Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 427: This nima is also okay? !

Chapter 427 Is this **** okay? !

When Charlemagne led Velen, Khadgar and others to Far Travel Town, the residents living in this small town looked at this group of strange race with tentacles on their faces with curious eyes.

"What race is that? It seems that I have never seen it before."

"I don't know, but they are led by the lord himself, so they shouldn't be enemies."

"It's so strange, the tentacles on their faces are still moving, are they alive?"

Charlemagne relied on the keen hearing of the elves to hear the discussions of his own people. Fortunately, Velen can only speak the common language of mankind. Otherwise, these whispers would be a bit embarrassing for the prophet to hear.

When Charlemagne came to the first floor of the town hall, Lisson, Aurelia and others who had already received the news from Vereesa and Onyxia were already waiting here.

"Your Excellency, welcome back, all distinguished guests, welcome to Yuanxing Town."

"Thank you for your hard work, Li Sen, I'm afraid I will go to Silvermoon City later, and I will leave the temporary placement of the soldiers of the expeditionary army to you."


With outsiders present, Charlemagne couldn't be too intimate with Alleria and Cirvanas, and from the playful eyes of the two sisters and Vereesa's flushed face, it was clear that the matter of the third sister of the Windrunner had already been resolved. It's revealed.


Charlemagne cleared his throat pretending to be serious, and said to Velen, Khadgar and the others, "Everyone, please go inside for a while, and it won't be long before His Majesty the Sun King summons you."

Just as Charlemagne said, just as he was at a loss under the whispered questioning of the two sisters, Lianda, who was sent by Kael'thas to inform the audience, had just arrived, and ordered Duke Theron to take the guests to the meeting hall of the Tower of Sunfury .

"Ahem...Then please Lord Velen and three high-level officials to go to Silvermoon City with me, Khadgar, Danas and Kurdran, you come too, the people who came to pick you up have arrived."

Vaylon nodded gently, and walked into the portal with Charlemagne under the guidance of Charlemagne. When the group opened their eyes again, Charlemagne only saw a thick and short figure rushing towards him.

"Oh oh oh oh oh! My dear brother Kurdran, I didn't expect you to be alive, brother, I am so happy!"


Hearing the words yelled by this rough voice, Charlemagne immediately guessed the identity of the other party, looked down 30 degrees, and sure enough, it was Falstad, King of the Wildhammer Dwarf, at this time the dwarf king was snotting and crying holding Kurdran and crying loudly.

Kurdran's expression is a bit complicated, while rejoicing at the reunion of the brothers, while looking at his brother who is wiping his nose on himself with distaste.

The person who came to pick up Khadgar was beyond Charlemagne's expectations. It was actually Antonidas who had been in retreat for a long time. Of course, the mage's meeting would not be as passionate as the dwarf's. Antonidas just re-shot the card with a little excitement. Degas shoulders welcome.

"Just come back, just come back!"

The person who came to greet Danas at the end surprised Charlemagne. It was actually a beautiful woman with a crown.

The outline of this woman made Charlemagne feel a little familiar. She was about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, just at the best age in a woman's life, and the elegance and maturity she exuded was quite attractive.

‘Could it be...Princess Calia? '

Charlemagne probably had some guesses about her identity, but he was puzzled about why Calia appeared here and the crown on her head.

‘What the **** happened while I was away? I always feel that the development of the situation seems to have exceeded my expectations...'

Fortunately, Kaerseth noticed the doubts of Charlemagne and Danas at this time, and he walked forward slowly to introduce them.

"Charlemagne, General Danath, this is Calia Menethil, who just took over as King of Lordaeron last month, and she is here to welcome the return of General Dallas in place of His Majesty Solas, who has passed away. "

Danas was still confused after listening to Kael'thas' introduction, but he was a well-educated son of the royal family after all, so he naturally saluted and greeted Calia with proper etiquette.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for coming to greet me, but why..."

Charlemagne's mind began to run at high speed at this time, and he roughly deduced it based on the information Kael'thas just revealed.

'I see, it seems that this Princess Calia... No, Queen Calia must have found a chance to defeat several dreadlords after Alsace and Kel'Thuzad escaped from Lordaeron and recapture the royal city of Lordaeron. , but... what about the Forsaken? '

Insufficient information made it difficult for Charlemagne to make a deeper judgment, but at this time Queen Calia took the initiative to contact Danas with doubts.

"General Danas, I made a deal with His Majesty Solas, who has become a dead soul. The two sides cooperated to eliminate the natural disasters entrenched in the King City of Lordaeron. The army of Lordaeron sent him back to Stromgarde for revenge. He led the Forsaken After capturing Stromgarde, all the people of Stormgard were incorporated into the Kingdom of Lordaeron."

Danas looked stunned, he was a little overwhelmed by the amount of information he received all at once, "Undead, revenge, no, but this..."

Kael'thas took a step forward and explained, "Simply put, His Majesty Solas' death in battle was caused by the betrayal of Prince Garin. Instead of sending reinforcements when His Majesty Solas needed support, he sent his confidants to help Solas. His Majesty's food was poisoned, and now he has been killed by His Majesty Solas who returned to Stromgarde."

"In exchange for assisting him in revenge, His Majesty Solas led his undead who had escaped the control of natural disasters to occupy the land of the original Stormgard Kingdom, and drove all the living in the entire kingdom out of this kingdom of the dead, allowing them to join Queen Calia’s Kingdom of Lordaeron, you, who were originally Prince Stormgard, of course belong to Lordaeron.”

Calia nodded, with an intellectual and gentle smile on her face, "That's it, General Danas, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to accept it for a while, but I have already promised His Majesty Solas that I will treat Storm The people of Gard do not discriminate."

"It just so happens that your return now can help me stabilize these refugees. They were a little bit at a loss when they were driven out of their homes just now. If you, the prince, came forward to appease them, they would be able to settle down quickly."

Not to mention Danas whose brain was temporarily shut down, even Charlemagne, who was eating melons, opened his mouth in surprise.

'This **** can still develop like this? ! The King of the Forsaken became Solas, and the place he occupied changed from Tirisfal Glades to Arathi Highlands... No, this is not the time to think about that yet. '

Charlemagne looked at the four Velen who had been waiting closely, and coughed lightly, waking up everyone present.

"Your Majesty, Queen Calia, Master Antonidas, and His Majesty Kurdran, this is the draenei leader Velen I brought back from Outland, and the other three are high-level draenei, namely Onara, Maraad and Romuel."

As for Nobundo, because the image of the Broken is not very good, the shaman leader was left on standby in the Storm Fortress.

Kael'thas took the lead in bowing gracefully, "Welcome to Quel'Thalas. I have heard about the general situation. Please enter and wait for a while. I have already run out to inform that the leaders of all ethnic groups should be very happy." Will gather soon."

Thanks to the book friends "Bookworm Di Shao", "Dragon City Tanhua", "Don't Snatch My Soy Sauce", "Five Heavens Soul", "Crouching Dragon in the Field", "Book Friends 160814191628967" and "Victor Liu" for their support.

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