Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 329: I hate turtle shells!

Chapter 329 I hate turtle shells!

When Charlemagne stepped onto the high platform cautiously holding the eagle's claws, Magna responded immediately.

"Ha! Another life-or-death challenger, come on, I will let the storm crow eat you tonight!"

The sudden sense of crisis in his heart made Charlemagne only have time to raise the eagle's claws across his chest, and Magna had already rushed in front of him with a charge. shield.


Charlemagne, who was unable to react in time, was suddenly sent flying by the powerful charge. Although the Eagle Spear blocked most of the impact, the difference in weight between the two sides was huge after all. He was more than three meters tall and muscular. It's really not difficult for a vrykul to hit a high elf who is about 1.8 meters high.

"Tsk..." The start was bad, and Charlemagne smacked his lips in displeasure. When he was in mid-air, he did not forget to observe the further movements of Magna below with his super dynamic eyesight.

Sure enough, this guy condensed an energy weapon in his hand with anger, and threw it at Charlemagne while roaring.

‘Heroic throw? What a hassle. '

Charlemagne observed the surrounding environment. This platform is about 20 square meters in total. It is basically impossible to fight guerrillas in the forest as usual. Make the most effective dodge and look for opportunities to fight back.


Following the crisp metal stretching sound, Charlemagne's left hand suddenly threw a chain towards the edge of the platform behind Magna, and a sharp blade tip could be vaguely seen at the top of the chain.


The chain wrapped around the edge of the platform, and Charlemagne pulled hard suddenly, pulling his body in the air towards the position he had fixed with the chain, narrowly avoiding the energy weapon thrown by Magna.

Charlemagne, who landed safely, immediately threw away the chain, swung the eagle's claws and stabbed fiercely at the Magna vest before he had time to react.


At the critical moment, Magna's rich experience played a role. He reached out and inserted the scale of the guardian of the earth back with a very quick reaction. Charlemagne's fierce assault just hit the shield.

Although it failed to cause fatal damage to Magna, Charlemagne had no intention of mental arithmetic after all, and Magna, whose center of gravity was unstable, was still staggered forward by Charlemagne's attack.

'Chance! '

Charlemagne's eyes lit up, and he immediately activated the eagle claw's artifact skill and used the eagle's fury on Magna before he could turn around.

King Vrykul, who is extremely experienced in combat, felt the piercing chill coming from behind and dared not stay. After steadying his steps, he made a heroic jump to the open space in front of him. After avoiding Charlemagne's ultimate move, he immediately turned around and raised his shield again to face his opponent. charge.

‘Flash. '

Charlemagne, who had no time to retract his movements, immediately used his displacement skills to dodge to the side. After regaining his figure, he immediately took two steps back, vigilantly placed the eagle's claws across his chest, and exhaled a long breath.

The expressions of Alleria, Cirvanas and others who were watching the battle in the audience looked a little serious, and the elder sister of Windrunner said with some concern, "The epic shield fighters are really difficult to deal with, they have both offensive and defensive skills, and they are extremely rich in experience. It's a good fight."

Onyxia also crossed her arms and agreed, "The master is not a purely melee class. It is really disadvantageous to fight an epic warrior in such a small space. Besides... if I read correctly, this The rule power of the vrykul should be defensive."

The corner of the second lady's mouth twitched slightly, "Is it defensive...I hate fighting against opponents like this kind of tortoise the most. Now let's see how Charlemagne breaks through his defense."

The comments of the three bosses made Vereesa and Valeira on the side listen attentively. They hadn't entered the epic yet and they only had to shout 666 beside them.

Liadrin couldn't help but smile when she saw the expressions of the two little girls, and stretched out her hand to gently rub the heads of the two comfortingly.

"Don't worry, with the talents of the two of you, it's only a matter of time before you enter the epic. Now concentrate on watching the battle. I think Charlemagne should change his style of play."

As Liadrin said, Charlemagne also saw that he was obviously at a disadvantage in melee combat with a heavy weapon like the Eagle Claw, and he began to think about countermeasures in his mind.

'Using Solidar? But with the toughness and wide shield of the Earth Guardian Scale, unless I have time to condense Longinus, it is impossible to penetrate his defense. '

In the battle just now, he probably judged that Magna's regular power should be similar to super body or super body. There were many opportunities to hurt him before, but the opponent's body recovery speed is obvious. It exceeded Charlemagne's expectations.

'In this case…'

Charlemagne carefully watched Magna's movements, and quickly retracted the eagle's claws into the magic bag and took out the general Moxie.

"Then just give up the defense completely and use the attack speed to create flaws!"

With two knives in hand, Charlemagne took the initiative to charge towards the opponent this time. He quickly sprinted towards Magra in an S-shaped position. The erratic position made Magna unable to judge his next foothold for a while, and the charge was natural. There is no way to talk about it.

"Ding, Ding"

Two consecutive attacks hit the shield of the Earth Guardian's Scale. Magna, who didn't take this weak attack seriously, suddenly changed his face and used the shield to push Charlemagne back.

When he aimed at his shield, he found that there were two traces of frost and burning on it. Although it could not cause any damage to the shield itself, the other contained energy affected the owner of the shield.

"Be smart!"

Magna let out a roar, and forced the Earth Guardian's scales to the ground, a layer of red and black light suddenly flowed from the shield.

Charlemagne twitched his eyebrows when he saw this. This familiar way of energy flow reminded him of something...

Sure enough, as the power of the artifact erupted, a flame of shadow that was very familiar to everyone suddenly spewed out from the surface of the shield.

Although the scale was very small, it was enough for Charlemagne to dodge with all his strength. At this time, Alleria and the others turned their attention to Onyxia, who was also a little surprised.

The black dragon princess who came back to her senses looked around and stared at her eyes and shrugged her shoulders, "Why are you looking at me? At least it is an artifact made of my father's scales. Isn't it normal to be able to spew out shadow flames?"

After bursting out the artifact skill, there was still a layer of energy fluctuations on the entire shield for a short time. Magna took this opportunity to charge again, and the perfect clash of the shield and sword made Charlemagne rely on flexible steps to temporarily avoid the edge.

About 10 seconds later, the energy radiance on the surface of the shield disappeared, and Charlemagne's eyes flashed. He dodged to the left and at the same time threw his two knives at Magna.

‘I hope this time it will work...’

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