Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 436: brian who almost became a planter

Chapter 436 Brian who almost became a planter

As Arthas sat on the Frozen Throne and donned the Helm of Dominion, he and Ner'zhul fought over the soul level and both fell into a long silence.

The Scourge undead in Northrend lost the control of the Lich King, and could only be commanded by senior generals such as psychics and death knights below. They all withdrew to the Icecrown Citadel under the last order of the Lich King before he fell asleep.

The natural disasters that are still active in the entire Azeroth are only the part led by Kel'Thuzad in the Western Plaguelands. Now that all countries need to recuperate, the battle in the Western Plaguelands has also slowed down significantly.

The whole of Azeroth has become calm again due to the departure of foreign enemies, but local frictions between various tribes have begun to surface. The most typical conflict is the conflict between the tribe and the night elves in Ashenvale.

Although under the restraint of the two races, the conflict has not expanded, but if they continue to accumulate hatred like this, an all-out war between the two sides will break out one day.

Under the mediation of Jaina, the tribe finally accepted the suggestion of the night elves and focused on logging in Azshara, the territory that the night elves had long since abandoned.

However, one wave after another, Kul Tiras finally calmed down after a period of cultivation. Under the order of King Daelin, an elite army traveled across the ocean, and in the barren land in the northern part of Dustwallow Marsh An outpost was established.

If it weren't for Jaina's firm opposition, Daelin originally wanted to land in Durotar directly, but considering the problem of supplies and troops, coupled with his daughter's protest, he finally gave up this plan.

Charlemagne put down the report in his hand and sighed, "Kalimdor can clearly see the smell of gunpowder. There is information from Kane that recently the centaurs in Desolace have become active again. The Kocal tribe seems to plan to Migrate abroad."

Vereesa tilted her head slightly and recalled, "Kokal? I remember that the centaur chief Kane beheaded was from the Kokar tribe?"

"That's right, after losing the chieftain, Kocal lived very hard in Desolace. Recently, he finally couldn't bear the attacks of his compatriots, and began to go north into Stonetalon Mountain."

Alleria shook her head and said, "These centaurs are indeed extremely lethal in the plains, but they may not be so comfortable when entering the mountainous and forested Stonetalon Mountains. The tauren should be able to handle it?"


Charlemagne chuckled and said, "Today's tauren are no longer what they used to be. It's not easy for them to deal with centaurs with full weapons and armor? Besides, the one guarding Stonetalon Mountain is the most radical terror totem among the tauren. Ma Gaza will certainly not make it easy for these centaurs."

After obtaining the armor and weapons made by the high elves, the fighting power of the tauren has increased significantly. In areas with complex terrain like Stonetalon Mountain, it is impossible for centaurs to slaughter the tauren as easily as before, let alone Now the tauren also have air mobile units such as biped dragon cavalry.


Cirvanas took a bite of the apple, and asked vaguely, "By the way, what happened to the new capital of the night elves? Didn't Tyrande say last time that they had decided to plant a world tree on the island?" ?”

"Huh? Ah, you said Teldrassil, it has already been planted, and under the catalysis of the druid's natural spells, it quickly grew into a towering giant tree. Now the night elves have established a tree named Dadra in the west of the crown. The new capital of Nassus."

With the relocation of the capital of the night elves, their political and military center has also shifted from Mount Hyjal to the vicinity of the world tree where Teldrassil is located. Recently, Fandral is leading the druids to vigorously develop Darkshore.

The situation in Kalimdor is basically like this. After turning over this part of the report, Charlemagne began to continue to check the recent situation of the Eastern Kingdom.

"Hmm... Sure enough, the jungle trolls in Stranglethorn Vale are getting restless again. There is news from the Kingdom of Stormwind that King Varian is preparing his army to resist the invasion of trolls in the Twilight Forest."

After years of recuperation, the Kingdom of Stormwind has basically recovered from the orc war. Elwynn Forest, Redridge Mountains, and the Fertile West are all developing well under its rule. Only Dusk Forest is often harassed by jungle trolls.

However, this forest shrouded in eternal night has a unique local night watchman force, and it will not allow the troll's attack to threaten the core area of ????the Stormwind Kingdom.

As for the Deadwind Pass where Karazhan is located, it has been completely abandoned. Recently, Khadgar returned to Karazhan to start cleaning up the mage tower left by Medivh, but it seems that the chaotic astral passage in the tower needs to be straightened out. Nor is it a matter of a day or two.

Charlemagne frowned and looked at the report from the hidden passage in his hand, "There are also troll changes in the Swamp of Sorrows... Could it be that group of Atalai who believe in the blood **** Hakkar started to make trouble?"

Both the Swamp of Sorrows and the Land of the Damned used to belong to the Black Swamp. After the opening of the Dark Portal, the southern part of the swamp was completely turned into a barren red land, and the northern part was also affected to some extent. Except for some local broken people who fled, the Kingdom of Stormwind did not There are not many troops stationed here.

"Blood God Haka?"

Valeira turned her head curiously and looked at the report in Charlemagne's hand from the secret passage, "The evil **** that the Gurubashi trolls believe in?"

Charlemagne patted Valeira's little head lightly and explained, "Well, this Temple of Atahaka was built a thousand years ago, and was later destroyed by the Green Dragon Army, and the entire temple was submerged in water. These Atalai priests are at work again."

Alleria frowned and sighed, "It's really not peaceful. It seems that the conflict between the Black Iron Dwarves and the Black Stone Orcs has intensified recently. There are more and more local conflicts in Azeroth. It really is the reason for the temporary loss of foreign enemies. ?"

Charlemagne shrugged. "This is a normal thing. Fortunately, all countries are still restrained. They don't want to cause large-scale conflicts. There should still be a few years of peaceful life."

Cirvanas had finished nibbling the apple in her hand and threw the core into the trash can. She seemed to suddenly remember something, turned to Charlemagne and asked, "By the way, Magni sent to Northrend to find Muradin." Has anyone gained anything?"

Charlemagne sighed regretfully, "No, Northrend is snowed all the year round, and the traces of Muradin's transfer have long since been submerged in the snow. Excluding some dangerous areas, the Bronzebeard dwarves have basically wiped out the southern Northrend. I turned it upside down and found no clues."

Charlemagne does know where Muradin is. The ice dwarves probably picked it up... But here comes the problem. The Frost Castle where the ice dwarves are located is located in the storm cliff, and Charlemagne dare not enter this area now.

"Bryan once personally led a small army into the Storm Peaks, but they were chased away by a large number of local kobolds and mammoths before they saw the group of Titan creations. Captured and taken back as slaves by the female vrykul."

Charlemagne was a bit dumbfounded when he said this. Bryan, that incomprehensible guy, was caught by a group of tall female vrykuls. If the Sandara defenders hadn't received the news and rescued him in time, this guy might have been captured Catch it back and use it as a planter.

Thinking of the complicated situation of the Storm Cliff, Charlemagne rubbed his chin and thought, "I still have to find a way to get back the outer edge of the Storm Cliff, at least the Creator Engine must be in our own hands, otherwise that guy Loken can produce steel without restraint." Army...'

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