Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 380: Jarod Shadowsong

Chapter 380 Jarod Shadowsong

Charlemagne doesn't know anything about the situation in the Eastern Kingdom and Illidan's expulsion. At this moment, he is being entertained by Sarah Hill, visiting this hut where Jarod lives in seclusion.

This typical night elf-style wooden house was built on a flat ground not far from the cliff. From the windows behind the house, you can see the vast and peaceful sea in the distance.

It’s a pity that there is nothing here that faces the sea and spring flowers are blooming. Although the Azshara region is not barren, it has experienced the big explosion ten thousand years ago, and this place has nothing to do with the beautiful scenery.

In the distant Storm Bay, some half-submerged night elf buildings can still be seen vaguely, and some small black spots can even be seen fighting with each other on the sea surface.

The curious Charlemagne used the eagle eye technique to look carefully, and found that the two sides of the battle were Naga with a human body and a fish tail, and a group of furious water elementals on the other.

"Mrs. Shadowsong, are these naga and elemental conflicts every day?"

Sarah Hill was rummaging through boxes and chests at this time, trying to find Ningshenhua and other infusions to entertain the guests. Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, she found nothing, and in the end she could only embarrassingly bring out a few glasses of water and put them on the table.

Hearing Charlemagne's question, Sarah Hill smiled and shook her head, "It's not that there are conflicts every day, but since we live here, the two sides always fight every ten days and a half months. Sometimes Na Jia even ran ashore to disturb our lives."

"I see, this is where the pile of Naga corpses in front of the door came from?"

Sarah Hill showed a trace of apology on her face, "Those Naga came to sneak attack on us last night, and after killing them, I haven't had time to clean up this morning. I'm really sorry for bringing a bad impression on the three of you."

Charlemagne hurriedly waved his hand to express that he didn't care. After all, chaotic creatures like Naga didn't have a good impression in the eyes of the tribes of Azeroth, and they died as soon as they died.

The three chatted with Sarah Hill while waiting for Garrod's return. Because the host was not present, the topic was not too serious. It was more about Charlemagne's gossip-style inquiries and Emeril. Reminisce with Sarah Hill through mentorship.

From the mouth of the Shadow Song Wife, Charlemagne learned that she and Garald had known each other since they were young, and their relationship had been developing very smoothly, and their union was reached very logically.

‘It’s not magic! The childhood sweetheart actually defeated the Heavenly Department! '

However, it is not completely correct to say this. If according to the original history, after the explosion of the world tree Nordrassil, the night elves no longer have the blessing of the Dragon King. come behind.

Sarah Hill was taken to Darnassus, the new capital of the night elves, by her husband Jarod just after she became seriously ill, but in the end the moon **** priest died of his illness.

As for whether Shandris of the Skyfall system can get what he wants in the end... It depends on what Garald thinks. At least Shandris' adoptive mother, Tyrande, is happy to see it happen, and secretly made some arrangements I want to match the two.

As for whether Tyrande was out of caring for his adopted daughter or trying to win over Jarod, who has a very high prestige among the night elves... this question is a matter of opinion.

Near noon, Charlemagne finally noticed the heavy footsteps coming from a distance with his ranger's keen sense of hearing. It seemed that someone was heading towards the cabin.

Sure enough, the door of the hut was opened not long after, and a tall, bearded, silver-haired night elf man walked in from the door. At this time, he was still carrying a whole stag on his shoulders.

"Sarah Hill, I'm back... have guests?"

The man with a gentle smile on his face immediately restrained his expression when he saw the three strange outsiders, looked at the three of Charlemagne with a little vigilance, and secretly glanced at his wife during the period.

Sarah Hill smiled and shook her head to signal to her husband, and Garald let down his vigilance. He moved the prey on his back to the kitchen of the hut, and with the help of his wife, he washed his hands with water from the bucket. Only then took Sarah Hill's hand and sat in front of the three of Charlemagne.

Garrod looked at the three visitors in front of him carefully, and asked with some doubts, "We have lived in seclusion for nearly 10,000 years. Do the three of you want to find us this time?"

Charlemagne just saw Garrod's confused expression and knew that he didn't know the current world situation. The traverser said with a wry smile, "I'm afraid Mr. Garrod still doesn't understand the current situation. I just want to say that you should Understood, the Burning Legion came to Azeroth again under the leadership of Archimonde."


The expressions of the two couples changed greatly after hearing Charlemagne's brief introduction. Garald couldn't help but stood up and confirmed with a serious face, "Is it true? The Burning Legion is back, or is Archimonde personally leading it?"

Except for Onyxia with a casual look beside her, Charlemagne and Emeril nodded heavily at the same time.

"It's true, now that Archimonde has come to the continent of Kalimdor, according to our scouts, he should be Chen Bing in the canyon south of Winterspring, ready to attack Mount Hyjal to absorb the power of Nordrassil." strength."


Sarah Hill firmly held her husband's hand, feeling his wife's concern, Jarod took a deep breath and sat down again.

"This time there is really big trouble. The demigods suffered heavy losses in the War of the Ancients. Due to Deathwing's betrayal, the dragon clan also has many problems. I am afraid that the night elves alone..."

Charlemagne chuckled and shook his head. The hero and genius commander of the War of the Ancients has indeed been out of society for too long. Maybe he would occasionally return to the living area of ??the night elves to learn more information. Unfortunately, the night elves civilians don't know much about the Eastern Continent. He didn't know much about the situation. His impression of the whole world was probably still in the era when mortals could only rely on the night elves.

"Mr. Jarod, now the mortal races are not limited to night elves, wild boars, bear monsters, and tauren. The other eastern continent that was split by the big explosion in ancient times has now bred many new races. The most Typical are the humans descended from the Iron Vrykul."

Charlemagne simply told Garald about the current situation in Azeroth, and when he heard that the Eastern Continent had also sent reinforcements, the gloomy eyes of Garald finally shone with hope again.

Seeing his expression, Charlemagne stood up from the chair, and after straightening his posture, he asked Jarod to bend slightly with a serious face.

"All the dragons and demigods available today are also assembled on Mount Hyjal, but there is no one in the entire mortal camp now who has the prestige and ability to lead and command them."

"The world needs your help again, Commander Jarod Shadowsong, I hope you can come back to help Azeroth overcome this difficulty!"

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