Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 138: It’s time for me, the Sun King, to pretend

Chapter 138 It's time for me, the Sun King, to pretend

Crisha, who was in a state of short-term trance, came back to her senses and hurriedly apologized to the high elves present for her gaffe. Anasterian and others, who were very clear about the attraction of the Sunwell, smiled and expressed their understanding.

After the alliance with the Nightfallen was reached, Charlemagne, who had been serving as a melon-eating crowd, received the look from the Sun King secretly, and then nodded to indicate that he was ready.

Anasterian cleared his throat after receiving the signal, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said in a serious tone, "The next topic to be discussed is proposed by Baron Theron. After you leave this hall, please don't leak any information at will."

Regarding the betrayal of the Platinum Disc and the guardian Medivh, apart from the Sun King and Prince Kael'thas, members of the Silvermoon Council, including Osis, are still ignorant of this, and have just become allies Not to mention Chrisia.

Noticing Anastrian's attitude, everyone present immediately corrected their stances and raised their spirits that had just been relaxed, listening attentively to what he said next.

"Baron Theron found a Titan relic when he went out last time. It is said that there are some amazing contents recorded on it. To be on the safe side, I chose to activate this one-time Titan device when everyone gathered today."

At this time, Charlemagne immediately took out the long-preserved platinum disc from the magic backpack knowingly. The appearance of this simple disc with a strange luster immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Darkan's eyes flashed brightly, and he instinctively sensed the imminent aura of rain after he had experienced in politics, "Titan relic? Baron Theron, can you be sure that it is indeed from the hand of a titan?"

Charlemagne looked at the questioning members of the council and nodded seriously, "I'm sure that the underground palace I'm looking for is indeed the ruins of the Titans, and this platinum disc is the guardian of the earth spirit in the underground palace. Wake them up and allow me to take them away."

Osis looked at the disc in his hand with a serious expression. The old fox also sensed the seriousness of the matter from the extremely serious attitudes of Anastrian and Charlemagne. After a little thought, he spoke Asked, "So how should this Titan relic be activated?"

"According to the earth spirit, the maker of this disc is Norgannon, who represents knowledge and arcane in the Titans, so it must be activated by a powerful arcane master."

"In the words of us mortals, a 9-ring epic-level arcanist is required to activate it."

After hearing Charlemagne's explanation, all the people present turned their attention to the only 9-ring archmage in Quel'Thalas—the Sun King Anastrian.

There are some subtle differences between high elves and humans in the definition of archmages. Unlike high elves who can only be called archmages with a ring of 9, in Dalaran, as long as a mage with a ring of 8 or above can be called an archmage by them, and initially Eligible to serve as a member of the Kirin Tor Council.

Now in the Kirin Tor 6-member council, apart from Antonidas who is the speaker, the remaining 5 councilors are veteran 8-ring mages.

Antonidas's talent is indeed astonishing. In just a few decades, he has caught up with and surpassed the 9 environmental realms that Anasterian had achieved in thousands of years.

In terms of personal strength alone, the pampered Sun King might not be Antonidas' opponent, but with the support of Sunwell's huge energy, Anastrian, whose spell output and endurance far surpassed Antonidas's, still had Definitely win.

As for fighting artifacts...the most indispensable thing in Dalaran is artifacts. Don’t you see that the Book of Medivh and the Eye of Violet were all stolen in Dalaran.

And judging from the content of the 7.0 version of Legion, these Dalaran mages who squatted in the mage tower all day doing research seem to know something about the artifacts buried all over the world.

Anasterian, who became the focus of everyone's attention, nodded calmly and said, "I checked this disc ten days ago, and it is true that only a 9-ring Arcanist can activate it. If you are ready, we will start." Bar?"

As an outsider, Ke Lixia nodded first. She, who is older than Long Live, has naturally heard of the Titan's reputation, and seeing the faces of the two insiders, Charlemagne and Anastrian, I am afraid that the contents of the disc are very important and Not optimistic.

The 6 council members exchanged opinions with each other solemnly, and finally the oldest Osis spoke as a representative and said, "Then please activate the disc, Your Majesty."

Anasterian nodded, and Prince Kael'thas, who stood about a step behind him, retreated more than ten meters knowingly to make room for his father. Charlemagne then stepped forward and respectfully held the disc It was handed over to the Sun King.

After getting the disk, Anasterian stopped talking nonsense and directly stimulated the magic circuits in his body. With the gathering of arcane energy, visions first appeared in the eyes of the Sun King.

His original light blue eyes, which were unique to arcane arts, became brighter at this time, and arcane energy began to flow around his body, and the wind pressure generated by the huge arcane energy released made Charlemagne and others They all took a few steps back involuntarily.

Anastrian, who hadn't shown his strength for a long time, surprised Darkan and the others. Originally, the rebellious Senator Drahir hadn't paid much attention to the dying old king. But the scene in front of him really made him more vigilant.

'I didn't expect the old guy to still have such a strong strength, I'm afraid it won't work...'

Anasterian ignored the expressions of the others at this time. He injected a large amount of his vast arcane energy into the platinum disc in his hand. Dynamic light and shadow, and with the continuous injection of arcane energy, the light and shadow gradually come out through the body.


Following a burst of blazing light, except for Charlemagne, who was about to close his eyes, everyone else was flashed fiercely by the bright light.

When everyone rubbed their eyes and came back to their senses, the platinum disc in the hands of the Sun King had undergone tremendous changes. At this time, some hazy phantoms had appeared directly above the disc.

Osis narrowed his dim eyes for a closer look, and quickly recognized the phantom of the human woman among them.

"This is the former guardian Aegwynn, and these others are... the Council of Tirisfal?"

Charlemagne nodded affirmatively, "That's right, this is the scene of the conflict between Aegwynn and the Council of Tirisfal that I specially recorded. Please watch it carefully."

Osis stopped talking after hearing this, and began to watch the content of the holographic projection with full concentration.

For a long time, as the video was played, the doubts and solemnity in the hearts of everyone present became deeper and deeper, and finally the whole series of projections were fixed on the evil and distorted smile of the current guardian Medivh when he slightly lowered his head.

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