Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 344: The Fall of Andorhal

Chapter 344 The Death of Andorhal

In the end, Jaina, whose eyes were shining, learned of Aegwynn's whereabouts from Medivh as she wished, and now the former guardian is living in seclusion in the Dustwallow Marsh on the Kalimdor continent.

Knowing that Aegwynn was not in the eastern continent, Jaina seemed very disappointed. In addition to studying in the country of the high elves, she also took on the diplomatic task of connecting Quel'Thalas and Dalaran, so she could not run around as she wanted.

Kalimdor is still an unknown area to most countries in the Eastern Continent today. Except for a portal dedicated to both parties established by the high elves in Astrana, Ashenvale, it can only be reached by boat. Obviously now is not the best time to visit.

Charlemagne's eyes lit up when he heard this next to him, 'Is it a coincidence? Aegwynn doesn't go anywhere but lives in seclusion in the Dustwallow Marsh where Jaina will build Theramore City... Anyway, maybe this will be useful in the future. '

According to the information from the Hidden Passage and Kul Tiras, the orcs should have embarked on their destined voyage under the leadership of someone.

Although Charlemagne still doesn't know who planned the expedition after Thrall disappeared, overall history is still moving along the original route.

After the orcs retreated, Prince Arthas of Lordaeron, who had been trapped in Steinbrad, could finally perform his original mission again—to investigate the plague.

During the prince's trip, Uther, the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the prince's mentor, was sent by Terenas as a guardian to help the young Alsace find out the source of the plague.

In addition, Dalaran, which has been paying attention to the progress of the plague, also sent Krasus, a member of the six-member council, to assist in the investigation. However, Arthas, who was cold-eyed by the high elves when he was a child, did not like this elf mage anyway.

Krassus, whose body is a red dragon, doesn't care about Alsace's attitude, it's just a mere mortal's preference. He came this time to accept the dual orders of Alexstrasza and Antonidas at the same time.

Charlemagne's warning finally had some effect. Although the Red Dragon Queen did not use force against Icecrown Fortress with great fanfare, the guardian dragon, who sensed something was wrong, secretly instructed Krasus to find out whether the plague of Lordaeron was related to the spread of the plague. The plague in Icecrown is related.

After Uther led the knights to chase the orcs, Arthas and Krasus followed the Alterac mountain road all the way to Andorhal, the largest city in East Tirisfal, through Icewind Post and Coldwind Camp.

This city that Charlemagne also visited is the third largest city in Lordaeron after the Royal City and Stratholme. According to normal circumstances, Andorhal, as the center of trade connecting the four directions, should have been extremely prosperous.

But the desolate scene and walking corpses that Alsace saw along the way made His Royal Highness feel very bad, and he began to worry about the situation in Andorhal.

Krassus squatted on the ground to examine a corpse resurrected by psychic spells, and stood up with a frown.

"Prince Alsace, the situation is not optimistic. These reanimated corpses were infected with the plague before they were alive, and after death they were resurrected into zombies by the death power contained in the plague."

Although Alsace is a bit displeased with the high elves, the Kirin Tor councilor has gradually convinced him with his strength and profound knowledge along the way, and he still trusts Krasus' professional judgment.

"So Andorhal ahead may also be in danger?"

"That's right, judging from the parts of the corpse where the power of death gathers, I have a rough guess that these people should have ingested the plague into their bodies through eating."

Alsace's face changed when he heard the words, "Eat it!? So it's either food or water?"

Krassus understood Alsace's meaning, nodded solemnly and said, "Exactly, according to my monitoring of the water quality of the surrounding rivers and Dalomere Lake, water source infection is basically ruled out... that is to say, food!"

'The infection method is almost exactly the same as that of the Vrykul villages in Icecrown Glacier, and it is basically certain that there must be some connection between the two. '

"Then we have to act faster! Andorhal has a population of hundreds of thousands. If all these residents are infected with the plague, the entire East Tirisfal Forest will become a dead place!"

After listening to Krasus' analysis, Arthas showed a trace of anxiety on his face. As soon as he lifted his war hammer, he galloped forward.

Although Alsace and Crassus had traveled as fast as they could, when they reached Andorhal, they were sad to find that they were late.

The usual bustling city has now completely turned into a realm of death. Unconscious rotting corpses roam the wide streets and roar hoarsely, and the whole city exudes a disgusting rotten smell.

"Holy Light..."

Arthas opened his mouth wide open looking at the scene in front of him, and the hammer of Menethil's power in his hand slipped from his hand to the ground, making a heavy knocking sound.

During this journey, he tried countless times to use holy light to heal the people infected by the plague, but to no avail. This kind of plague specially prepared by Ner'zhul and the Dreadlords can perfectly resist the healing of the holy light.

Using Holy Light will not cure these plague carriers, but will make them "purify" in endless pain.

Prince Alsace doubted for the first time the Holy Light that he had always believed in, 'Can the Holy Light alone really solve this plague incident? '

Krassus also frowned and looked around. The red dragon in charge of life disgusted the death breath here, but at this moment he felt a sense of disobedience from the breath of these corpses.

'This mana wave...'

"Come out, Kel'Thuzad, I feel your magic."

"As expected of Krasus, you discovered me hiding in a pile of walking corpses."

According to the sound, Alsace suddenly saw the piles of corpses separating to the two sides, and a middle-aged man in a dark red robe came out of it.

Kel'Thuzad came to a distance of 20 meters in front of the two of them and bowed gracefully, "Long time no see, Your Excellency Krasus and Prince Arthas, I am here by the order of my master to sacrifice death for the entire Lordaeron, I hope You can enjoy my masterpiece."

Arthas looked furious. He held the warhammer that had slipped to the ground just now, pointed the power of Menethil at Kel'Thuzad and asked loudly, "The plague spreading in the eastern part of Lordaeron is caused by Did you spread it? It is an unforgivable crime! As the crown prince of Lordaeron, I judge you guilty and die!"

Facing Prince Arthas' hammer attack full of the power of the Holy Light, Kel'Thuzad lightly used the flash technique to escape his attack.

"Yes, Prince of Lordaeron, I am the culprit of all this. If you want to save your country, you must first defeat me. Come on!"

"Very good! In the name of Menethil, I will give you the justice you deserve!"

While the two were coming and going...or Kel'Thuzad was playing Alsace, Krasus on the side showed a puzzled look.

'In my impression, Kel'Thuzad doesn't seem to be such a flamboyant person, what is he thinking...'

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