Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 398: Lor’themar Arjun Theron

Chapter 398 Lor'themar Aqiang Theron

The next day, Alonsus came to Charlemagne's room early in the morning to bid farewell to him.

Charlemagne looked at the former archbishop with a firm expression in front of him and made the final confirmation, "Alonsus, have you made your decision?"

"Yes, after all, Lordaeron is my hometown where I have lived for decades. Now it has been torn apart because of Alsace's rebellious behavior. I can't let this situation continue. I decided to support Princess Calia to rebuild the country. "

Alonsus's categorical words made Charlemagne understand that he had made up his mind, so he could only nod and said, "Well, it is not convenient for us high elves to intervene in this matter, after all, it is Lordaeron's internal affairs, but if you need help, please Although, within the scope of my authority, I will try my best to help you."

Alonsus hugged Charlemagne gratefully, "Thank you, my old friend, I don't know when I will see you again, may the Holy Light bless you."

"Take care also, and may the sun guide your path."

Since most of the entire area of ??Lordaeron has become a stronghold of natural disasters, Charlemagne did not dare to use the teleportation spell to send Alonsus away, so he could only ask Lisson to pick out a strong Quel'dorei war horse and give it to him. The former archbishop.

Next, the de facto leader of the Church of the Void Light will arrive at the Holy Light's Hope Chapel through the road opened by the high elves after leaving the border of Quel'Thalas.

The road after that will be more bumpy. In order not to be discovered by Garithos, he can only avoid the undead from the natural disaster all the way across the East and West Plaguelands to reach the Scarlet Monastery.

The whole process will be very difficult, but once this extremely determined former archbishop has made up his mind, he will faithfully implement his beliefs. Moreover, with his epic strength, it is unlikely that the natural disasters along the way will cause him any substantial damage. harm.

Before Alsace came back, Charlemagne spent a rare period of relatively peaceful days in Far Travel Town. Half a month later, when Lor'themar, Valeira and others returned, they were naturally welcomed again.

"So, Ah Qiang really chose the wrong job. His stealth skills are obviously very lame, but sometimes even I, a thief, can't find him. What a waste of my talent!"

Valeira, a lively little thief, started chatting with Aurelia as soon as she came back. This time, she cooperated with Lor'themar to eliminate natural disasters. This little guy finally knew what Charlemagne and others said before that they like to hide in corners. What's the meaning.

Lor'themar's sense of existence is too low. If you don't pay attention to Valeira, you will lose his trace, and then you will always find this guy doing his own thing in a corner near the wall.

Lor'themar heard Valeera's accusation, and shook his head helplessly under the mocking gazes of his brother and the Windrunner sisters, "This little thing is, he doesn't look like a thief at all, he was bluffing along the way, and went to During the investigation, I was almost discovered by the undead..."

"It's because you are so boring!"

Seeing the interesting interaction between the two, Charlemagne's depressed mood has finally eased a lot recently. He smiled and put his arms around his younger brother's neck and asked, "So, what is the result of your outing this time? Has the path of the hand been opened?"

The straight-line distance from Light's Hope Chapel to Tyre's Hand is actually not far, but if you want to go straight to it, you will inevitably have to cross some extremely difficult mountain roads. If you want to transport supplies to Tyre's Hand, you can only follow Luo The road that Danlun Kingdom had previously repaired was advancing.

Unfortunately, this main road has to pass through a town called Colin Crossing. This small town on the shore of Lake Mirdal has been occupied by a large number of natural disasters, and it has become the biggest obstacle connecting the resistance forces of the East and West Plaguelands.

In order to ensure the control of Colin Crossing, Rivendell specially sent a lot of psychics from the Damned sect to the town. According to previous intelligence, the forces of Light's Hope Chapel and Tyr's Hand attacked the town many times. All ended in failure.

Lor'themar shook his head regretfully and said, "No, the number of natural disasters at Colin Crossing is too large. I don't know how many troops that guy Rivendell has hoarded here. Apart from having no siege weapons, even the high-level troops of natural disasters hate and die. There are quite a few knights, and neither the air nor the ground can attack."

The death knight was researched by Kel'Thuzad during Charlemagne and others' expedition to Kalimdor. He combined the research results of the first generation of orc death knights with some pointers from Ner'zhul. The original version is more powerful.

Not only can they use the power of death, they are also blessed by the Lich King in the control of the power of frost. The existence of these death knights at Colin Crossing can withstand the attacks of Tyr's Hand and Light's Wish Paladin. shock.

Charlemagne patted Ah Qiang on the shoulder and comforted him, "Okay, forget about Colin Crossing for now, His Majesty has decided to rebuild the Quellins Cabin near the junction of Quel'Thalas and the Eastern Plaguelands. Focus on Stratholme, which is more of a threat to us."

Lor'themar and Rommath simultaneously showed expressions of thought, "Is it Stratholme?"

After thinking about it for a while, Rommath first agreed with Kael'thas' strategic thinking, "I think His Majesty's idea is reasonable. Compared with the east that has gradually stabilized, Stratholme, a huge city of natural disasters, is obviously more important to Quel'Thalas. The threat is greater."

Lor'themar also nodded immediately and said, "Once the Quellings hut is rebuilt, we can enter the city through Stratholme's east wall gate at any time. If the city can be completely wiped out, the situation in the entire Eastern Plaguelands will be greatly affected." have a positive impact."

Charlemagne smiled and said, "That's right, so our strategy will focus on Stratholme in the future. We will launch an attack after the Sunny returns, and try to take down this Eastern Plagueland before Alsace returns." Natural disaster town."

After all, the Solaris is a spaceship, and it will definitely return to the eastern continent faster than Alsace, which is advancing by sea. At that time, the high elves can take advantage of this time difference to take down Stratholme quickly and openly. After that, they only need to block the evil spider Tunnel, the entire northwestern region of the Eastern Plague will be completely pacified.

After freeing up their hands, the high elves can more easily provide assistance to the Silver Hand's attack on Kaolin Crossing...By the way, go around to Zuma'shal to kill those annoying mossy trolls.

After Charlemagne told the general plan of Kael'thas to everyone, he patted Lor'themar on the shoulder lightly, "In short, everyone, get ready, we will go out again in a short time, and continuous battles will accumulate considerable mental and physical damage. Fatigue, everyone take this time to rest and adjust."

Thanks to book friends "hanhzx" and "Zimu Chun" for their support.

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