Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 386: precarious line of defense

Chapter 386 The Precarious Line of Defense

Kazrogar, who can fly, will have a greater impact on the battle situation than the Abyss Lord who can only crawl on the ground. Once the Wildhammer Gryphon Knight is defeated, it will cost more to support the battle situation, which will make Burning The Legion gradually built up its advantages like a snowball.

Under the joint spellcasting of Aegwynn, Jaina, and Antonidas, a round of powerful arcane missiles flew out of the hands of the three of them, gathered together in the air and flew towards Kazroga.


Kazloga, who was happily beheading the griffin with a huge sword, was hit by this wave of arcane missiles without checking for a while, and Yang Tian let out a painful roar.

The doom guard with red eyes looked for a while and saw a few mortals on the ground looking at him provocatively.

"Come on, big bat! Are you afraid that I will chop off those ugly wings on your back and roast them?"

Varian's trash talk taunt made Kazroga furious, and at the same time made the corners of the mouths of Daelin, Jaina and others twitch.

Antonidas grinned and twirled his beard and said, "As expected of the warrior Sir Lothar taught, I've already used taunts quite a bit."

Kazloga flapped the huge wings on his back and descended rapidly towards the ground, while roaring angrily, "You mortals who can't control themselves! Defeating you leaders will completely collapse this pathetic line of defense. Accept the Burning Legion Purify it!"


Relying on the huge kinetic energy when he landed rapidly, Kazroga made a powerful strike with his giant sword. The hill that was chosen by Varian and others as the battlefield was completely changed by his sword.

Compared with the three mages who used Blink to dodge, it is a little more difficult for the two mages to dodge in melee combat. Varian used heroic jump to avoid the splashing rubble in time, and paladin Daelin could only open the holy Shield Shu dodged the sword by leaping to the side.

Among the few people present, Antonidas and Aegwynn are both at the top of the 9th ring, Jaina only has the 8th ring now, and Varian and Daelin are two melee fighters, one is a heroic weapon-specialized fighter, and the other is a punishment Specialized epic paladin.

The embarrassing thing for the five of them now is that no one can stand up to Kazloga's attack...

Fortunately, Dai Lin is not a pure paladin, as his sword Tide Sword flashed a burst of water blue light, three huge water elementals were summoned, and under Dai Lin's order, the three water elemental warriors Fearless of death, he rushed towards Kazloga who had just landed.

"Ha!" Kazloga sneered, and slashed at the three water elementals with a cleave, but to his surprise, the water elementals were not instantly scattered, but were knocked back a few steps. Keep rushing towards him.

At this time, the three mages also began to show their power, each using their own powerful spells to greet Kazloga.

In addition to Jaina who inherited her father's talent and is specialized in ice, Antonidas and Aegwynn are all-round mages of the three systems. Various spells such as Frostbolt, Pyroblast, and Arcane Barrage can be learned from the two. The hands bombarded Kazroga's body from various tricky angles. Cooperating with Varian and Daelin's assault, the demon commander roared in pain.

Although Azgalo, who was outside the city wall in the distance, disliked his colleague Kazloga, he could still figure it out in his simple mind. Once the opponent died, it might be his turn next.

Thinking of this, he strengthened his offensive. The rain of flames and the slash of the giant spear caused heavy damage to the soldiers on the front line of the alliance, and the defense line was about to fail.

Kane, Ulan and others stepped forward, but it is a pity that it is obviously very difficult for Kane and Ulan to bring a few hero-levels alone.

Jarald and Charlemagne, who were standing on the mountain path observing the battle, frowned at the same time. Garald sighed and said, "Sure enough, the simultaneous assault of the two commanders put too much pressure on the defense line. It will not be good to continue like this."

Charlemagne thought for a while and suggested, "This is not going to work. Now Varian and the others can only concentrate on dealing with Kazloga. It is too difficult for Kane and the others to deal with it alone."

Garrod nodded and said, "That's true, but the dragons have just come back from their attack and breathe out their dragon breath, and they haven't fully recovered yet, so they can only provide limited support from other high-end combat forces."

He put his chin on his hand and thought about it, then turned to Charlemagne and said, "The Dragon King and the demigods must stay focused on dealing with Archimonde, here we can only let mortals contribute, and the night elves can dispatch Shandris and Fandral." , Malfurion and Tyrande stay behind to guard, where are you?"

Charlemagne and Kael'thas looked at each other, and after a little calculation of their combat power, Kael'thas answered, "Except for me and Elisande who need to sit in the rear, everyone else can actually attack, but It depends on how the demand adjusts the attacking personnel."

Garrod looked at the battle situation below again. Varian and the others had gained the upper hand with the support of water elements summoned by three mages including Daelin and Antonidas in turn. With more and more wounds, victory is only a matter of time.

But Kane and Ulan were obviously at a disadvantage when they played against Azgalor. Although they could barely withstand the treatment and support of Jieer, Magatha and Hamuul, Barre and Naig were obviously too weak. The water was a little wet, and it couldn't do any harm to the abyss lord at all.

Moreover, Azgalor's open and closed attacks and the constant rain of flames caused great damage to the surrounding soldiers. The defensive line caused great pressure.

If it weren't for the furbolgs' fearless replacement and the fire support provided by the artillery that pushed up the city wall again, the collapse of the defense line might be imminent.

Charlemagne and the Sun King discussed in private, and finally Kael'thas nodded in agreement with Charlemagne's proposal. He turned his head and said to Jarod, "Now the strength advantage of the Burning Legion is under the influence of the two commanders leading the charge. It was clear that we had to reduce the pressure on the defense line while carrying out the decapitation."

"The high elves decided to send the space battleship Lieyang and the three sisters of the Windrunners to support the front line. With the artillery support of the battleships, it should be able to effectively reduce the number of the Burning Legion. At the same time, the support of three powerful long-range heroes can also help the Tauren attack. Kill that abyss lord."

Garrod's eyes flashed, and he said with interest, "Is that flying warship finally going to attack? Well, according to His Majesty the Sun King, please rush to support as soon as possible. If the time is prolonged, it may happen again." misfortune."

Charlemagne smiled confidently. He pointed to the camp behind and said, "With the speed of the Riding Sun, it doesn't take too long to fly to the frontline battlefield on the mountainside. At this moment, Princess Lianda and Aurelia have already After receiving the order, I will be able to take off to the battlefield soon.”

As soon as Charlemagne's words fell, the engine sound from the Sun's operation had already reached their ears. As the three Windrunner sisters boarded the ship swiftly, the spaceship slowed down under the curious eyes of the night elves. Lift off slowly, adjust the course and immediately speed up and fly towards the battlefield.

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