Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 384: second line of defense

Chapter 384 The Second Line of Defense

Garrod was obviously a little uncomfortable in the face of the eager eyes of the bosses. He reached out and scratched his messy silver hair, and greeted with a smile, "Long time no see, everyone."

Malfurion walked over and hugged him first, "Just come back, now is the critical moment in Azeroth, and we need to rely on your strength again!"

Alexstrasza, Cenarius and others also came up to greet this low-key hero with nostalgic and gratified smiles. Only Tyrande, who was usually the most powerful, seemed a little timid at this time.

Charlemagne shrugged his shoulders when he saw Grandma Tai's actions, "It's no wonder that he was busy fighting for military power from the opponent right after the War of the Ancients. Fortunately, Jarod was humble and low-key, otherwise a civil war might be worse than the Highborne's." The problem broke out earlier, and in order to release Illidan, Grandma Tai also killed some watchmen under other sisters. '

Garald didn't care much about Tyrande's attitude. He was the one who took the initiative to delegate power at the beginning. Otherwise, with the huge prestige that Garald gained in the War of the Ancients, even a person from the priest system would want to take over Tyrande. Military power? over thinking.

At this time, the business is important, and we don't care too much about the old days. After a few pleasantries, everyone got into the topic.

Under Charlemagne's explanation, Kael'thas also knew the identity of this person, he looked at Jarod with some emotion and said, "So he is Jarod Shadowsong, the greatest hero in the War of the Ancients, Dasley Ancestor Ma mentioned his deeds many times in the books left behind, and the ancestors also highly respected him."

At this time, Garald has quickly entered the state. He is listening to the detailed front-line battle report conveyed by Fandral, and Charlemagne also pricked up his ears to listen.

"The orcs did a good job. Chief Goel personally led his elite subordinates to decapitate the natural disasters. The natural disasters lost their controllers and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. The orcs should be able to completely block this wave of attacks."

Charlemagne frowned when he heard this, "Wait a minute, Fandral, you said that the natural disaster is out of control?"

Fandral turned his head and said to Charlemagne, "That's right, after the lich died, the undead army became a mess. Is there any problem?"

"Indeed, as far as I know, the Lich King can remotely control all natural disasters. It makes no sense... ah."

Halfway through the talk, Charlemagne suddenly came to his senses. He rubbed his chin jokingly, "I see. The Lich King really doesn't want to help the Burning Legion wholeheartedly. This guy is blatantly showing weakness."

As Charlemagne said, Alsace, who was unfavorable in attack, was personally punished by Archimonde. If he hadn't considered that the other party was Kil'jaeden's subordinates, he would not have gone too far, could poor Alsace It's hard to say if you survived.

"Useless waste! Let your undead retreat, and the Burning Legion will attack next. I want you to see the strength of the Legion!"

Alsace, who was aching all over from being burned by the evil energy, could only agree with anger and aggrieved, "Yes, great Lord Archimonde."

‘Why did I abandon everything and devote myself to the natural disaster of the undead? Why do you still have to bow your knees in front of others now! '

Death Knight Arthas felt conflicted in his heart at this time. Perhaps the Scourge was not as omnipotent as the Lich King said, and he was also dissatisfied with the Lich King's style of doing everything from heart to heart.

For the first time, he had doubts in his heart about the Lich King, whom he had always believed in.

After the Scourge retreated, Archimonde dispatched Anaseron to lead the Burning Legion vanguard to attack the tribal camp. It was very difficult for the heavily damaged tribe to withstand the attack of the Burning Legion.

Fortunately, Garrod directed the dragon to send air support in time. In the end, Varok, with the assistance of Go'el, Drek'Thar and others, managed to defeat Anaceron, Nathrezim's number two, Character beheaded.

After defending against this wave of attacks, the heavily damaged tribes could no longer hold on. They temporarily retreated to the rear through the portal of the mages, and the second line of defense will be guarded by the alliance.

The alliance will face the main force of the Burning Legion led by two commanders, Kazloga and Azgalo. Fortunately, the alliance also has the help of allied races such as tauren and furbolgs, which somewhat increases the alliance's chances of winning .

Jalod rested his chin on his hand and thought for a while, "The first line of defense can no longer be used, so we can only give up. The second round of attack should be the real main force of the Burning Legion. I'm afraid it won't be easy to deal with..."

"Well, the dragon army still sends some dragons to provide air support to the alliance's positions. Those powerful demon officers may only adopt the beheading tactics used by the orcs, and send elite combat forces to quickly deal with them."

Both Alexstrasza and Ysera nodded in agreement. With the strength of the dragon's skin, as long as it is not a commander-level demon, these adult dragons are not so easy to kill.

There is only one road up Mount Hyjal, and it is not easy to arrange ambushes, and considering the combat effectiveness of the Burning Legion, most of the meaningless ambushes can only deliver food, which will not have much effect.

Now that Azeroth is in a defensive position, the help of fortifications has actually taken advantage of a lot, and it is not advisable to take a risky assault.

The Burning Legion did not launch an attack that night. Archimonde let his demons advance slowly with a playful attitude, and stopped one kilometer in front of the alliance's defense line.

Charlemagne was a little puzzled after putting down the binoculars. He turned to Jarod and asked, "Did the Burning Legion fight at night during the War of the Ancients? I remember that demons don't need to sleep and rest, right?"

Garrod nodded, "Of course I have fought in the night battle. These demons who absorb evil energy to replenish their energy really don't need to sleep, but at night, except for a few demons with night vision ability or excellent perception, most individuals can't see through the night. There are not many night battles."

"However, this does not mean that the devil will not attack at night. It is best to let the troops on the defense line take precautions."

As a result, Garrod's arrangement didn't work. The demons were very quiet all night, and they launched an attack early the next morning under the command of the commander.

The vanguard is a group of rough-skinned and thick-skinned demon guards. They can be regarded as the standard infantry among demons. They are strong and powerful. Only the tauren can compare with them in terms of physique.

Soldiers from the Kingdom of Stormwind took the lead in going up together with the Tauren warriors under the leadership of the paladins. Mage and priests and other spellcasting professions provided support in the rear, and the sailors of Kul Tiras operated artillery on the high city walls. The demons below shelled.

Although gunpowder weapons are not as powerful as the magic cannons of the high elves, this kind of artillery made by dwarves has helped Kul Tiras traverse the sea for many years, and it also has quite good destructive power. Under Daelin's command , the sailors skillfully poured artillery fire on the demons below.

At first glance, it seemed that the Alliance had the upper hand, but with the coming of hellfire from the sky, the original neat military formations of the Alliance and the artillery on the city wall suffered a major blow.

Coupled with the fact that the succubus who relied on invisibility to sneak into the fortress and the slow but extremely durable void walker came to the front line, the situation on the battlefield gradually changed in an unfavorable direction.

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