Chapter 377 Shandris who did not pass

Because of the franchise granted by Malfurion and Fandral, even though Tyrande was still somewhat reluctant, Charlemagne still got the right to freely enter and leave Mount Hyjal.

When he arrived at the capital of the night elves on the top of Nordrassil, Alexstrasza, Ysera, Kalecgos, and the bronze dragon queen Soledormi had already arrived with their respective dragon armies. Except for the missing Nozdormu and the crazy Malygos, the dragon army is almost complete.

Charlemagne looked at the giant dragons gathered below with great interest, "Hey! It's quite spectacular, it seems that this time the dragons are finally planning to show their true skills."

Cenarius was chatting with his adoptive mother Ysera who had transformed into a night elf, and the other dragon leaders were discussing something together. In a corner of the square, Charlemagne even saw an A giant snow-white wolf with restful eyes.

When Charlemagne saw the giant wolf, he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, "Wolf God Godrin?"

Seeing Onyxia land, all the bosses present turned around. Ysera and Alexstrasza smiled and beckoned them to join the conversation.

Cenarius took the lead in bowing his head slightly to thank Charlemagne, "Duke Theron, thank you for all the preparations you have made silently behind the scenes, otherwise it would be difficult for us to gather so many powerful allies."

Charlemagne hurriedly waved his hand and said modestly, "Master Cenarius is too serious. I just assumed the responsibility of delivering the news. It is you who make the final decision."

Then he looked curiously at the giant wolf that was looking at him with meaningful eyes. "By the way, this is Lord Godrinn, the wolf god? I didn't expect you to find him too, Lord Cenarius."

The giant wolf stood up and shook his silvery fur, walked to Charlemagne with four legs, sat down and looked at him with interest.

"Don't call me your lord, I'm not used to this address, just call me Goldrinn, I am very interested in you, as a mortal, you can connect so many races, even demigods and giant dragons, It really reminds me of someone..."

Shandris, who was in charge of entertaining the bosses at the scene, suddenly froze and looked a little sad. Ysera, who was on the side, noticed her expression and patted her shoulder lightly to express her comfort.

‘Jarrod Shadowsong? Unexpectedly, after ten thousand years, Shandris still couldn't forget him...'

How could the foresighted Charlemagne not know who Goldrin was talking about, and the reaction of Shandris also confirmed his conjecture.

Jarod Shadowsong, the greatest commander ever of the night elves, it was he who took over the command after the assassination of Lord Kutaros Ravencrest in the War of the Ancients, and integrated all the demigods The power of the dragons, dragons and night elves finally won the war against the invasion of the Burning Legion.

However, the greatest contributor to the victory of the war hid his merit and fame after the War of the Ancients. He deliberately sat back and watched Tyrande win the approval of the people and establish a sentinel force. He quietly left the sea with his wife Sarah Hill. Galshan went into seclusion.

For 10,000 years, no one knew where he lived in seclusion. Even Shandris Feathermoon and his sister Maiev Shadowsong, who had long been in love with Jarod, knew nothing about his whereabouts.

But... Charlemagne combined the sphere of influence of the Kalimdor night elves and Jarod's mentality, and had a little guess about where he and his wife lived in seclusion.

The place where Jarod lives in seclusion is definitely not too far away from the control range of the night elves, so the area south of Feralas is ruled out first. There are tauren coming and going in Desolace, Mulgore and Stonetalon Mountains. If he lives in seclusion in It is impossible for these places to be without a trace.

The Barrens, Durotar, and Dustwallow Marsh are also unlikely. Recently, due to the mobilization of the Alliance and the Horde, these three areas have been coming and going, and any discovery has already been reported.

Excluding the actual control area of ??the night elves, the rest of the area is Winterspring and Azshara. Winterspring is an area with a very cold climate, and normal people generally would not choose to live here, that is to say ...only the Azshara region remains.

Charlemagne looked at Shandris' uncontrollable emotions, and secretly smiled in his heart. If Garald was brought back, he wondered if the Sentinel General would have **** with Garald's wife Sarah, who was born as a priest of the moon god. Rachel created a scene of Baixue... Not to mention, Charlemagne is really looking forward to it.

With the support of the giant dragon and the two demigods, Charlemagne is more confident in defending Mount Hyjal. Now one of Archimonde's generals is completely cold, and now he returns to the Twisting Nether to find Papa Argus for resurrection. It was only one step away from being cool.

The remaining Kazloga, Azgalo, Anaceron, etc. are obviously inferior to the two most trusted generals of Archimonde. As for the second and fifth boy of the natural disaster, Lich Reki Donghan is only at the level of a mortal, and there is nothing to fear at all.

However, Charlemagne is very conscious of his command ability and prestige. It is not so easy to mobilize these arrogant demigods and giant dragons. For the time being, he can only let them make their own arrangements.

The arrival of strong reinforcements finally brought a lot of confidence to the frontline soldiers, and the wrangling of the leaders finally came to an end after Charlemagne returned and told them that the dragon and the demigod had joined.

Basically, according to the original plan, the tribe, the alliance and the elves will build three lines of defense from the foot of the mountain. The elves' line of defense is already close to the gate of Nordrassil. .

However, in Charlemagne's heart, this last move was his original plan...

Under the arrangement of Malfurion and Fandral, the coalition forces were teleported to the bottom of Nordrassil in an orderly manner, and then headed in the opposite direction to the foot of the mountain and began to deploy defense lines.

In fact, Tyrande originally planned to let the Allied Horde coalition forces enter from the foot of the mountain, but unfortunately the Frostwhisper Canyon at the entrance of Mount Hyjal has been occupied by demons, so she had no choice but to agree to Malfurion's plan.

When all the tribes packed up their bags and started heading to Mount Hyjal, Charlemagne stayed at the crossroads with Onyxia, waiting for an important news.

Although Alleria, Cirvanas and the others were somewhat puzzled by Charlemagne's behavior, they knew that Charlemagne would not be aimless. Since he must have some purpose staying here, the two obeyed their boyfriend's arrangement and discussed with other people. Together they went to Mount Hyjal for defense.

On the ninth day after the coalition forces began to deploy, Emeril finally sent Xue Yu to deliver the information Charlemagne had been waiting for.

Charlemagne looked at the contents of the letter and showed a confident smile, "Heh... finally found it, it's exactly as I expected."

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