Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 403: Garithers: Decades of hard work

Chapter 403 Garithos: Decades of hard work

With the capture of Stratholme, the external threat of Quel'Thalas suddenly eased a lot. After Charlemagne sent people to blow up the evil spider tunnel where Rivendell escaped, the entire northwestern half of the Eastern Plaguelands was basically destroyed. put down.

Next, we only need to clean up the small amount of undead and diseased woods in Stratholme City to completely ensure the safety of this area.

After Stratholme was pacified, Charlemagne sent both the Sunset and Sunstrider to Zuma Shar in the southeast of the Gate of Salas. There was no need to dispatch ground troops to deal with these poor mossy trolls. No Air Force.

The Lieyang bombarded and washed the ground in a round at high altitude, and the Wings of the Sun made a surprise harvest and easily cleaned up the main moss trolls that had occupied the Eastern Plaguelands for thousands of years. The remaining fleeing trolls were no longer enough. fear.

This operation of Quel'Thalas has had a huge impact on the situation in the entire Eastern Plaguelands. The vast area north of the Light's Hope Chapel, except for the highly toxic woodland and Mushroom Valley that has not yet been cleaned up, has no The natural disaster stays.

King Kael'thas and the Silver Hand of Light's Hope have negotiated. Baron Tyrosus asked Quel'Thalas to cooperate with them in cleaning up the poisonous woodland under the eyes of Light's Hope Chapel.

As long as the threat from the north is removed, the chapel can safely focus on the crossing of Kaolin. As long as this important stronghold of natural disasters is opened up, the situation of the entire Eastern Plague will be very clear.

However, the next military operation has nothing to do with Charlemagne. After conquering Stratholme, he was recalled by King Kael'thas, and Lianda Sunstrider will be the commander in chief for the next operation.

When Charlemagne hurried back to the Tower of Sunfury, he found that Kael'thas and the councilors had very heavy faces.

"Your Majesty, members of Parliament, has something happened?"

Kael'thas looked up at him, and handed out a report, "Arthas is back."

Charlemagne's pupils shrank, and after a confession, he took the report and began to read it.

This report was sent by the patrol fleet of Kul Tiras. It mentioned that Arthas had landed on the northern coast of Tirisfal Forest three days ago.

Although Kul Tiras sent warships forward to attack under Daelin's order, they did not dare to go deep into the pursuit under the harassment of the gargoyles.

At this moment, Welles suddenly appeared half-kneeling next to Kael'thas and reported, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, there is an urgent message from the Western Plaguelands from a scout."

Willes' words attracted the attention of everyone present. Kael'thas immediately started to read the report, and his brows gradually wrinkled.


After putting down the report, Kael'thas let out a bad breath, and he handed the letter to Osis.

"Alsace did not stop at all after landing, and directly marched towards the Tokyu Army and beat Garithes by a hand. Now the northern part of Andorhal where the Marshal was stationed has been recaptured by natural disasters, and Garithers' army has also been defeated. Completely defeated, now he led the defeated army and fled into the Hearthglen Fortress in a panic."

Osis also sighed after reading it, circulated the report to other members of the parliament one by one, and finally taught it to Charlemagne.

"200,000 new undead troops... It's hard to do. It's all because Garithos, an idiot, didn't listen to our advice. Otherwise, the Western Plaguelands wouldn't be lost again. At least it can be done by guarding the intersection."

Charlemagne shook his head helplessly. As Alsace completely defeated the Western Plague Resistance Army of Garithes, he once again opened the passage from Tirisfal Glades to the Eastern Plaguelands, which would also cause the Eastern Plague to The clear situation has once again produced many variables.

Li Reza got up and walked to the map hanging on the wall, pointing at the road that runs through the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron.

"After Arthas re-opened the passage to the Western Plague, they can travel to and from the old territory of the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron unimpeded. Fortunately, we have already captured Stratholme in advance, otherwise the war situation in the Eastern Plague may continue to erode."

Now that the high elves have blown up the Evil Spider Tunnel again, even if Arthas can provide support for the Eastern Plague, they can only advance from the south. The first to bear the brunt of the pressure will be the Light's Hope Chapel and the Hand of Tyr, so that they will not threaten Come Quel'Thalas.

However, the re-fall of Andorhal and the defeat of Garithos have had a very serious impact on the entire situation in the Western Plaguelands. At least in a short period of time, it is impossible for this headstrong humanist to regain this important intersection again. up.

While Kael'thas, Li Reza and others worriedly speculated about the route of Alsace's advance, Charlemagne was thinking about the current time in his heart.

'It is now February 21 at the Dark Portal. According to Emeril's information, Illidan has just arrived at the Broken Shore with the Naga. Next, he should go to the Tomb of Sargeras to capture the Eye of Sargeras so that Carry out Kil'jaeden's orders to remove the traitorous Lich King. '

Charlemagne lowered his head and thought for a while. Looking at the situation now, Kael'thas should not send him to the front line to lead the army in a short time, or just go to the Broken Isles.

As he thought, Kael'thas didn't mention anything about getting him back to the front line. Charlemagne took advantage of the opportunity to ask him for leave and wanted to go to the Broken Isles. The Sun King readily agreed.


"Broken Isles, where are you doing? Are the Highmountain Tauren and Nightborne still licking their wounds?"

Afternoon tea time after lunch, Cirvanas was a little puzzled when he heard Charlemagne's itinerary. There shouldn't be anything important to deal with in the Broken Isles at this time.

Charlemagne relayed Emmoreel's report to the three Windrunner sisters present, "That's it. Now Jarod's sister Maiev is chasing Illidan, and I'm going to sell Maiev a favor."

Charlemagne vaguely remembered that Maiev seemed to have lost a lot of elite watchers in the pursuit of Illidan, including Nasha, whom she treated like her own sister after Jarod disappeared.

It was also after losing Nasha that Maiev's thoughts and actions became more and more radical, and she gradually began to lose her mind.

On the eve of the Cataclysm version, Maiev, who angered the Highborne because of Illidan, was dissatisfied with Malfurion who made the decision to let Syndra return, and secretly planned the assassination of Syndra and the kidnapping of Malfurion .

Fortunately... was stopped by his younger brother Jarod in the end, but Maiev, who lost his mind, actually attacked his own brother. If Edric the werewolf hadn't risked his life to save him, maybe Jarod would really have died in his own hand. Sister's men.

Charlemagne said meaningfully, "Maeve's personal strength can be regarded as the strongest among the night elves. Illidan, who has not yet transformed into a demon, dare not say that he can win her steadily. Such a combat power cannot be lost because of losing his mind." And wasted."

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