Chapter 321 New Allies

Aluriel followed Elisande's order swiftly and sent scouts from Suramar to fly out of the barrier to investigate the situation. Charlemagne, Kael'thas and the others sneered when they saw the consultants who were clearly at a loss .

‘You don’t know what happened right outside your own house, are you too devoted to enjoying life? '

Although the outer layer of Suramar is covered by an enchantment, so that the outside world cannot be seen clearly from inside the city, but when the tomb of Sargeras rose, it caused a lot of earthquakes. thing.

Talisa frowned and asked Elisande tentatively, "Grand Magister, could it be that the shock a few years ago..."

Elisande couldn't help but clenched his fists, and nodded heavily, "It's almost inseparable, now let's wait for the scouts to report back."

Under the reception of Elisande, Kael'thas and others sat in the meeting hall with peace of mind and drank the most authentic Nightwell magic wine, calmly waiting for Elisande to make a final decision.

"Such a conspicuous tomb, the scouts don't even need to fly too far, it should be visible from the sea south of Suramar."

Charlemagne smacked his lips as he spoke, feeling that the magic wine made from the Nightwell water seemed to be no different from the homemade one. Rather, it contained the warm energy of the Sunwell, which made the high elves feel more used to it. .

At this time, Solanlian was exchanging experience in astrology observation with the astrologer Etraus. When it came to professional issues, Solanlian, who was usually cold, seemed to have become a lot more enthusiastic, which made Kael'thas and Osis All feel a little surprised.

Calpurnia turned her head to look at the frowning Grand Magister and Melandus and Vandos who were whispering, and asked quietly in the small circle around Kael'thas, "Your Majesty, Theron?" Duke, do you think the Grand Magister will agree to our alliance request?"

Osis, who was already showing signs of baldness, held the magic wine and said with a smile, "As long as the leader of the Nightborne has even a little foresight, she should know that continuing to be locked up will not do any good for Suramar."

"This enchantment comparable to Bandin Norrell may be able to protect the people of Suramar from the catastrophe of the catastrophe, but I don't think it can stop the full-scale attack of the Burning Legion. Now that the Legion is sure to return , they will certainly need allies."

Calpurnia has been waiting in Shal Elland for more than ten years, and now she finally sees the hope of completing the task. She is more eager than Kael'thas at this time. The Sun King promised her, and after reaching a formal covenant with the Nightborne Afterwards, she was transferred back to Silvermoon City, and another person was sent to serve as an ambassador.

As a member of the royal party, it is not a good choice to leave the king for too long. Knowing the treatment of the Liadrin family, Calpurnia can't wait to return to Silvermoon City to contribute to Kael'thas up.

While the astromancer waited anxiously, the scouts sent by Aluriel finally sent back two hours later, fully confirming the existence of the Tomb of Sargeras.

The waiting for the unknown is the most disturbing thing. After obtaining the exact information, Elisande calmed down instead.

She turned her head to look at the six advisors around her and said, "Does anyone have any questions now? Let's vote again."

Needless to say, Aluriel and Tel'arn are not idiots. The Burning Legion is about to attack. It is meaningless to stay in this enchantment. The two immediately turned against Talisa and Aitau. voted in favour.

The die-hard Fandos and Mylandus looked at each other. It was already 4 to 2 and there was nothing to struggle. In desperation, they could only follow the crowd.

After seeing the choices of the consultants, Elisande also made up her mind. There are countless directions in the timeline. Who can be sure that she will definitely go to the worst one when she makes this decision.

"Your Majesty the Sun King, Suramar agreed to form an alliance with Quel'Thalas. From now on, the Nightborne will put down the barrier and reintegrate into civilized society. I hope Quel'Thalas can provide some help."

Kel'thas stood up and nodded with a smile, "Please rest assured, Grand Magister, the high elves will definitely actively help the Nightborn to reconnect with the world. I hope we can cooperate happily in the future."

Seeing that the alliance was achieved, Calpurnia waved her fist a little and whispered excitedly, "Great!"

Charlemagne and Osis saw the rare little girl-like behavior of the mature female star magician, looked at each other and laughed at the same time, and even Solanian showed a faint smile beside her.

The general direction of the alliance has been set, and the people under him need to discuss it in detail. Kael'thas left Osis and Solanlian to discuss the alliance, and he took the lead after bidding farewell to Elisande. The envoy sent back to Silvermoon City together with Charlemagne and Calpurnia.

With the efforts of Osis and Solanian, the subsequent alliance conditions were negotiated within three months.

Silvermoon City and Suramar have directly built a stable two-way portal. If the people of the Nightborne want to travel back to the mainland, they can go directly through the portal from Silvermoon City to the alliance countries.

The covenant stipulates that when one party is in trouble, the other party must try its best to help. Out of gratitude to the scholars of Suramar for researching Alcandor, Quel'Thalas will gradually provide the Nightborne with this magical cure for magic addiction. fruit.

Elisande was overwhelmed with excitement when she learned of the existence and miraculous effects of Arcandor. She even teleported to Silvermoon City to express her heartfelt thanks to Kael'thas.

For many years, the tribe's addiction to magic has become a heart disease for her. Now that she knows that magic addiction has the possibility of being cured, how can she not be excited.

In addition, Elisande, who came to Silvermoon City, privately raised a warning to the Silvermoon Council and the Sun King out of gratitude.

"Major changes will take place in the Eastern Continent within five years at the most. Please prepare for it in advance, the Sun King."

Although Kael'thas and the councilors were somewhat puzzled by Elisande's warning, Kael'thas, who had learned about the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul from Charlemagne before, quickly understood that it should be the great demon The Mentor saw some catastrophe in some future timeline.

Kel'thas had roughly learned the complex theory of the timeline from Syndra's collection, and did not ask Elisande to tell the details, and sent her back after thanking the great magister.

The Nightborne of Suramar, like the tauren, only formed an alliance with Quel'Thalas and did not join the alliance.

Under the lead of Quel'Thalas, the Nightborne quickly signed an alliance agreement with the Highmountain Tauren as their neighbor, and then reached a friendly relationship with the Kalimdor Tauren. To go to Kalimdor, you can teleport directly to Mulgore to start your journey.

The disappearance of the enchantment of Suramar City has of course attracted the attention of the night elves of the Broken Isles. The druids of Lola Hill have already informed the compatriots of Hyjal Peak about the reappearance of the Nightborne through the Emerald Dream.

After receiving the news, the three giants of the night elves gathered together to discuss the matter.

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