Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 423: It’s so exciting to run after pretending

Chapter 423 It's really exciting to run after pretending

Charlemagne, who was recovering the Spear of the Eagle, couldn't help but chuckled when he heard Zong Dan's distaste for integrity, "Yes, I was meddling in my own business, I was just passing by, and I saw you guys fighting the Burning Legion. Intervene, don't pay attention to me."


Illidan took back the Double Blades of Azzinoth with a displeased face, "So, why are you here, don't tell me that you are really passing by or something."

Charlemagne spread his hands helplessly and said, "But in fact, I was really passing by. I just came to the Wildhammer Fortress in Shadowmoon Valley to inform the soldiers of the Alliance to return to Shattrath to gather. I saw that you are fighting fiercely here. Come and have a look." That's the situation."

"Wildhammer Stronghold?"

Unknown why, Illidan turned his head to Akama, the land snake, and the leader of the Broken said suddenly, "So that's why I said why the group of dwarves suddenly started to evacuate recently. It turned out to be your order."

Charlemagne followed Akama's words and said, "Yes, that's it. Since Magtheridon is dead, I don't want to delay any longer. I still have things to do in Shattrath. See you later."

Illidan looked thoughtfully at the figures of Charlemagne and Vereesa walking away quickly, and muttered in his mouth, "I always feel that this kid is hiding something..."

The gorgeous Vashj gave a seductive chuckle, "It doesn't matter what he's hiding, as long as it doesn't do us any harm. Now that Outland has been taken down, let's get down to business, right?"

Illidan came back to his senses, and looked at the demons who had been gradually eliminated from the Dark Temple, showing a smug expression, "That's right! Next, we will use Outland as our stronghold. Sooner or later, I will..."

However, Mr. Dan hadn't finished pretending yet, and there was a stern scolding sound in the sky, "Illidan! You idiot who didn't complete the mission and dared to go to Outland to attack the army of the Burning Legion, are you trying to betray the Legion again? ? Just like 10,000 years ago!"

Charlemagne, who had already left the range of the Dark Temple, looked at the giant red shadow behind him with lingering fear, and gently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Fortunately, I ran away after pretending to be forced, otherwise I would be in big trouble if I was recognized by Kil'jaeden."

Veresa felt a little uneasy holding Charlemagne's arm, and she asked with a slightly trembling voice, "Charlemagne...is that another giant of the Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver?"

Although Kil'jaeden did not come to Outland in person at this time, just an avatar projection already contained very powerful power, no wonder the little girl looked like this.

Charlemagne touched Vereesa's little head distressedly, "Don't be afraid, we won't face him head-on, he showed up now just to beat Illidan, but in this way, we have to hurry up and get things done in Outland and go back to Ai Xerath."

After that, Illidan should return to Azeroth to continue attacking the Lich King under the coercion of Kil'jaeden, which means that the time for the sad blue dragon Sapphiron is running out, and Charlemagne is going to join Oni Xia immediately returned to Shattrath to prepare for her return to Azeroth.

ha? How to go back? What are the big spaceships used for? Besides, according to the records of the Exodar being attacked by Kael'thas and crashing into Azeroth after taking off, this outer domain... probably floats in a place not far from Azeroth. place.

When Charlemagne and Vereesa saw Onyxia again, they couldn't help laughing and rolled on the ground. At this time, a large cloth pocket was hung under Princess Black Dragon's neck, and the pocket was full of her old clothes. The dragon eggs found in the Lingyi floating island, the image of the whole dragon is very funny.

"Hahaha! What's the matter with your nanny who is preparing to bring a baby? Are you trying to laugh me to death and inherit my legacy?"

"Pfft... I didn't expect the majestic black dragon princess to be a nanny one day, hehe~"

Onyxia looked depressedly at the master lying on the ground laughing so much that his stomach ached and protested dissatisfied, "Master! Didn't you ask me to retrieve as many dragon eggs as possible? I went to Wildhammer Fortress and found it for the convenience of transportation." Such a large piece of cloth..."

"Okay, you've worked hard this trip, and I'll help you brush your back after you get back. Let's go. Did you see the power of Kil'jaeden just now?"

Speaking of business, Charlemagne's expression became serious, and Onyxia nodded slightly uneasy, "I see, I didn't expect Kil'jaeden to use the projection to come to Outland. It seems that this place is no longer safe. We Go back to Azeroth now."

Different from Azeroth, which has space barriers that are complete and strong enough to make even Sargeras despair, the broken land of Outland, not to mention space barriers, even has an extremely thin atmosphere.

If Kil'jaeden discovers that Velen has returned to Outland again, he will definitely send an army of homosexuals to tie him back for a heart-to-heart talk. The strength of the Draenei and the Outland Expeditionary Force will definitely not be able to stop the large army of the Burning Legion.

The three of them embarked on the return journey with a sense of urgency. Driven by a sense of crisis, Onyxia flew out at her fastest speed. Charlemagne and Vereesa could only hold the reins and sit on her. Against the wind pressure on his back.

At the same time, Illidan also began to regroup his army aggrievedly. He could not disobey Kil'jaeden's order, so he could only lead the army back to Azeroth to fight the Lich King again.

When Onyxia flew back to Shattrath, the whole city was in chaos. The panicked draenei were quickly and skillfully packing their luggage. It seemed a little uneasy, but they didn't want to leave the city.

After Onyxia landed carefully, Charlemagne sighed when he saw the flustered scene, "It seems that Velen is ready to evacuate, I am afraid that Kil'jaeden's appearance just now was also noticed by him. Alright."

Although it was originally in Charlemagne's plan to use Kil'jaeden's power to force Velen to make a decision, he still felt a little uncomfortable seeing the skillful movements of the draenei who seemed to have done countless evacuation drills.

‘How many times has this poor race avoided the Burning Legion...’

Charlemagne asked Onyxia to stay and guard the dragon eggs, and took Vereesa into the central Holy Light Square. At this time, Velen, Khadgar and others had gathered here with serious expressions.

Khadgar noticed Charlemagne and hurriedly flashed in front of them, "Charlemagne! You are finally back. Did you see Kil'jaeden's projection just now?"

"Well, of course I saw it. It looks like...Your Excellency Velen has already made a decision?"

However, Velen didn't notice Charlemagne's question at all at this time. He looked at the distant sky with some empty eyes, not knowing what he was thinking about.

This kind of situation rarely happens to this wise draenei leader, Khadgar called out slightly unexpectedly, "Prophet?"

Veylon came back to his senses when he heard Khadgar's voice, "Huh? Ah, sorry, it's always easy to get distracted when you're old. Has Mr. Theron returned?"

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