Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 336: Layout in advance

Chapter 336 Advance Layout

After a detailed investigation, Charlemagne saw a lot of wild animals in the western area of ??Crystalsong Forest. This discovery proved that this place can indeed survive.

The twilight creek that runs through most of the forest also provides water as the source of life for the creatures living here, and even Charlemagne saw some ancient guardians and treants walking in the forest.

The only thing that is more worrying is the Twilight Lake at the source of the Twilight Creek. If Ner'zhul casts a plague on this lake, it will definitely affect all creatures downstream.

Charlemagne stood by the lake and looked up at the cliff above, thinking about countermeasures, "This is the Icecrown Glacier. Although Ner'zhul has not built the Iron Wall Dam at this time, such an important defensive place will inevitably be destroyed. He takes it into consideration. '

Sirvanas walked up to Charlemagne and took his hand and asked, "Do you want to build an outpost by the lake? Indeed, clean water is very important for any settlement."

Bingxue's clever second lady has already seen Charlemagne's idea of ??sending an advance team to Crystalsong Forest. The current Ranger General has already begun to help him think about problems from the perspective of defense.

The importance of the location of Crystalsong Forest has been proven by later generations. The rich energy of the magic net can allow the high elves to easily build a powerful magic barrier.

The existence of this cliff in front of me basically cuts off the intrusion of the natural disaster ground troops. Only relying on the gargoyles... If Ner'zhul can break through the barrier of the high elves, I will lose.

Besides, Charlemagne originally planned to send some Sunstrider Wings to lead the Giant Eagles to this forest, and there is no need to worry too much about the Gargoyle's invasion if there are air troops stationed there.

Over the years, due to the in-depth trade with the Highmountain Tauren, the number of giant eagles owned by the high elves has become larger and larger. In the past two years, the private rental service of giant eagles has even been opened in Quel'Thalas.

Once Crystalsong Forest is occupied, the high elves and even subsequent alliances can use flying mounts to enter Wintergrasp Lake to mine the precious minerals contained in this area.

Moreover, Crystalsong Forest itself has a lot of herbs. Once it is developed here, it will become an important stronghold of the Alliance in Northrend. scheme.

Of course, he had to consider Ner'zhul's possible reaction. Cirvanas's proposal was exactly what Charlemagne wanted. He planned to send heavy troops to guard the lake so that Ner'zhul could not be fooled.

As long as there is no large amount of plague thrown in, a small amount of pollution can be washed away by the cleaning ability of the running water itself. After hearing Sylvanas' suggestion on building the outpost, Charlemagne finally nodded in agreement.

"According to your plan, I will apply to the Parliament and the Sun King after returning this time. Northrend's leather, minerals and herbs are very precious resources. I think this proposal should be approved."

After making a preliminary decision, Charlemagne and Cirvanas boarded Onyxia's back again, skimming the edge of Zul'Drak, the frost troll residence, and preparing to enter the Grizzly Bear Hills in the south.

Cirvanas looked down at the group of Drakkari trolls who raised their heads and yelled at them, and said displeasedly, "Trolls again, why aren't these dirty and savage creatures extinct? They can be seen everywhere in the world." to their traces."

Charlemagne shrugged. "Trolls are originally a native species of Azeroth. Strictly speaking, we high elves used to be a branch of trolls."


Sirvanas turned her head to look at her boyfriend in a daze, and Charlemagne couldn't help but kiss her lightly on the corner of her mouth with that cute expression.

"Don't be so surprised. I told Alleria before that the night elves were originally evolved from the dark trolls who moved to the vicinity of the Well of Eternity. As descendants of the upper class, we are naturally related to the trolls. .”

After hearing the conversation between the two, Onyxia interjected and said, "According to the master, elves, trolls, tauren, wild boars, and furbolgs are all native species of Azeroth, while humans, dwarves, and gnomes They are all degenerated from the creation of Titans, strictly speaking, these three races should be regarded as invasive species, right?"

Charlemagne smiled and patted the scales on Onyxia's back, "It should be like this, but after all, they are related to the Titans, and they are not too aggressive themselves. Already integrated into Azeroth, it is still fundamentally different from a purely invading race like orcs."

Cirvanas leaned in her boyfriend's arms and looked up and asked, "If you want to say this, if the orcs lose their aggressiveness, can they survive in Azeroth for a while and integrate into this world?"

The words of the second lady made Charlemagne stunned. This question is a bit related to the future direction. If we look at the original history, the orcs have indeed successfully integrated into Azeroth many years later.

"Well... I don't care about this issue. It will be judged by all races in Azeroth. However, in my personal opinion, if this group of green skins can really settle in Azeroth with peace of mind, it would be a great way to fight against the Burning Legion." Excellent cannon fodder."

After all, the orcs are strong in body and have a strong fertility rate. They are very good front-line meat shields. If they really want to settle in Azeroth, they must first show their value in response to the world crisis, just like the original What Thrall did in history at the Battle of Mount Hyjal.

While chatting, Onyxia had already flown to the central area of ??Grizzly Hills. When Charlemagne looked down, he suddenly saw a fallen giant tree. He hurriedly patted Osyxia's scales and pointed to the section. Trunk yelled "Wait! Isn't that Vordrassil? It's already been planted by this time?!"

Onyxia was a little puzzled by the owner's excited attitude, "That's right, it was the Andashir-Crown of the Snow Field that was planted back then. This tree has been planted for thousands of years, and it was cut down because of pollution. It was renamed Vordrassil, which means Broken Crown."

Charlemagne quickly recalled it in his mind. Five seconds later, he patted his forehead in frustration. He confused Teldrassil's planting time with Andrassil.

"There is such a big memory error... Wait, so the Emerald Dream has been infiltrated now!"

Thinking of this, Charlemagne didn't care about going to the rest of the Howling Fjord, and immediately ordered Onyxia, "Let's return to Wyrmrest Temple immediately, I have important things to discuss with the two dragon kings!"

Although Charlemagne had already reminded Ysera of the nightmare, who knows if these arrogant dragons will really take it to heart? Although the crisis of the nightmare has not yet completely erupted, there is no doubt that time is already pressing up.

‘I hope there is still time. Fortunately, Tyr’s soul didn’t stay in the dream for a long time, otherwise it would be a big trouble. '

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