Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 325: Are you my long-lost sister?

Chapter 325 Are you my long-lost sister?

In the office of the Duke of Yuanxing Town, Charlemagne hesitated as he looked at the burial sites of the artifacts sorted out in front of him.

Alleria served him a cup of blood thistle tea and suggested, "Now it seems that the first stop should be Shield Rest Island, right? After all, there are three artifacts buried here, and you can harvest at least two of them in one trip." It’s more cost-effective no matter how you think about it.”

Charlemagne nodded, "Well... I think so too, but I'm hesitating who will use this Earth Guardian Scale. There seem to be very few reliable shield warriors on the Alliance side, right?"

After all, the vast majority of fighters like to be reckless. Basically, well-known fighters are born with two-handed weapons or dual-wielding weapons. The only reliable shield warrior, Lothar, passed Stromkar to Warri An Hou also completely put off his plans to go to the battlefield, after all, his age is no longer suitable for charging on the front line.

The most famous warrior among the high elves, Thalorian, holds the upper-level dragon-forged blade Quel'Delar. He has used this sword for thousands of years, and he has no intention of changing weapons at all.

Among the relatives and friends that Charlemagne knew well, there was no candidate who was particularly suitable for the scale of the guardian of the earth, which made him feel very entangled. It was a great tragedy that the artifact could not find a suitable user.

Princess Black Dragon raised her head after finishing her official duties and gave an opinion, "Why don't you leave it to your brother? Didn't you say he has the heart of a warrior?"

"No no no."

Charlemagne shook his head hastily, "Although Lor'themar likes melee combat, he has no interest in holding a shield. Most of the time, he just picks up a two-handed sword and rushes up to chop people. I guess he won't want to."

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of any suitable candidate, so Charlemagne simply gave up and continued thinking.

"In short, let's go and bring back the two artifacts first, and then consider the use of them slowly."

After a few days of tidying up, Charlemagne has preliminarily locked down the locations of several artifacts. First of all, I will talk about warriors. Although there is hope for the sword of Valagar, if you want to get this pair of swords, you will definitely offend Hela. Put it behind.

The scale of the guardian of the earth is relatively simple, as long as you get the guardian of the artifact and click to send it.

Charlemagne, the warlock artifact, is not interested. After all, there are no official warlocks in the camps of the elves and the alliance, and now the three artifacts are impossible to get.

The Priest's Sword of the Dark Empire has already been obtained, and there are two remaining. Toure is in the hands of the Burning Legion. The Wrath of the Holy Light has not yet been created by the Scarlet Crusade, so he ignores it.

Druids' artifacts are basically related to the night elves. The distant relatives of these high elves either know where the artifacts are, or are looking for them, so it's not his turn to worry about them.

Mage... Flame Strike is in the hands of Kael'thas, Ebon Chill is useless, it was taken away by the Burning Legion long ago, Aluneth is in the treasure house of the blue dragon, I can think of a way to do this in the future, but I have to control this The wild staff isn't easy either.

Monks ignore it, shamans ignore it, demon hunters ignore it, and thieves either dare not get it or can't get it.

Hunter now has only one Titan Strike left, which happens to be in the tomb of Shield Rest Island, but it is impossible to get it without Mimiron's decoding.

As for the paladins, apart from the Ashbringer that has not yet been forged, only the Guardian of Truth that is going to be taken this time is missing. As for the Silver Hand, Charlemagne has long since returned it to the person in Uldaman. you.

The last is the death knight. Frostmourne is in the hands of Ner'zhul. Don't even think about the Maw of the Damned. In the hands of the Burning Legion, the only reliable one is Apocalypse. It should have been sent to the underground of Karazhan by the men sent by Medivh .

But this magic sword that can magnify the dark side of the holder is not something everyone can control, at least Charlemagne has no intention of letting it appear in the world in a short time.

To sum up, the first stop was set by Charlemagne at Shield Rest Island in the northeast corner of the Stormfjord of the Broken Islands. He planned to bring the three Windrunner sisters, Liadrin, Valeira and Onyxia together. go to.

Before he left, he entrusted Ah Qiang to take care of the lazy little guy, Lilas. Lor'themar, who had reached the peak of a hero and was about to break through, would be fine with taking care of this brat.

The recent news from members of the Hidden Path ambushing in Northrend made Charlemagne even more disturbed. The Lich King has begun to expand, and almost all the Vrykul villages in Icecrown Glacier have been taken into his pocket.

Charlemagne also made a special trip to the Temple of Dythom before, allowing the high elf druids to enter the Emerald Dream and convey a message to Malygos through Ysera about his spouse Sindar who died in Icecrown Glacier. A warning from Gossa's remains.

It's a pity that Ysera told him regretfully that Malygos had fallen into a state of madness again, and he didn't take his warning seriously at all. Rumors spread that someone might want to steal the keel.

As for whether they believe it or not, Charlemagne can’t control it. If these giant guardian dragons still ignore his words with their noses turned upside down, then he really has nothing to say. You deserve the dead bodies of your relatives to be pulled up as bone dragons.

Dark Portal In April 2015, Charlemagne led a group of people to open the portal to the Thunder Totem. The Gaoling patriarchs who hadn't seen him for a long time wanted to drag him to drink, and they didn't let him go until they heard that they had business to do.

Onyxia took advantage of the time when Charlemagne was dealing with the chiefs, and ran to secretly observe the soul walker Black Horn according to the guidance the master had told her before.

‘Sure enough, there is the breath of a black dragon, and it is the black dragon before being corrupted by the father, my brother? '

The black-horned boss who had been transformed into a tauren felt that someone was peeping at him in the dark, but he couldn't find any figure after searching for a long time.

‘Illusion? Or is the monster getting restless again? '

Before he left, Charlemagne did not hide his plan from the Highmountain chiefs, and directly changed Onyxia back to her original form in the open area outside the lower layer of the Thunder Totem.

Following a high-pitched dragon chant, a huge black dragon appeared in the open space under the expressions of a group of tauren with big mouths.

Charlemagne greeted his relatives and friends to climb on Onyxia's back, and turned his head to say goodbye to Ulan, Barre and others, "Then we're off, and I'll come to drink with you next time I have time."

As he spoke, he patted Onyxia's scales lightly, and Princess Black Dragon flapped her wings knowingly and flew up. Before leaving, she glanced at Black Horn in the crowd with meaningful eyes, and then accelerated towards the storm. Fly in the direction of the fjord.

At this time, Black Horn, like the tauren around him, opened his mouth and looked at the black dragon going away, ‘It’s so familiar with the breath of blood, could it be my relatives? '

Blackhorn has never left Highmountain since he was born, and he has never seen other black dragons other than himself, but this adult dragon, which is obviously female, made him feel a familiar sense of intimacy.

Ulan, who knew the truth when he took over as the great chief, now approached Black Horn and asked in a low voice, "Black Horn, she is from your family, right? Do you know her?"

Heijiao came back to his senses and shook his head, "I have never been in contact with the Black Dragon Legion, and I don't know her, but maybe she has some blood connection with me. I will ask her directly when I meet next time."

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