Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 342: Turbulent Eastern Continent

Chapter 342 The Turbulent Eastern Continent

Since Medivh was killed by Lothar, Khadgar, and Garona, his soul has been wandering in the Twisting Nether. By chance, he learned of the plan of the Burning Legion from some demons.

Legion intends to use the Legion of the Dead created by the Lich King to weaken the power of Azeroth, taking the opportunity to launch a new round of invasion of Azeroth.

The guardian who had gotten rid of the control of Sargeras wanted to warn the leaders of Azeroth about the purpose of the Burning Legion after learning the truth, but he could not return to Azeroth with his own strength.

Finally, he thought of a way to try to inform his mother, the former guardian Aegwynn, through the parent-child connection.

He succeeded. Out of guilt for his son and the world, Aegwynn chose to believe in Medivh's call. In the end, Aegwynn used the guardian magic power he used to maintain youth to revive Medivh, and he quickly became a full-fledged man. Old lady with wrinkled face.

After being resurrected, Medivh hid his true identity and went to Lordaeron, the largest kingdom of mankind, and Dalaran, the magic kingdom, to warn Terenas and Antonidas.

However, Terenas had no time to pay attention to this lunatic who dared not reveal his identity and was full of nonsense, and directly sent guards to drive him away.

Antonidas discovered part of the principle of the plague, and is sending a mage from Dalaran to find out the truth of the plague from the perspective of magic.

Although he could feel some strange magical power from Medivh who was covered with a feather cloak, he ultimately did not choose to believe in this prophet who hides his head and shows his tail.

On the way back from Stormgard, Medivh found Goel, the young orc warchief. Since the other party wants to take root in Azeroth, the orc is a usable force for Medivh .

"Now the Kul Tiras merchant fleet returning from Northrend in the North just happened to be unloading at South Sea Town. If you are lucky, you should be able to **** these ships and go to Kalimdor. Whether you want to follow my advice is up to you. You judge for yourself, and I hope we shall meet again someday, young warchief."

Medivh turned into a raven again after he finished speaking, spread his wings and flew towards the north of the mainland. Next, he will go to Quel'Thalas, the country of high elves, to try to warn these highly magical civilizations. longevity species.

Goyle and Drek'Thar looked at each other, and in the end Drek'Thar was the first to ask, "Great Chief, should we believe his words? It seems that he didn't feel any malice from him through the elements."

After thinking for a while, Goyle said, "I think so too. It doesn't take too long to get from Dunholde Castle to Southsea Town. We will walk along the uninhabited mountains and forests, and we can see if there are any people on the coast. The ship is docked at Nanhai Town."


Charlemagne took the autopsy report given to him by Alonsus and sent it to the Tower of Sunfury, and combined the contents of the report with some of his own opinions to the king and the parliament.

"Psychic spells... Humans have not studied the application of this power of death for thousands of years. Who is it... Could it be?"

Kael'thas suddenly remembered Kel'Thuzad who was expelled from Dalaran a few years ago because of his research on psychic spells. she."


After Welles left, Kael'thas said to Charlemagne, "Duke Theron, please continue. You should have found some other clues, right?"

"Your Majesty is wise."

Charlemagne smiled and complimented, and then continued, "In September this year, some flying creatures made of stone appeared in the sky above Icecrown Citadel. Sunstrider knocked them down and handed them over to the Arcane Association for inspection."

Charlemagne reached out his hand to signal to the aging Osis, the president of the Arcane Association took over the conversation and said, "The inspection results have come out, this object we named Gargoyle is actually not a living thing, but A kind of construct made through psychic magic, they only act on orders."

After seeing Kael'thas' thoughtful expression, Charlemagne continued to explain, "Now the situation is relatively clear. There should be some forces lurking in that strong fortress made of Saronite. If you use 203 The millimeter magic cannon should be able to blast through that gate, but..."

Li Reza crossed his arms and added, "Until the identity and intentions of the opponent cannot be determined, this kind of behavior is too reckless, and we don't know how many troops are hidden inside the fortress. I don't recommend storming it."

Charlemagne knew what was in it, but the strength of the high elves alone was definitely not enough for Ner'zhul to play, and the countries of the alliance were basically in their own troubles now.

Needless to say Lordaeron, Dalaran, Gilneas and Stormgard, the merchant ship that Kul Tiras unloaded in Southsea was said to have been attacked by orcs and robbed. Take the fleet to pursue, but unfortunately, according to the intelligence, it seems that they can't catch up.

As for the Stormwind Kingdom, gnolls and murlocs from the western wilderness suddenly attacked the farm in groups, and the Gurubashi trolls also began to attack again. Lothar and Varian were too busy to come up with troops at all.

The city of Gnomeregan is now being invaded by a large number of cavemen. The copperbeard dwarves and gnomes are busy cleaning up these dirty creatures. Charlemagne told Gelbin in advance not to use the radiation water tank, but it may be difficult to clean up these cavemen. It takes quite a while.

The Wildhammer dwarves can send troops, but unfortunately, like the high elves, they have too few troops. Even if they add the Tauren and Nightborne, they may not be enough to break through the Icecrown Citadel. Instead, they may send fresh corpses to Ner'zhul.

Charlemagne secretly sighed in his heart, 'It's a troubled time... No wonder there were so few people in history who were willing to go to Kalimdor with Jaina. '

Just at this time, Jaina received the notification from Welles, and was directly teleported to the Tower of Sunfury after Kael'thas' permission.

"Your Majesty the Sun King, do you need me?"

Kel'thas smiled and nodded, "Yes, I want to ask you about Kel'Thuzad. Did Master Antonidas get any information about Kel'Thuzad after he left Dara?"

Jaina shook her head, "No, Kel'Thuzad seems to have evaporated from the world, and no one has seen him again, but recently, some people in Dalaran suspect that he is related to this plague, and the mentor has sent a group of mages to assist Alsace The prince investigates the truth of the plague."

Kael'thas lowered his head and thought for a while, and when he was about to thank Jaina, a raven suddenly flew in from outside the Tower of Sunfury, and landed and turned into a raven just when Charlemagne and the others raised their vigilance. A middle-aged human man in a feathered cloak and a black hood.

"Your Majesty the Sun King Kael'thas, I am a prophet and I have come here to..."

However, before the man had finished pretending to read his lines, Charlemagne stretched out his finger and pointed at him in surprise.

"You are... Medivh?!"

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