Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 374: Allied Forces Assemble (400 monthly ticket plus update)

Chapter 374 Allied Forces Assembled (400 Monthly Ticket Plus Updates)

The sentinel's words made the headquarters, which was originally relatively relaxed, suddenly tense. Malfurion, a good-tempered man, stood up and asked, "How is the evil orc now? The other red-skinned men under him Where are the orcs?"

Seeing Malfurion's attitude, the sentinel hastily lowered his head and reported, "The evil orc leader is still red-skinned, and so are the other captured evil orcs. The tribe doesn't seem to have figured out how to deal with them."

Malfurion turned his head to look at the other people in the room and said, "Then let's go and have a look together, maybe we can transform these orcs polluted by evil energy back."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Charlemagne also took Aurelia's hand, followed the big guys out of the headquarters, and went to the open space where the orcs are now gathered.


At this moment, Grom and the evil orcs **** by thick iron chains were still unabated, especially the leader, Lord Hou, who pulled the four chains that tied him up with brute force.

The orcs headed by Goel were looking at the group of compatriots with sad faces, muttering in the orc language, they didn't know what they were talking about, and they didn't join the alliance. Kane, who was relatively neutral, hurried forward and asked for details in the lingua franca of humans. .

"Chief Goel, these evil orcs... can they be saved?"

Goyle turned his head to see Kane and smiled wryly, "Sorry... I can't answer this question, at least using shaman spells can't bring them back to normal."

Charlemagne and Malfurion walked up to Grom with great interest, and it was quite interesting to see Lord Hou's struggling and slobbering mess.

Malfurion and Fandral launched druid spells at the same time to cast healing spells such as instilling tranquility, rejuvenation, and removing curse on Grom, but none of them worked.

After Malfurion and the two retreated regretfully, Charlemagne, the second sword mage, also tried, but also got nothing.

Goil and Varok glanced at each other, and Varok nodded sadly, tightened his ax and walked to Grom's side, intending to give him a good time.

Charlemagne hastily stopped King Saurfang's behavior, "Um... please wait, don't be so hasty to draw conclusions, maybe there are other ways to bring them back to normal."

After everyone else looked over, he shrugged and said, "Although there is nothing we can do about it, the mother and son of the guardians of Tirisfal who are advancing with the alliance army may have a way, especially Medivh, who was at the Under the control of Sargeras' consciousness, he learned a lot of usage of evil energy."

Charlemagne’s words rekindled a glimmer of hope for Goyle and others. After all, dying at the hands of his own people might be unacceptable to Grom, who has been pursuing glory all his life. He should hope to die on the battlefield.

Charlemagne vaguely remembered that Grom and other Warsong orcs should have been cleared of corruption by a certain ceremony, as if it was done under the guidance of Medivh.

Now that Mannoroth is not alive, it would be a pity for Lord Hou to die at the hands of his own people. At least he should be allowed to complete his own redemption and revenge.

For the next period of time, Goel and other orcs could only anxiously wait for the arrival of the prophet who guided them at the beginning. From Charlemagne, he already knew the identity of the prophet, who was possessed by Sargeras and opened the darkness The gate allows the orcs to enter Medivh, the guardian of Azeroth.

And after Charlemagne obtained the results of Sean's investigation and personally communicated with Goyle, he probably understood the character of the great chief.

Although because of the absence of Taresa, Goyle is not as blindly tolerant and fond of humans as in the original history, but he has received complete teachings from Orgrim, and he does not have the same view of the alliance as the big ones. Most orcs hate that.

This great chief can analyze the current situation of the orcs and the future relationship with the alliance from a rational point of view. At the same time, he also has a relatively long-term plan for the development of the tribe.

"If possible, I don't want the Horde and the Alliance to go to war again. The orcs hope to be recognized by Azeroth. After the destruction of our original world, we will regard Azeroth as our new home, protect her, Fight for her."

Fandral curled his lips and said, "With all due respect, your people may not be as sensible and far-sighted as you. Isn't that orc who drank the blood of the devil a typical example?"

Go'el shook his head with a wry smile, "The Great Druid of Staghelmet really hit our pain spot. Most of the orcs are still under the curse of Mannoroth. Before we kill him, we may die at any time." Seduced by his power."

Go'el's parents, Durotan and Draka, had never drank the blood of demons, so he was one of the few orcs in the tribe who could stay sober in the face of Mannoroth.

Perhaps this is the reason why he and Grom, who were still immature in history, challenged Mannoroth together. After all, the Saurfang Brothers and other powerful fighters did not dare to say that they could face Mannoroth with dignity. Not affected.

Half a month later, the alliance army led by Varian finally arrived at the crossroads. At the same time, the Solari, which was dispatched by Kael'thas in advance, arrived in Kalimdor after a month's flight.

This ship flying in the sky stunned many people in the alliance, even the mother and son of Medivh and Aegwynn exclaimed in surprise, "I have heard that the magic technology of the high elves is very advanced, I did not expect that even this kind of spaceship Can they all be made?"

Medivh thought of the draenei technology he had seen in Draenor back then, and stroked his thick beard with interest.

Kael'thas said humbly, "This is not just relying on the power of our clan. The gnomes of Gnomeregan also helped a lot. It's a pity that the gnomes are busy with internal affairs and can't follow, otherwise the great craftsman Mekkatorque will see It should be exciting to set sail on the Solaris."

After the Lieyang arrived at the crossroads, it first unloaded the mechs, magic cannons, and various supplies, and then returned to Theramore to meet the supply ship sent by Daelin.

These new gadgets made the eyes of all races wide open with curiosity, but no one would touch them casually without the permission of the high elves. After all, there are still many variables in this fragile cooperation agreement.

The biggest problem is King Daelin of Kul Tiras. At this time, he and the Varok brothers are standing in the central square at the crossroads, staring at each other. A flag duel should be inevitable...

Just as Charlemagne expected, Medivh really knew how to restore the Warsong orcs to their original state. Under his command, shamans, druids, paladins and mages practiced spellcasting, and finally after a large-scale evil energy exorcism ceremony Let Grom and others change back to forgiveness.

After returning to normal, Lord Hou immediately apologized to Goyle with a face of shame, "I'm sorry... Great Chief, I... once again failed to control my bloodthirsty desire."

Guil clenched his fists under the watchful eyes of all the tribes around him. He rushed forward and punched Grom in the face. This was merciless, and Grom spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

But Lord Hou, who is usually belligerent, didn't complain at all at this time. He just stood still and let Goyle attack.

After Goel beat Grom until his face was covered in blood, he pulled him up from the ground with a ferocious expression and shouted sharply, "Listen, Grom! Mannoroth is a man deeply rooted in the hearts of all our orcs. Nightmare, if we don't get rid of him, we will be immersed in this curse forever."

"I have made up my mind to kill him. Are you going to shiver in the camp or go for a fight with me?"

Grom wiped away the blood from his nose, stared at Goel with his scarlet eyes and shouted, "Of course I ended the curse of the orcs with my own hands! I don't want to be told by my son that my father is worthless beside the ancestors!" "

"very good!"

Goyle stretched out his thick fist, "Then it's settled, you and I, we're going to kill Mannoroth, you know where he is, right?"


Grom punched Goel heavily, "He is in a canyon south of the Warsong Lumber Mill. This time... I will not be tempted by him again. I will personally end the curse that I started. !"

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