Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 388: Salted fish stab!

Chapter 388 Salted Fish Spike!

Due to being in the middle of the battlefield, Vereesa didn't have time to enjoy the scenery looking down from the sky as usual when she opened her parachute and landed. She even shot and killed several people who were about to attack her with Titan Strike in midair. evil bat.

After landing, she saw that the two sisters had already bent their bows and started to kill the demons around them. The landing site did not deviate too much from the original position. The gap in the city wall in front left was the battle point between Kane and others and Azgalor.

Alleria shot a succubus again and looked at Vereesa, "Everyone is here, let's go straight to the city wall and try to help Kane and the others kill the abyss lord as quickly as possible, follow up!"

Vereesa was not used to the sudden absence of the three leopards by her side. She almost subconsciously bowed her head to greet them. Unfortunately, for the airborne combat this time, the three leopards could only temporarily stay behind and wait for orders.

When they came to the city wall, the three sisters were silent for a while. At this time, there was still a burst of burning smell on the city wall. Some alliance soldiers who were killed by Azgalor's rain of flames fell to the corner of the wall with their bodies scorched. Green fel flames were still bubbling from some of the pits shattered by the infernals.

Vereesa said with compassion on her face, "It's so miserable..."

Alleria sighed softly, "Yes, but I don't have time to collect their corpses now. Azgalor is right below, and he will attack when he is ready."

Sister Windrunner was the first to untie Sasdora's bowstring and aim at the huge abyss lord, and Cirvanas also undid the spiritstring longbow to follow up without showing any sign of weakness.

When Vereesa also squatted on the ground and aimed at the target with a sniper rifle-like Titan Strike, the three sisters who had a tacit understanding simultaneously launched an aimed shot infused with the energy of the artifact.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Boom!"

The moment the three of them shot, three bowl-sized blood holes appeared on Azgalo's shoulders, and a shocking scream came out of his mouth.

The attacks of the three sisters were all aimed at the head. They possessed divine weapons and almost effortlessly penetrated the defense of the abyss lord that made Naig and Barre helpless. If Azgalo hadn't noticed it at a critical moment Seeing a fatal threat, he instinctively moved away from his body. I am afraid that Archimonde is already ready to help him collect the body.

But even so, Azgallo was having a hard time. Not to mention the three sudden wounds on his body, Kane and Ulan also accurately grasped the sudden weakness of the abyss lord due to the pain, and the two launched an attack almost at the same time. Counterattacking, the huge ax and spear infused with anger hit Azgalor's feet respectively.

"Hey, ants who win with numbers! I will let you all be buried here!"

Azgallo, who had the absolute upper hand, was suddenly beaten to the point of gg by a wave of team battles. He was so furious that he couldn't care less. First, he sent a large-scale rain of flames in the direction of the three Windrunner sisters, forcing the three to retreat. The queen immediately condensed a large amount of evil energy and poured it into the double-ended spear.

Kane and Ulan suddenly felt their hairs stand on end, and Kane shouted to his companions, "Be careful! This guy is going desperate, pay attention to dodging!"

Based on the type of Azgalor's weapon and the posture of the attack, the two roughly judged that this move should be a stab attack. After sending out a shock wave that hindered the abyss lord's movement, they immediately used a heroic jump to avoid it.

"go to hell!"

Seeing the two biggest targets run away, Azgalo simply targeted Hamuir, Jieer and Magatha in the back row.


A thick and long beam of evil energy followed Azgalor's desperate blow and hit the three of them. At the critical moment, the three nannies showed their magical powers, and Hamuul turned into a storm crow at the fastest speed and hid in the sky. .

Magasa and Jieer were ready when they received the reminder from Kane. The two turned into ghost wolves early on. As soon as Azgalo's posture was set, the two separated and hid in two directions.

In the end, Azgalor's deathblow missed any of his main targets, but it was his final contribution, a powerful thrust of fel energy that opened a huge gap in the wall.

After the three Allerias jumped out of the range of the rain of flames, while Azgalo was still weak and recovering, the three sisters mercilessly aimed at his head again and launched a precise snipe.


The abyss lord whose head was pierced fell to the ground before he could speak harshly, and his body began to erupt with unstable fel energy just like when Mannoroth died.

Alleria had heard Charlemagne mention the rogue characteristics of the abyss lord long ago, and immediately called out to everyone nearby to retreat.


Accompanied by a loud bang and a storm of fel energy that soared into the sky, the entire city wall near Azgalor was shaken down by this huge explosion. It just so happened that there was also unwillingness to come from the other side of the battlefield. cry.

"Sorry! Lord Archimonde, I failed your expectations..."

Charlemagne, who was observing with Eagle Eye on the rear defense line, breathed a sigh of relief. "Although the loss was relatively large, the two commanders were finally eliminated, but this line of defense is probably about to lose its hold."

Garrod put down the binoculars in his hand and sighed, "Yes, a large part of the city wall has collapsed, and the soldiers are also exhausted. After repelling this wave of attacks, they must be evacuated."

"Trash! Do you still want me to do it myself? Mortals, enjoy your final peace!"

Suddenly a loud shout from down the mountain caused all the leaders present to sink their faces. King Kael'thas asked uncertainly, "Is that voice just now Archimonde?"

Malfurion nodded with a heavy face, "The second person in the Burning Legion, Archimonde the Polluter, except for the fallen titan Sargeras, his strength is unmatched in the Burning Legion."

The archdruid looked at the allies around him, and he really didn't know what to do. Although the army of the Burning Legion had been reduced a lot, Archimonde, the biggest obstacle, still couldn't be solved.

He still remembers the overwhelming power of the polluter during the War of the Ancients. Even Malorne, the strongest demigod who reached the peak of the demigod level, was half behind him. This polluter should have barely touched the true **** level. side.

Among the main battle forces gathered today, Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Goldrinn are all demigods with high-level strength, but Goldrinn's strength has not fully recovered, and at most he can play half as much as Cenarius. God's intermediate strength.

Among the other dragons, only the bronze dragon queens Solidomi, Taranistrasz, and Eranikus reached this level, and Kalecgos, Onyxia, Lythorne, and Krasus were all only half. The primary strength of gods, let alone ordinary dragons, maybe they should be called quasi-demigods.

There are probably only a few people who can really cause harm to Archimonde, and because of the obvious difference in strength, it is hard to say how much they can do.

Thinking of this, Malfurion decided to prepare for the worst in advance.

"Cenarius, I remember you had a horn..."

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