Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 366: Salted Fish Gianna

Chapter 366 Salted Fish Jaina

Charlemagne’s cannon fodder statement is more in line with the current position of the leaders of the alliance’s countries on the tribe. Although he himself does not have any deep hatred for the tribe, his **** decides his head. As a member of the alliance, the high elves must consider the interests of the alliance.

Moreover, it is an indisputable fact that the tribe had a dark history of aggression. Until now, there are many elves in Quel'Thalas who have resistance or even hatred towards orcs. Many soldiers died.

The general policy for the future has been determined one by one under the discussion of various countries. Lordaeron, which has already been destroyed, will be supported by the bronze beard dwarves and high elves.

Although Quel'Thalas sent most of its troops to Kalimdor, there are still nearly 1,000 troops left behind in the country. It should be possible to help clean up the Scourge that is now known as the Eastern Plaguelands.

If the road from Quel'Thalas to Light's Hope Chapel can be opened, it will undoubtedly give a shot in the arm to the remnants of Lordaeron who are still fighting everywhere in the Eastern Plaguelands.

The Bronzebeard dwarves landed in South Sea Town on a Kul Tiras ship from the south to support the local area.

If the western half of the Hillsbrad Hills can be conquered, not only can it be connected with the reconstructed Dalaran, but it can also find a chance to enter the Western Plaguelands through the Alterac Mountains, which have no interest in natural disasters, and station Garithos in the North Mountain sent troops together to penetrate Andorhal and connect the north and the south.

But Charlemagne was not very optimistic after hearing their plan, because the leaders of these alliances ignored an important stronghold of natural disasters, Caer Darrow, which was originally the territory of the Barov family and is now the psychic academy.

At the beginning, the Barov family happily prepared to inherit the throne of Alterac, but Terenas gave it a hard time. After Kel'Thuzad sent the Cursed Sect to preach, the entire Barov family quickly fell to the throne. Without them, Caer Darrow became a stronghold of the Scourge.

Brian stroked his beard and frowned, "Barov? I remember... this family wanted to inherit the throne of Alterac, right?"

Daelin showed a mocking smile, "That's right, it's a pity their dreams were completely destroyed by Terenas, so their betrayal is not surprising."

Lothar sighed softly, "King Terenas' actions at the beginning were indeed inappropriate. The Barov family has been having a hard time since they denounced and captured their king with General Haas. The Syndicate regards them as the culprits of the country's destruction. One of the culprits, the family territory Southsea Town and Tarren Mill was also forcibly occupied by Lordaeron..."

Charlemagne curled his lips cryptically. In the final analysis, it was the mess caused by Terenas' bad chess. Occupying Alterac had an extremely bad impact on Lordaeron. This action is inseparable.

It is precisely because of the occupation of Alterac Terenas that it gradually expanded, and the way of teaching Alsace began to lean more towards power and power, which indirectly led to the fall of Alsace, and finally brought about the destruction of Lordaeron. destiny.

The situation in the eastern continent requires detailed discussions between the Bronzebeard Dwarves and the councilors who stayed behind in Quel'Thalas. The most critical issue now is to open up the road to Lordaeron and reconnect with Garithos and other remnants.

Brian slumped on the chair with a sad face and complained casually, "It would be great if the weapon Magni built could bring some help to the situation..."

Charlemagne smiled lightly. Apart from Dathrohan, who is still fighting in the monastery in the northeastern part of Tirisfal Glades, most of the key members of the original Knights of the Silver Hand, including Abydis, Duane, Isenleen, etc. Everyone has concentrated in Nanhai Town and waited for news.

The future Ashbringers Alexandros Mograine and Fairbanks arrived at Ironforge with the Razebub crystal they had successfully purified to ask Magni to build a weapon.

I believe that it won't be long before Magni, who is full of anger and sorrow for losing his brother, will successfully forge this powerful artifact. At that time, with Mograine as the arrow, he will penetrate the defenses of Caer Darrow and Andorhal Not impossible.

Because of the dual threats of natural disasters and the Burning Legion, the Alliance had no choice but to divide its forces and fight on two fronts. However, compared to the natural disasters that have been temporarily blocked in front of the Wall of Thoradin and the Wall of Greymane, the threat of the Burning Legion is obviously greater.

Charlemagne and Kael'thas negotiated with the alliance countries about the meeting time and immediately teleported back to Quel'Thalas, and then they were ready to go.

Before leaving, Charlemagne winked at Krasus cryptically, and the youngest consort of the Red Dragon Queen nodded slightly.

In order to reduce the pressure on the mortal army, these guardian dragons must also be dragged into the water, this time against the main force of the Burning Legion led by Archimonde himself. Charlemagne believes that the dragons should fulfill their duties and send the dragon army to join the battle.

Originally, he thought about whether to go to Uldaman and ask the three of Tyre to come out for help, but in the end he gave up. Now the situation is not at the end of the mountain. Instead, Tyre's appearance will easily attract the covetousness of the ancient gods. Facing the ancient gods and Archimonde is a great tragedy.


When the alliance reached an agreement to form an expeditionary force, Jaina, who was far away in Kalimdor, felt very troubled. Although the remnants of Lordaeron she brought with her and the orcs temporarily maintained non-aggression with the hard work of both parties, but The hatred between the two parties is obviously not so easy to eliminate.

Today, the orc tribes including Kane leading the tauren, Jaina leading Theramore, and Goel's orc tribes have all led the elite to station around a well-connected intersection in the middle of the barren land. It was named by the three parties with an easy-to-understand name—— crossroads.

"Your Highness, the Kul Tiras sailors we brought clashed with the orcs again."

"Your Highness, the scouts who went to Ashenvale to contact the night elves still have no reply, and the orcs are still cutting down trees in Ashenvale as usual."

"Your Excellency Proudmoore, my little **** is here to sue humans for pulling their tails..."

Jaina felt a splitting headache hearing these messy news. For the first time, the princess who grew up in the greenhouse knew that it would be so difficult to govern the people and coordinate diplomatic relations.

Both she and Kane have made cryptic protests to the chief of the tribe many times about the unrestrained logging of the tribe, but the other party said that the tribe that felled the wood was the most difficult clan under him to discipline, and the tribe really needed wood to build the city , he couldn't stop logging.

The group of proud night elves had clearly noticed the scouts sent by her and Kane, but they hadn't formally communicated with them for a long time. Instead, they made mocking noises in the forest around the scouts from time to time.

As for pulling the tauren's tail... ignore it for now.


Jaina waved her hands and lay down on the table and sighed deeply, "I have to report these trivial things to me... Wouldn't it be enough to just apologize to the tauren?"

"Hehe, it looks like you are quite tired. It is really not easy to lead your own people."

Just as Jaina was acting as if she didn’t want to move, a familiar voice suddenly came from the door of her temporary office.

Jaina looked up and stood up excitedly after seeing a few people walking in.

"Duke Theron! Are you finally here!"

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