Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 370: I have horns on my head~ horns

Chapter 370 I have horns on my head~ horns

On the front line of the Warsong lumberyard, Cenarius was furious when he saw the corpses of dryads and night elves everywhere and the barren forest.

His hand shone with a soft green light, and the force of nature obeyed his command, and thick roots stretched out from the ground to tie all the orcs chasing the sentry in place.

Grom struggled hard a few times, but his body, which was still in a weak period after taking drugs, couldn’t break free from the restricting spell in a short time. Master Hou shouted angrily, “What kind of witchcraft is this?”

"Dirty fel creature, feel the wrath of nature!"

As Cenarius shouted angrily, the surrounding trees turned into powerful treants under the catalysis of his natural power. Coupled with the turning attack of the sentinels, these orcs who were entangled in place suddenly became one by one. live target.


Grom, who finally broke free from the entanglement of roots, slammed his mouth in displeasure, and strode to the guards beside him to help them cut off the restraints on their bodies, and ordered loudly, "Warsong clan, don't be afraid of these weird witchcraft!" , we are the most valiant clan among the orcs, follow me and charge!"


With the support of troll witch doctors and sorcerers, Grom took the lead in splitting the surrounding treants, and rushed straight towards Cenarius.


After entering the charging range, Grom burst into anger and quickly approached Cenarius. The arrows and moon blades of the surrounding sentries were knocked away by his angry battle ax one by one.

However, when he rushed to the tall four-legged creature, he sensed something was wrong from the disdainful eyes of the other party. As expected, his powerful giant blow failed to cut into Cenarius' body at all. Under the defense of the power, his blood howl was completely bounced away.

"How can it be?"

Grom had an unbelievable expression on his face. Although he was much weaker than when he was at his peak, this blow was enough to break through Grom's solid outer skin, and the creature in front of him was unharmed.

"Hmph! Stupid orcs, the noble body of the demigod Cenarius is beyond your reach."

A sentry riding on the night saber saw Grom's surprised movement, and took the opportunity to throw the moonblade in his hand at him. Grom had to retreat temporarily to avoid this round of attack.

"Retreat! This huge creature is too weird, avoid him for now!"

Although Grom advocates offense very much, he is not a fool without a brain. Even he, the strongest chief, can't hurt the opponent, let alone other orcs.

Cenarius looked at the retreating orcs coldly, and did not give any order to pursue them, "We will stay in this area, and if these orcs dare to come back, we will destroy them, and we will restore the forest when the druids return from their dreams. "

When Charlemagne and Shandris took Onyxia to fly across half of Ashenvale from Astrana to the Warsong Logging Ground, the battle here had temporarily ended.

Among the bare wooden posts stood a night elf with horns on his head and a stag with four hooves on his lower body. Charlemagne could recognize him at a glance. He was Cenarius, the demigod of the forest.

The sound of Onyxia flying through the wind was very obvious. Cenarius saw the black dragon princess approaching rapidly from a distance, and his expression, which was using natural magic power to catalyze the saplings, suddenly became serious.

"Black Dragon? Everyone is on alert!"

Just as Cenarius and the sentries were waiting in full force, the black dragon landed about 100 meters in front of them, and the person who got off the back of the black dragon surprised him and the night elves.

Cenarius was brave enough to let the night elves stay where they were, and he walked to the black dragon and asked General Sentinel, "Santis? Why are you riding on the back of the black dragon? Is it Astlan?" What's the problem?"

Shandris bowed respectfully to Cenarius first, and then extended his hand to introduce him, "Dear demigod Cenarius, there is nothing wrong with Astrana. I am here just to lead the way for this high elf. He is Charlemagne Theron, Duke of Quel'Thalas."

Cenarius turned his gaze to Charlemagne, who was saluting him, and tapped lightly to show his response, "A child of Dath'Remar? I have heard Malfurion and Ysera mention your name many times. We've been here, nice to meet you."

Although Cenarius is the son of Malorne the White Hart and Elune the Moon God, it was the Green Dragon Queen Ysera who actually brought him up. He has a very good relationship with his adoptive mother. In the dream, Cenarius Reus had heard Ysera and his disciple Malfurion say a lot about the Duke of Theron.

Whether it’s rescuing Alexstrasza or warning the Green Dragonflight about the dangers of the Nightmare, it shows that this high elf is a person of noble character. Of course, Cenarius will not discriminate against him because he is a descendant of the high elves.

Charlemagne walked up to Cenarius with Onyxia, who had turned back into the form of a high elf, and said with a smile, "I am also honored to meet Cenarius, the demigod of the forest. This is Onyxia, the black dragon princess. Shea."

Cenarius looked at the glamorous female elf in a guarded posture beside Charlemagne, and smiled softly, "No wonder I felt a little familiar just now, it turned out to be Princess Black Dragon, I have already heard about you from Ysera , don't worry, I won't attack you."

Before the black dragon's betrayal, the guardian dragon and the demigod had a good friendship. Cenarius had met Onyxia when she was a child. At this time, the black dragon princess was willing to find her way back, and Cenarius was too happy. .

After some pleasantries, Charlemagne finally brought the topic to the main topic, "Master Cenarius, have you fought the orcs just now?"

"That's right, the orcs have been driven out of this area by us, I don't think they dare to come back."

Charlemagne saw the indifferent look on Cenarius' face and sighed, "Of course they wouldn't come back to die under normal circumstances, but I'm afraid things are not that simple."

Then Charlemagne briefly told the demigod of the forest about the report of the sentry, the effect of the blood of Mannoroth on the orcs, and the arrival of Archimonde leading the main force of the Burning Legion. As expected, Cenarius His face gradually became serious.

"Archimonde... I'm in trouble. During the Great War 10,000 years ago, it was all because of his father's desperate delay that slowed him down. Now that his father has not been resurrected, I am afraid that no one in Azeroth is his opponent."

From what Cenarius said next, Charlemagne realized that he had made some errors in his prediction of the demigod. In fact, there are currently three surviving demigods plus Cenarius.

The other two are the tortoise and demigod Tortola and the wolf **** Godrin, but they are still recovering because they consumed too much vitality in the battle of the ancients. Tortola is still sleeping, and Gord Lin was wandering in the wilderness of Azeroth without a trace.

Cenarius stood up and looked at the surrounding tree stumps and said, "It is indeed as you said, now is not the time to continue fighting the orcs, we will return to Mount Hyjal immediately, and I will wake up Mafa..."


Before Cenarius could finish his words, there was an inhuman roar in the distance, and then Charlemagne and the others saw a group of blood-red orcs rushing out of the Ashenvale forest hundreds of meters away. The ax held by the leader made him feel very familiar.

"Is it still one step too late..."

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