Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 429: this woman is not simple

Chapter 429 This woman is not simple

Romuel's expression changed when he saw the map Kael'thas pulled out. Compared with the satellite image he scanned just now, Romuel's expression changed. There seemed to be a whole continent and some small islands missing on this map.

Charlemagne shook his head slightly when he heard the question Romul asked in a low voice, "We haven't fully explored some areas yet, but the southern continent you mentioned... I do have some ideas."

Charlemagne stroked his chin and showed a thoughtful expression, "Pandaria, since it can be scanned, it means that the mist only has the function of blocking the line of sight. If you want to forcefully rush into the mist... it should still be possible. '

However, this matter cannot be rushed for the time being. If you want to enter Pandaria, you will inevitably need the help of the Draenei spaceship to locate it. This matter still needs to be discussed in the long run.

Kael'thas clicked on Kalimdor, the Eastern Continent and Northrend respectively. "These three continents are the known continents. Let's see which is more suitable for the Draenei to live in."

Varian rested his chin on his hand and thought for a moment before saying, "Most of the eastern continent is now basically owned. Madam Whisperwind, what's the situation in Kalimdor?"

Tyrande apologized, got up and walked to the map, Kael'thas nodded slightly to get out of the way, and the moon **** priest stretched out his hand and gestured around the northern part of Kalimdor.

"The entire northern continent of Kalimdor is basically occupied by our night elves, tauren, alliances, and tribes. The area south of Feralas has the barren Thousand Needles, the barren Tanaris Desert, and the dangerous Silithus Desert and Un'Goro Crater."

Tyrande reached out to Un'Goro Crater and nodded, "If the Draenei want to live in Kalimdor, only Un'Goro Crater is the most suitable place, but I don't recommend it here, because it is similar to Northrend's Sol The Racha Basin is also a test site for Titans, not to mention dangerous creatures, if you touch the taboos left by Titans... the consequences will be unpredictable."

Tyrande's finger moved back to several deserted islands off the northern Black Sea, "This island has been chosen by Fandral as the location for us to plant the new world tree, and there are two small islands in its southwest. If the Nepalese don’t mind, they can choose this place as their residence, and our two races can still be neighbors.”

After Tyrande finished speaking, he nodded slightly to Kael'thas, returned to his seat and sat down.

"Thank you, Ms. Yufeng, for your explanation. Next, I would like to ask Duke Theron to tell us about the situation in Northrend."

Charlemagne stood up and nodded slightly, walked to the map and explained to Velen, "There are not many areas suitable for living in Northrend. Among them, Zul'Drak, Grizzly Hills and Howling Fjord already have frost trolls, furbolgs and Inhabited by vrykul."

"Crystalsong Forest was built by us, Quel'Thalas, a neutral city Sandara, and now it has become a paradise for adventurers and caravans from all walks of life."

"The other is the Sholazar Basin mentioned by Ms. Yufeng just now. Like Ms. Yufeng, I don't recommend choosing this place, but I recommend the Borean Tundra in the south. Except for a small number of yak people, a large area of ??land here is Borderlands, but..."

Charlemagne pointed to a large island in the northwest corner, "The premise is that you can bear to be neighbors with blue dragons. Dragons are not very easy to get along with."

Velen frowned slightly after listening to the introduction of the two. After thanking Charlemagne, he discussed with the three of Romuel. It tends to be a place close to a civilized settlement, and the size of the land does not matter.

In this case, Northrend, which is far away from the civilization circle, will be ruled out first. After communicating with Onara and others, he values ??the small island that Tyrande just mentioned, which is also the island in Draenei's original history. The Blue Secret Island that landed...Of course it is not called this name yet, and no one even named it at all.

At this moment, Alonsus on the table asked in a slightly louder voice, "Your Majesty, have you decided?"

This voice obviously attracted everyone's attention. When everyone looked over, Calia nodded firmly, and she stood up and said, "Your Excellency, there is actually a place that is more suitable for you to live in."

Velen asked with a polite smile, "Queen Calia, please tell me, we just haven't decided yet."

Callia walked to the map and pointed her finger at the northwest of the Eastern Plaguelands. Kael'thas couldn't help but twitched his mouth, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, Calia later confirmed his conjecture, "Here, East Lordaeron, where Stratholme was originally located, is now called the Eastern Plaguelands, bordering Quel'Thalas on the north, Hinterlands on the south, and East Lordaeron on the west." The front is the Western Plagueland, which is still competing with natural disasters."

Charlemagne slightly raised his eyebrows and looked at the queen who once appeared in the eyes of the world as a nympho, "This Queen Calia... is not a fuel-efficient lamp. '

Now that Stratholme has been defeated by the high elves, the Kingdom of Lordaeron is temporarily unable to take over the city. Under the acquiescence of many parties, it is almost becoming the territory of the high elves.

However, Queen Calia's actions obviously turned the world around. In any case, East Lordaeron is still nominally the territory of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Possess a righteous name.

Anyway, they are already occupied by the high elves, so why don't you give them to Draenei as a favor? Not only can it stop the expansion of the high elves, but it might also allow Draenei to join the attack on the Western Plaguelands, speeding up Lordaeron's recovery The speed of the Western Plague.

The current population of Lordaeron, even if they join the people of Stormgard, is only enough for them to barely control the vast Tirisfal Forest and Western Plaguelands, and the Eastern Plague is indeed beyond their reach.

Besides... when the overpopulation needs to expand, isn't there still Silverpine Forest and Alterac abandoned by Gilneas in the south? The same land, nominally he still belongs to the name of Lordaeron.

After thinking through this series of joints, Charlemagne suddenly felt a chill on his back. He and Kael'thas glanced at each other, and the two had the same meaning, "This queen is not simple!" '

Unfortunately, although the two were very opposed to Calia's proposal, they really didn't have any legitimate reasons to raise it...

Charlemagne frowned and thought for a while before he shook his head unwillingly at Kael'thas. Kael'thas also sighed helplessly, and he managed to pull himself together and asked Velen, "What do you think of Queen Calia's proposal? ?”

Veyron glanced between Kael'thas and Calia with great interest, and he, who was old and sophisticated, could see that there seemed to be some unspeakable contradictions between the two kings.

However, this location is indeed very suitable. As long as the natural disasters in the Western Plaguelands are eliminated, they will be close to neighbors on three sides. Anyway, the Draenei have no spare power to expand their territory for the time being.

"Okay, thank you Queen Calia for your kindness, then let's choose this town called... Stratholme as our future capital."

With Velen's final decision, the draenei settlement is finally settled.

Thanks to the book friend "Monster Raging" for your support.

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