Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 391: Archimonde’s plan

Chapter 391 Archimonde's plan

The final battle on Mount Hyjal is about to begin. Standing in the camp, Charlemagne and others can already see the Burning Legion marching upward along the narrow mountain path below.

Different from other people who focused all their attention on the Burning Legion and Archimonde, Charlemagne keenly noticed that there was a lack of natural disasters that should have existed in the Burning Legion's camp at this time.

‘That Alsace guy won’t run away, right? No, it shouldn’t be so, now that Archimonde is still alive, if he flees his master at will, he will be severely punished by the polluters, that is to say...’

Charlemagne used the eagle eye technique to look towards the distant camp, and sure enough... Alsace was busy "cleaning the battlefield" at the ruins of the orc defense line at the foot of the mountain with his psychics.

Except that the corpses of the Burning Legion who used fel energy cannot be resurrected, the corpses of orcs who died in battle were resurrected as undead. If you count the corpses of the alliance, tauren and furbolgs who died in the second line of defense, Kalim of Arthas Many expeditions may lose as much as the replenishment.

This is the horror of natural disasters. Normally, the more the army fights, the fewer people they fight. However, natural disasters can rely on the ability to resurrect the dead to support wars. On the contrary, the number of troops under their command may increase as the war progresses.

Goel, who was beside Charlemagne, noticed the actions of the high elf grand duke, and then used the shaman's vision technique to look into the distance.

"This is!"

Seeing the actions of the undead, the great chief roared with tears in his eyes, "Those damned Scourge are actually desecrating the corpses of the warriors?!"

Before the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the orcs had never directly fought against the undead, and they didn't know much about the custom of "sweeping the floor" such as natural disasters. At this time, they would naturally feel disgusted and angry when they saw the actions of the undead.

The Alliance knew this, but under such fierce battles, there was no time to clean up the battlefield. At this time, Varian and Antonidas also frowned, watching the natural disaster clear the orcs' position and began to fight. Advance towards the second line of defense.

Daelin said with a sarcasm smile, "Ha! That's great, that means we can kill the orcs by the way when we fight against natural disasters in the future. From a certain point of view, it's good news!"

Varok turned his head to look at him with an unfriendly expression, "Lord Proudmoore, may I take your words as a provocation to the orcs?"


Daelin roared angrily after hearing Varok's words, "You dirty greenskins killing my two crown princes one after another is the greatest provocation to Kul Tiras. I'll catch you all!"

Brox snorted coldly and said, "I'm not afraid to flash my tongue when I say big words. Back then, the entire alliance was only 50-50 against the Horde. Why do you think that Kul Tiras alone can compete with the entire tribe?" Tribal war?"


The coalition commander Garrod stepped forward to stop the conflict between the two sides, "If you have any conflicts, please resolve them privately after the war. Now focus on the Burning Legion. If Archimonde absorbs Nordash With your power, I don’t think you need any further disputes.”

Leaders such as Kael'thas and Antonidas also stepped forward to dissuade the two sides. Dai Lin is not ignorant of the general situation. Under his daughter's soft comfort, he finally calmed down. After a cold snort, he went to the back and said no He sat down without saying a word.

The Saurfang brothers also temporarily extinguished their anger under the persuasion of Go'el and Vol'jin, but judging from the tense appearance of the two sides, I am afraid that once the foreign enemy is gone, they will fight each other sooner or later.

As the leaders of the alliance and the tribe retreated to the rear, the remnants of the Burning Legion led by Archimonde finally came to the last line of defense built by the coalition of elves.

The huge body of the Defiler put enormous pressure on all the defending elves, and the Dragon King and the demigod who were a little far behind were also warily looking at the blue-skinned eredar demon in the distance.

Fortunately, Archimonde didn't seem to have any plans to go into battle in person immediately. He sent out all the remaining Burning Legion with a big wave of his hand, and he stood there with his hands folded and his eyes greedy. Overhead is the gigantic Nordrassil.

After the weakening of the second line of defense, the number of the Burning Legion has decreased a lot compared to the initial period, and all the high-level commanders brought by Archimonde have all died in battle. Now the formation of the Burning Legion looks completely Like a plate of loose sand.

When the frontline troops resisted the attack, Garrod and Charlemagne frowned in confusion at the same time, "Something is wrong, Archimonde should know that this kind of stragglers cannot defeat our defense line, why did he send his troops to die? "

Kael'thas looked at the polluters in the distance vigilantly, and guessed, "Could it be...he just wants these men to weaken our defenses and forcefully break through with his own personal force at an appropriate time?"

Charlemagne shook his head and said, "It doesn't make sense. If he has this kind of calculation, wouldn't it be more appropriate to charge with the army by himself? I don't believe he doesn't know that there are demigods and guardian dragons on our side."

Although Charlemagne himself doesn't think that these giant dragons and demigods can hold Archimonde for too long, they can still threaten Archimonde's combat power to some extent. The polluters should not be so stupid as to completely ignore them. them.

At this time, Archdruid Malfurion had already gone to the rear with the horn of Cenarius to prepare, while Tyrande and Fandral returned to the capital and began to arrange for the people to pass through the portal opened by the alliance mage in an orderly and thorough manner.

I don't know if Tyrande did it on purpose, but now the frontline commander of the night elves is Shandris Feathermoon, who has a relationship with Jarod. The night elf army resisted the Burning Legion's attack.

Chimeras, Horned Eagle Knights, and Druids of Raptors in the sky, together with the Sunstrider Legion of the High Elves, are clearing out the remaining Evil Bats and Doomguards of the Burning Legion. Now they have the upper hand, and victory in the air battle is only a matter of time.

After winning the air supremacy, the Sunshine also unscrupulously launched into the air and began to provide artillery support to both the air and the ground. The X-Mech squad led by Aznab and Lei was also active in killing all levels of demons of the Burning Legion on the battlefield.

On the ground, under the resistance of the ancient war trees in the front row, the Sentinels, the elite troops under the command of the High Elves and the Nightborne also suppressed the Burning Legion's attack with powerful long-range firepower.

The magic cannons of the high elves are more powerful than the human artillery. Under the coordinated bombing of the air and the ground, the formation of the Burning Legion often has a short vacuum.

Land combat mass-produced mechas and melee occupations with magic guns are also fighting bravely under the command of the officers. The overall situation is very good, and it is only a matter of time before they continue to fight like this and win.

But Charlemagne and Garrod are not as optimistic as Kael'thas and Elisande, and the two of them instinctively feel that something is wrong.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Charlemagne's mind, and he hurriedly looked back at Nordrassil, "Could it be?!"

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