Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 420: prophet? I’m still limping for him

Chapter 420 Prophet? I'm still limping for him

If Charlemagne were to describe it, Velen at this time must have felt like a dog beeping in his heart. He used to use his prophetic ability to guide his people. I never thought that one day someone would speak out in front of him and tell him that Draenei should have fate.

Charlemagne smiled slightly when he saw Velen's expression of disbelief, "Don't be so surprised, Your Excellency, the existence of a prophet is not so difficult for you to accept, right?"

A'dal interjected with a singing voice at this time, "So that's why your fate lines are so strange. You can actually change the fate of yourself and the people around you. This is really..."

Veyron's eyes narrowed when he heard Adal's words, he looked at Charlemagne with a serious face and asked, "Can destiny... really be changed?"

Charlemagne asked with a strange face, "What makes you think that fate cannot be changed? Originally, a person's fate has countless branches. It feels that different choices at a certain node will naturally lead to different paths. Changing fate is no longer Is it normal?"

Velen sighed deeply. He looked at Adal beside him and said, "It would be great if it was really that easy. Under the guidance of Naaru, I led the people to escape countless times from the Burning Legion, but …to this day I still see no hope for the future.”

"When will the draenei's escape end, and how can we defeat the Burning Legion led by the Fallen Titan?"

Khadgar was surprised to see the confused look of the usual calm prophet. He didn't expect Charlemagne to be able to limp the prophet who had the ability to see the future with just one mouth.


Charlemagne's chuckle interrupted Khadgar and Velen's thoughts, and he said proudly, "Although the Burning Legion is powerful, they are not invincible. This has been proved in Azeroth recently. Garshan killed Archimonde, number two of the Burning Legion."

'Although it is a tricky way...'


Khadgar and Velen exclaimed at the same time, and even the light of Naru Adar's whole body began to flicker in disorder. It seems that Charlemagne's words completely exceeded their imagination.

Khadgar hurriedly walked up to Charlemagne and asked, "Wait! The Archimonde you're talking about... should be the one I know from the Prophet and Adal, right? Could it be some demon with the same name and surname? "

Charlemagne was annoyed and said like Uncle Ka, "Nonsense, who else in the Burning Legion would dare to call this name except the Polluter. Even if there was, Archimonde would immediately tear his hand off and order him to change his name."

Velen's face was a little heavy after he recovered, "Although I have to praise you for doing a good job, I'm afraid the Burning Legion is not that easy to deal with. These demons can be resurrected in the Twisting Nether after death. Perhaps in a few decades Archimonde will Will be resurrected, besides..."

"Kil'jaeden, right?"

Mentioning this old friend of Villen, the expression on Charlemagne’s face was a bit meaningful, and Onyxia, who was on the side, knew that there was a deep story in it when she saw the master’s expression, so she almost moved a stool and sat down to listen to the story up.

"Yeah, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, maybe he can't compare with the polluter in terms of personal strength, but when it comes to conspiracy and layout, he is more difficult to deal with than Archimonde."

Charlemagne nodded in agreement and said, "Your Excellency Velen's concerns are justified. Kil'jaeden did take over the command of the Burning Legion after Archimonde's death, but he may not be able to enter our world to make trouble in a short time. .”

Velen paused his staff lightly with doubts on his face, "May I ask Mr. Theron, where did you start with this? Kil'jaeden is a very vengeful person, once he targets him..."

He himself felt deeply about this point. It was precisely because he disapproved of taking refuge in Sargeras and led the eredar who supported him to escape from Argus. The Lenny people chased after him...for tens of thousands of years.

"The Prophet may have misunderstood. I am not belittling Kil'jaeden's determination and ability, but the planet Azeroth is rather special."

Charlemagne solemnly explained to Villen, "Azeroth has the space barriers that the Titans of the Pantheon personally set up. Even Sargeras himself could not enter Azeroth freely. The War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, This fallen titan is suffocating in Azeroth."

Khadgar added with a strand of beard, "I can prove this point. I read this passage when I was reading materials in Karazhan. Sargeras tried to enter Azeroth through the Well of Eternity during the War of the Ancients, but In the end, his plans were shattered by night elves, demigods, and dragon Aspects."

Charlemagne nodded to Khadgar, "Although the final price was the explosion of the Well of Eternity and the splitting of the ancient Kalimdor continent into several independent plates, we have indeed been defeated more than once by relying on the particularity of the planet and our own hard work. Crushed the Burning Legion, and I believe the recent Battle of Hyjal will not be the last."

"So, Prophet Velen, I solemnly invite the Draenei to Azeroth. I believe that this world blessed by the Titans is the most suitable refuge for you and even... a place to counterattack."

Veyron heard Charlemagne's invitation, and looked at him with deep eyes. His twinkling eyes seemed to reveal the master's struggling mood at this time.

After a long time, Velen finally asked, "Mr. Theron, I don't think you invited us to Azeroth for no reason. What do you want from the Draenei, why don't you just say so?"

"Heh... It's refreshing to talk to someone who understands."

Charlemagne smiled nonchalantly, "First of all, it is the technology of the Draenei. As a race that can navigate the universe, you must have high technical power. I hope you can gradually pass on this technical power to others. Azeroth."

"The second is your rich experience in fighting the Burning Legion. For tens of thousands of years, the Draenei have fought the Burning Legion countless times. I hope to get detailed information from you about the strengths and weaknesses of the various demons of the Burning Legion and how to deal with them."

"Finally... There is no need to specifically mention it, I hope you can do your best to help Azeroth when it is facing a world crisis, including but not limited to the Burning Legion."

After hearing Charlemagne's three conditions, Velen stroked his long beard reflexively. From his expression, it could be seen that the prophet still hesitated.

"Mr. Theron, can you give us some time to think about it? I hope to convene high-level members of the clan to discuss such an important issue. I will give the final answer within half a month at most."

Charlemagne nodded readily and said, "No problem. After all, it is a major decision to relocate the family. I will stay in Outland for at least the next two months. Just give me an answer before then."

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