who stole my eggs?!"

She is the dragon queen Sinestra of the Black Dragon Clan. She didn't expect that she just went to sleep and found that many dragon eggs she had left on the Lingwing Floating Island had disappeared. angry.

Fortunately, Onyxia didn't have much time to search at that time. After searching the entire floating island carefully, she still found many hidden dragon eggs. At least it didn't make the Black Dragon Queen go crazy on the spot.

After calming down, Sinestra gritted her teeth and said, "Once I know who is playing tricks, I will definitely make you look good!"

As for Onyxia, she put aside her official duties for the time being, and concentrated on staying in this cave to start catalyzing the dragon eggs. At the same time, she was also responsible for collecting and summarizing the intelligence sent back by the subordinates of Silvermoon City.

"As expected..."

Charlemagne frowned after hearing Onyxia's report, "These restless nobles really can't change their shit. It's a good thing they came up with this method to fool Kael'thas."

From the information provided by Onyxia, Charlemagne finally knew the reason for Kael'thas' attitude change.

Since Kael'thas has already grown up as an elf, his queen candidate has been concerned by all parties after succeeding to the throne, including his mother, Giffen.

The nobles relied on this line to catch up with the Queen Mother. They sent all the legitimate daughters of their own age to Giffen for her to choose one by one.

Kael'thas was busy with state affairs all day long and didn't have time to pay attention to his children's love, but he couldn't ignore his mother's opinion. In desperation, he could only spare a certain amount of time every day to meet with the eldest ladies of these upper-class noble families.

Because of Miss Jiaojiao's deliberate flattery, Kael'thas, who is usually busy, finally found a place where he can relax and chat. After all, a hero is sad for a beauty.

After getting acquainted with the Sun King, these noble ladies finally began to instill in him some cryptic words that Duke Theron was too influential and needed to use the power of the upper nobles to check and balance. Don't take it seriously.

But when many princess candidates and even Queen Mother Jifen began to persuade with worry, Kael'thas, who was already relatively soft-hearted, finally couldn't help but have a little doubt.

‘Is Charlemagne’s influence really too great? '

But Kael'thas is Kael'thas after all, and his meek personality won't be completely changed just because of these noble ladies' deaf ears, but the doubts in his heart are inevitably expressed in his attitude. The reason for Alsace's transformation.

After the nobles saw the effect, they intensified their efforts and began to persuade the queen mother to influence Kael'thas through Giffen's channel, reduce Charlemagne's influence on the king, and let their noble nobles regain the power of the Sun King. Trust, once again return to the center of power in Quel'Thalas.

"Hehehe...very good, since you want to play, I will accompany you to have fun!"

Charlemagne couldn't help being laughed at. He didn't deal with these nobles in the past, which was already considered an advantage to them. He didn't expect that these wicked rice bugs would dare to come out to make trouble.

"Oni, this time I authorize you to play a heavy hand and give me a good blow to the Fire Crowned Duke who took the lead. If they still don't know how to repent..."

With a sneer, Charlemagne scratched his neck with his thumb, "Then teach them how to be safe with the lessons of blood, and hand over all their black materials to Solanlian through secret channels. , just to see how the senator’s attitude towards this matter is.”

Onyxia's eyes shone with excitement. The Black Dragon Princess, who likes to plot tricks, likes this kind of task the most.

"Okay, my dear master! I must let them know what will happen to you if you offend the master."

Now in the upper house of the entire Silvermoon Parliament, Osis and Solanlian are the representatives of the aristocratic faction. Osis, because of the good relationship between Charlemagne and Sean, is unlikely to jump to the group of idiots to target he.

Although Solanlian had expressed her position that she did not want to participate in the schemes of the nobles, who knows if she will change her mind like Kael'thas, after all, people's hearts are changeable.

"In the council, you can seek some support from my mentor. Except for Solanlian's unclear attitude, everyone else should remain neutral and try to make the truth bigger. I want the public to know the face of these so-called upper-class nobles."

Onyxia said confidently, "Leave it to me master, I won't give up so easily if I don't play them to the point of doubting their lives."

Charlemagne is quite relieved about Onyxia's ability to make things happen. In the original world line, she made the entire Stormwind City a mess, not only using those greedy nobles to provoke conflicts between artisans and kings, but even later on The king has all disappeared.

Although some of her actions are likely to be covered by Father Twilight behind her back, there is no doubt that Onyxia's political skills can stir up such a big situation with one person's ability.

Now that this matter has been handed over to the black dragon princess who is eager to fight, Charlemagne doesn't plan to ask about it for the time being. He even lit a stick of incense for the group of troublesome nobles in his heart, and hoped that they would be happy with Onik Shia's men saved their lives.

For the next period of time, Charlemagne became reclusive. Except for occasionally going to Sandara to provide Brian with some search ideas, most of the time he stayed honestly in his Duke's office in Far Travel Town.

With the passage of time, the chaos in Silvermoon City has begun to take shape. First, it is the definite news that the nobles headed by several marquises made a lot of war fortune and hoarded it during the Orc War. There are even some rumors in the market. The person who instructs these nobles to collect money is actually the Duke of Fire Crown.

When the nobles took advantage of their authority to gradually downplay this matter, the detailed reports of the corrupt lives of some of the noble ladies who were selected as Princess Kael'thas were placed in the bedroom of the Queen Mother Giffen without anyone noticing. middle.

No one can suppress this matter. After confirming the authenticity of the information, Giffen became furious and drove all these noble ladies out of the royal court, and asked Kael'thas to thoroughly investigate these young ladies with the lingering anger. The aristocratic intentions behind it.

Although the queen mother was a little anxious because of her son's marriage, she was an old fox who had lived for thousands of years. After calming down, the queen mother knew immediately that these nobles must be planning something secretly.

Just when the nobles were in panic, Onyxia's final blow came. Li Reza handed over the crimes of the Duke of Fire to Kaelsa Sri Lanka, including dereliction of duty, corruption, deliberately misleading and distorting public opinion, and even... intentional rebellion.

That's right, Onyxia was pleasantly surprised to find that the Fire-Crowned Duke had hooked up with Dar'Khan during the in-depth investigation.

Although before Darkan's accident, he relied on his keen political sense to quickly clear all connections with Darkan, but these records were still dug out by Onyxia's capable dragonmen.

Charlemagne threw away the report in his hand and sneered contemptuously, "Duke Fire Crown, you can't blame me for your own death. I pray that King Kael'thas will be more merciful than the previous Sun King..."

Thanks to the book friend "Second Second Disease is also very handsome" for the reward and support.

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