"Han Shun needs your presence so much. Just make sure that he will fit your expectation. Fly to the light above us, and you will return to reality."

"Alright, I will leave now! I hope I can meet you again, my dream Han Ye Gege!" Bai Yunyu flew to the light and disappeared, leaving Han Ye alone.

Han Ye's smile thinned after Bai Yunyu left him. His heart was empty as he was alone again in this emptiness that his wife created to imprison him.

"I've wanted to do that for so long, my love," Han Ye said. "I've always wanted to embrace you lovingly, but you always pushed me away, tormenting me as if I'm a disgusting monster."

"So I became one for you…."


Bai Yunyu opened his eyes an hour after he finished his tribulation. Pupa was still floating around him, "You're finally awake."

"Oh… uh…" Yunyu was still a bit confused after he woke up. He looked up and saw the light pillar had disappeared. Bai Yunyu felt his whole body was in terrible pain right now.

Yunyu pulled another talisman from his sleeve. The talisman activated by covering his body with a gentle blue glow to heal him.

"That was so painful," Yunyu muttered.

"But of course, it's a fitting punishment for someone who dares to break the law of the heaven," Pupa said.

"Who the hell created that law after all? It's so ruthless!"

"God Han Ye, duh."

"Alright, give me time before I can get up. My bone feels like getting crushed by a bulldozer right now," Yunyu said.

Bai Yunyu got up after a while. He took a deep breath to endure the pain and then returned to the spot where he had left Han Shun before.

But the moment he reached the marked tree, Han Shun was nowhere to be found.

"Wait— where is he?! Did he leave the marked tree area while I was unconscious?!" Bai Yunyu panicked. He knew that Han Shun was strong. But he wasn't strong enough to fight some vicious celestial beasts. Those beasts also loved to eat young meat as well.

"Oh no, we need to find him!" Yunyu looked around the dark forest. He realized that he wouldn't be able to find Han Shun unless he used another forbidden technique.

A few techniques were allowed to be used in the immortal realm but were absolutely prohibited in the mortal realm. Half of the Forest of Lost Mist was still in the human realm, so he couldn't use it.

"Let's just ask Chinchin's help for now!" Bai Yunyu whistled, and he waited for about 10 minutes.

"SQUEEEE!" Chinchin jumped from a tall tree and landed on Bai Shijue's head.

"Chinchin, you're here!"

"SQUEE!" Chinchin was so happy that Master Bai finally called. Chinchin really thought that Master Bai had already forgotten its existence, and Chinchin was thinking about living in the Forest of Lost Mist again.

"Chinchin, I need your help right now."


"Han Shun has been missing. I think he accidentally stepped out of the red-marked zone, maybe wandering somewhere for a short duration. Now he disappeared!"

"SQUEE?!" Chinchin was surprised. It nodded and focused by closing its beady eyes.

"SQUEE!"please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Chinchin's stripes glowed in the dark, and a path was visible on the ground, "Squee! Squee!"

Chinchin started giving directions to Master Yang Zhang, so he would be able to find Han Shun again.

"Damn, that kid, I just left him for 2 hours, and he is already missing," Yunyu complained.

Pupa materialized in front of Yunyu and commented, "Whose great idea it is to leave a young man in his first time in the Forest of Lost Mist without supervision?"

"Geez, why are you blaming me, Pupa."

"I just feel like it."


Han Shun was lost in the forest after being transported back by that mysterious man. He was standing under a marked tree, but when he heard the scream full of agony from Bai Gege, he couldn't help it and decided to step out of the marked tree area to find Bai Gege.

Now he got lost and didn't know where he would go next because the more he walked, the more confused he got with the layout. He couldn't even find a single marked tree right now.

"Bai Gege…" Han Shun also didn't hear the scream of agony from Bai Gege. He doubted that Bai Gege was dead, but he might faint from the punishment instead.

The punishment that Han Shun created…

Han Shun gritted his teeth. He felt so useless and guilty right now.

"I should've killed that little shit instead of crushing his ribs. That way, Bai Gege wouldn't need to use his forbidden technique…."

Han Shut sat under a tree right now. He felt so defeated, and no matter how long he walked, he just kept getting lost.

Han Shun folded his legs and buried his face in his thighs. He hoped that Bai Gege would find him somehow…

"Hey, there's a young man here."

Han Shun heard the voice of a man near him. He looked up and saw three men dressed in black robes surrounding him.

Han Shun got up and looked at them in full alert.

He knew their identity. These people were the demonic sects who had just killed the young woman before. Han Shun saw their eyes and realized that they were all just puppets.

Because they didn't have eyeballs. Their eye sockets were empty, and their movement was a bit unnatural as if they moved based on an order from someone else.

But they talked like ordinary people, "Look at him. He seems to be healthy and young."

"Yes, I think he can be a good target for our next ritual. Let's bring him with us."

Han Shun pushed them all with a strong gust as they were about to touch him. He wasn't afraid because he knew his fighting capability.

The 3 demonic sect disciples were thrown away, but they didn't show any pain.

'So they have no free will,' Han Shun thought.

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