Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 412: A Brief Calm (for book friend "MrElegie"

Chapter 412 Brief Calm (Add more rewards for book friend "MrElegie")

Within two months of Alsace's return, the progress of the war between natural disasters and the living slowed down significantly due to all parties' wars. Due to internal problems, the troops sent by Alsace did nothing but recapture the area originally occupied by Garithos. plans to expand the territory.

The Lordaeron resistance army has recently received a piece of shocking news that Uther the Lightbringer and the masters of the five first-generation paladins, Archbishop Alonsus Faol, who was once considered dead by the world, In this world.

Unknowingly, he entered the Scarlet Monastery in Tirisfal Glades without knowing it, and publicly proved the authenticity of Calia Menethil's identity. Princess Leia's legitimate succession to the throne.

One stone caused a thousand waves. Garithos, who was the first to receive the news, said angrily that this was a rumor. Archbishop Fao had died long ago, and the one that popped up now must be a fake.

Although this statement has won many echoes, the name of Alonsus saint has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Many believers of the Holy Light quickly believed this rumor, and secretly made up the name of Alonsus. A series of stories about returning to the world because of the blessing of the Holy Light.

Just when the Holy Light's Hope Chapel and the Hand of Tyr were still a little confused when they received the news, Dathrohan used the title of the first generation of paladins as a guarantee, acknowledging the authenticity of Alonsus's still alive, and the news exploded again. All of Lordaeron.

Garithos has been huddling in Hearthglen to drink away his sorrows recently. Because of the appearance of Alonsus, his plan has basically come to naught. The new king of Lordaeron and the dictator caught by the military and government have all become nothing. Recently, Tylan Fording looked at him with some doubts.

Although Tailan is still a little immature due to his experience, he has inherited his father's uprightness and chivalry virtues. If Princess Calia is still alive, then he will firmly support the orthodox heir to the throne, Garithos... Go cool.

But at this time, Iselion, who claimed to be his father's friend before his death, found him and persuaded him not to jump to conclusions for the time being.

"Now the news from the Scarlet Monastery is just a rumor. After all, we haven't seen Princess Calia with our own eyes. We might as well reserve our position for the time being. How about confirming it in person when we have the opportunity to pay a visit in the future?"

What Isenlien said is not unreasonable, and it is a safe way to deal with it with reservations before seeing people in person... A typical safe method for the fence-sitters, Tai Lan, who is not deeply involved in the world, finally agreed under his persuasion.

When the entire northern part of the eastern continent was in turmoil, Charlemagne and Kael'thas led a group of high elf officers to Stormwind City to attend the funeral of Anduin Lothar, the first Grand Marshal of the Alliance.

Lothar, who had successively assisted the three kings of the Stormwind Kingdom, finally passed away. According to the sad King Varian, he died of natural causes in his sleep.

This time, Charlemagne will not be able to save Lothar like Alonsus. No one can save people who die because of the end of their lifespan, unless they use psychic spells...

But how could Varian not consider this? In order to prevent his godfather from being restless after death, he poured a large amount of high-purity holy water provided by Benedictus when he buried Lothar, even if Alsace Coming in person with Frostmourne in hand is unlikely to bring Lothar, who is bathed in the holy light, back up.

After watching the burial ceremony, Charlemagne looked a little sad on his face, "An old friend has passed away again... I heard that Antonidas is not in good health recently?"

Jaina, who had just teleported back from Theramore, nodded sadly, "After all, the mentor is old, and he has worked a lot on the reconstruction of Dalaran and the reorganization of the Kirin Tor Council recently, and he obviously feels a bit too much gone."

Charlemagne thought of the information sent back from Emeril and shook his head slightly, "The floating city can be built in a short while, no wonder he is not tired of leading the research and development team to tackle key problems."

Antonidas seems to be trying to make up for his past mistakes. After participating in the Battle of Hyjal, he immediately returned to work. In order to prevent Dalaran from being destroyed again in the future, Antonidas unified the opinions of the parliament and decided to build a mobile A floating city of abilities.

This stubborn old mage refused to rebuild Dalaran before the research and development of floating technology was completed, and a group of people are still nesting in Amber Mill to do research.

"If you want to do it, you have to be the best. Dalaran doesn't need the half-baked floating technology!" Jaina imitated her instructor's tone, and Charlemagne and Kael'thas couldn't help but chuckled.

The Sun King looked at the blue sky with some nostalgia and said, "It is true that Master Antonidas is too stubborn, but from a certain point of view, this is actually an advantage. Only Dalaran can research a clue in just a few months."

Charlemagne patted Jaina on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Master Antonidas will not fall easily until he achieves his goal. With his arcane skills, life extension is not impossible."

Jaina nodded proudly in agreement, "I think so too, the mentor is the most powerful mage among humans."

Tilting her head and thinking about it, the princess of Kul Tiras added another sentence, "...except for Magna."

Charlemagne said amusedly when he heard the words, "Sure enough, Aegwynn ranks first in your heart. That's right. After all, he is your idol."

After attending Lothar's funeral, Charlemagne bid farewell to the others, and took the time to go to Ironforge alone. It was time to tell Magni the truth that had been dragging on for a long time.

"...you mean, Muradin might still be alive?"

Magni sat on the throne and looked at Charlemagne with a dazed expression on his face. After regaining his senses, he jumped off the throne, rushed to Charlemagne in three jumps and grabbed his... waist excitedly. Shake up.

"Are you sure? Did you see where Muradin went? Why didn't he come back to us if he was still alive?"

Charlemagne, who was dizzy from being shaken, made a gesture of surrender, and Brian, who was equally excited, stepped forward and pulled his eldest brother away.

"Ahem... I'm not sure, but after Arthas left with Frostmourne, the people I sent to contain Muradin's body found nothing. His body seemed to disappear out of thin air, so I can only say that maybe... maybe He's still alive."

Magni rubbed his hands while walking up and down the royal court hall, "That's enough! At least it gives us hope."

"Bryan! You immediately send the Expedition Society to Northrend to find Muradin's whereabouts. Start searching around the cave in Dragonbone Wilderness. I also have a hunch that the dead boy should still be alive."

Bryan showed a rare serious expression, he patted his chest and promised, "Leave it to me, brother!"

Seeing the two people who were gearing up, Charlemagne finally settled his mind. When he returned to Yuanxing Town, an important message was finally conveyed by Emeril.

"Illidan is approaching the ruins of Dalaran, and Malfurion is leading Tyrande and Maiev in hot pursuit."

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