"I was so worried about you, but why would you attack me with such a powerful attack? Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh, no. Han Shun, I don't mean it! I was unconscious after my energy shield shattered. When I woke up, I—" Bai Shijue went silent as he realized that he couldn't tell Han Shun about what he saw.

Because Bai Shijue saw Han Shun in a completely different form. He saw Han Shun as pure darkness with violet eyes that was about to swallow him whole. It was so terrifying that Han Shun instinctively attacked.

But Han Shun was completely normal right now, so it was either his eyes playing tricks or…

Bai Shijue felt a pain in his heart as he imagined Han Shun falling into the dark side. Han Shun was his beloved disciple. He raised Han Shun and took care of all his needs to make sure that Han Shun would grow up to have a great future.

Suppose Han Shun actually made a pact with the darkness and joined the demonic cultivation. In that case, Bai Shijue might as well killed himself because teaching Han Shun to be the next sect leader was literally his only mission right now.

[Pupa, Pupa are you there?]

Pupa appeared from a portal to answer Yunyu's call.

[Pupa: What?]

[Where have you been? Did you see that Han Shun turned into a dark being with violet eyes? Did he fall into the demonic cultivation route?]

Pupa scanned Han Shun's body and reported;

[Pupa: Nope, I see nothing wrong with him.]

[But… but I'm damn sure that he turned into a dark being! You're not unconscious when my energy shield shattered, right? So you must've seen everything!]

[Pupa: Nope, right before you got swallowed by that black goo, I just left to the headquarters. I won't let myself get covered with disgusting goo that might cause a malfunction in my body.]

[Geez, Pupa. You're seriously useless. I can't even ask you to do one correct thing!]

[Pupa: Speak for yourself, Sect Leader. What kind of powerful immortal got knocked out after one attack?]

Han Shun saw the confusion and hesitation in Bai Gege's eyes. He must've seen something when Han Shun obtained the eyes of God Han Ye.

Han Shun's mind immediately wandered as he thought about the worst scenario.

'Maybe… maybe Bai Gege saw that I'm the incarnation of that evil God of Nothingness? That's why he attacked me?' Han Shun asked himself. 'But if he found out already, why would he heal my wound?'

Han Shun had many questions in his mind, and the seed of doubt was planted in their hearts.

Han Shun was scared that Bai Gege would discover his real identity as the incarnation of an evil god.

While Bai Shijue was scared that Han Shun had fallen into the darkness.

After a long awkwardness between them, Bai Shijue decided to just leave it be and said, "Alright, Han Shun, you've proven to me that you're capable of finding the path in this Forest of Lost Mist, despite the thick mist surrounding the place."

"You've also proven your strength as you're able to defeat many high-ranked celestial beasts by yourself," Bai Shijue helped Han Shun to get up and guided him to the gate separating the mortal and immortal realm.

"Han Shun put your hand on the gate," Bai Shijue instructed.

Han Shun nodded and put his hand on the cold gate made of jade. After a few seconds, the engraving on each pillar changed from 'Nothing' and 'Righteous' to 'To nurture' and 'Love.'

But when it's combined, it becomes 'To nurture our Love.'

Strangely, Han Shun felt the left pillar had a similar sounding to a name that was familiar to him.

Because to nurture meant Yunyu.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ "Yùn yù de ài…." Han Shun mumbled. "It sounds more like a love confession, Bai Gege."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Bai Yunyu frowned. "It's just a wise word from our ancestors. They are writing it to show that we should nurture our love for all realms.

"I don't know. It sounds like a man is professing his love for someone named Yunyu," Han Shun looked at Bai Gege and smiled, "Yùn yù de ài."

Bai Yunyu swallowed his saliva as he got nervous when Han Shun said that sentence while staring at him. It felt like Han Ye Gege was confessing his love to Yunyu.

Though he knew that the letters of the left engraving and his real name were different despite the same sounding, thus they had a completely different meanings. But when Han Shun said it with such a sweet smile, it felt like a love confession for Yunyu.

[Damn it, why would that thing have my name engraved in it? It's so difficult to stay in character when a man with Han Ye Gege's face is professing his love to me!]

[This kid is seriously dangerous for my heart, I can't even—]

[Pupa: I mean, maybe it is a love confession from God Han Ye to you. After all, he is your husband, so you guys must've been dating before the marriage.]

[Geez, I don't even know if I originated from this world. Besides, who could a literal God be so cheesy? To literally put a love confession in such important engraving, that kind of man doesn't fit to be a God!]

[Pupa: Well, my master, Father Admin is basically a God, and do you know what he does every day?]

[Pupa: He sleeps, play games, watch drama, and reads some BL stuff in his free time. He slacks off most of the time and puts all the weight of the administration on us all.]

[Pupa: He reminds me of someone who is also an absolute unproductive mess.]

[Pupa, stop peering at me. I know what's on your mind!]

[Pupa: Oh, you can read how I've been judging you and all of your life choices then? Great.]

While Pupa and Yunyu were bickering, Han Shun saw the mist covering the gate slowly dissipate, showing a beautiful sky with such vast land with no end.

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