Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 334: Frost Bone Dragon

Chapter 334 Frost Bone Dragon

Kalecgos, the notorious dragon thrower of the guardian dragon family of Azeroth, his various funny deeds have been told before, so I won’t repeat them here.

Charlemagne glanced at the other people present while Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Zhan Wuzang appease the Blue Dragon King.

The handsome red-haired high elf man standing beside Alexstrasza had a very calm demeanor, and he noticed that Charlemagne nodded in a friendly way when he looked at him.

Charlemagne immediately returned the greeting with a smile, and the familiar aura on the other person made him probably guess the identity of this person, "He should be the Tarani Strasz who I have seen before, right?" '

This ancient red dragon who was supposed to perish in Grim Batol survived because of Charlemagne's changes to the timeline, and now it is logical that he appears here as the queen's consort and assistant.

The green-haired man next to Ysera with the appearance of a night elf, Charlemagne, did not recognize him, at least not the Lord Isarios he had seen before, but judging by his intimate behavior with Ysera, he should also be the Green Dragon Queen one of the spouses.

After a long time, the irritable old brother Malygos finally calmed down under the persuasion of his sisters and clansmen, "Phew... well, I won't interrupt, let you talk, but I hope you can give us a satisfactory answer, boy Theron. "

Although what the Blue Dragon King said was a bit out of date, Charlemagne could understand what he meant. He nodded heavily at Malygos and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty Malygos, I originally sent the news to let Malygos Be vigilant, and I will tell you all I can say."

Before coming here, Chromie whispered in his ear about the dangers of changing the future, and Charlemagne selectively listened to some of them. This time, he had his own plan.

Finally Malygos calmed down, Ysera and Alexstrasza also breathed a sigh of relief, and then the two queens first introduced the other dragons present to Charlemagne.

The identities of most people were not beyond Charlemagne's expectations. The male green dragon he didn't know was called Eranikus, and he was Ysera's most important and powerful consort.

After some pleasantries, Alexstrasza brought the topic back on track, "A month ago, a green dragon who was on an inspection trip to the Sholazar Basin accidentally found a bone dragon flying in the sky when passing by the Icecrown Glacier. Fighting broke out in the first moments of encounter."

"Although he defeated the bone dragon in the end, the icy breath from the other party also caused him serious injuries. After several days of recuperation, he flew back and told us the situation."

After receiving Alexstrasza's signal, Ysera took over the words, "I've already asked him, the bone dragon's skull and chest cavity emitted a strange blue light, and its physical strength and flexibility are not as strong as it is. It’s not strong, but the destructive power of the ice dragon’s breath is not small.”

The Green Dragon Queen looked at Charlemagne with her softly shining eyes and asked, "According to your warning a while ago, Charlemagne, I judged that you should know some inside information, so I notified my sister and Malygos to summon you together." .”

Malygos snorted unhappily and said, "The bone dragon's skeleton was also brought back. After judgment, he was one of the members of our Blue Dragon Army who died in Icecrown Glacier in the Battle of the Ancients. I must To find out what happened."

When it came to Icecrown Glacier, Malygos had an unnatural expression on his face, as if he was instinctively resisting this place. Kalecgos behind him sighed helplessly.

Charlemagne looked at the serious expressions of the three dragon kings, straightened his face and said, "I do know something about this. I don't know if you have noticed that the Icecrown Glacier in the north of Northrend has recently been infected by many Vrykul villages. Some strange plague."

Talanistrasz nodded suspiciously and said, "We have discovered the spread of these plagues, but isn't this normal? The Vrykul are primitive, so it's not surprising to be infected with a little plague, right?"

Charlemagne shook his head, "I'm afraid this is not an ordinary plague, but someone deliberately spread it, and everyone should know about the fortress that suddenly appeared on Icecrown Glacier, right?"

Eranikus replied instead of Ysera, "Well, that majestic fortress didn't exist at all before, and it stood there after a rare large-scale snowstorm that suddenly erupted on Icecrown Glacier dispersed, but The dragons we sent to investigate found nothing."

Charlemagne continued to lay out clues, "Not only that, but also the Azronelub spider-men living under Dragonbone Wilderness. According to the scout report I sent, they have been fighting an unknown force in recent years."

Alexstrasza and Ysera frowned at the same time. It was obviously no coincidence that so many strange phenomena happened at the same time.

"Could it be that some force is planning to make a big move in Northrend?"

Malygos interrupted Charlemagne impatiently at this time, "Okay, boy Theron! We guardian dragons will not participate in these mortal matters. What I want to clarify is only the bone dragon issue. You can just talk about it." , What is going on with these bone dragons?"

Charlemagne looked at the other two dragon kings who had the same attitude and slumped their shoulders, "Really...they only care about the bone dragon, which is related to the dragon clan. Indeed, Ner'zhul is still hiding deep now, and this cowardly act Very cautious, it is very difficult to catch him with definite evidence. '

"Okay, let me just say it bluntly. These bone dragons are unintelligent monsters that have been transformed into undead creatures by psychic spells. They will only act according to the commands of their masters who awakened them."

"Psychic spells?"

Malygos lowered his head and thought, "I have a little impression of this school of spells. It seems to be an application of the power of death. A blue dragon once reported to me that humans have studied the use of the power of death thousands of years ago, but The first lich of the day sealed this knowledge away."

"That's right, the first lich His Majesty Malygos mentioned should be Merry Winterwind of the Tirisfal Council, but this incident has nothing to do with him. According to the information I have obtained, this anomalous The center of change is in that huge fortress."


Malygos snorted coldly, "No matter who dares to abuse the remains of dragons, they must not let them go. Fortunately, there are only a small number of dragons who died outside the Dragonbone Wilderness, and... Forget it, we just need to guard the Dragonbone Wilderness."

Malygos' hesitation just now caught Charlemagne's attention. The Blue Dragon King probably thought of Sindragosa who was still buried in the Icecrown Glacier, but in the Blue Dragon King's perception, his It should be impossible for a powerful consort to be resurrected by mere necromancy.

In fact, his idea is not wrong. Of course, ordinary spiritism cannot revive Sindragosa, and even Ner'zhul, who has no body, can't do it.

After Alsace and Ner'zhul became one, he went to the Sindragosa burial ground in person, and used the power of Frostmourne to resurrect the blue dragon king's consort into the most powerful ice dragon. Queen.

Thinking of this, Charlemagne reminded, "Your Majesty Malygos, about Sindragosa..."

"Shut up! Don't mention that name!"

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