In the next few days, Meng Li not only guarded the prince, but also practiced in his room. When the prince went out, they would also move forward.

Sometimes they follow in the open, sometimes they follow in the dark.

Prince is a very cautious person, will not rashly go out alone, so no matter in the dark, with people to protect him.

Of course, if the prince really went out alone, they would not know if he didn't want them to know.

Meng Li has been in this plane for a while, and a little aura has gathered in his body, which makes Meng Li expand a little.

I want to slip out to inquire about Xu Caishan, but I don't want to.

As a lady of a big family, Xu Caishan can't have much news to spread.

Meng Li feels in his heart that the key to this task is Xu Caishan, or she will sneak to Xu Caishan's boudoir?

Take Xu Caishan to a place and keep him in captivity?

Wait for the world to come out?

In this way, no Xu Caishan came out to fight with the prince.

When the prince became the emperor, Xu Caishan could not turn over any waves.

Meng Li has an idea, is analyzing this matter, again in a night black wind high night, find time to run to the Ministry of household Shangshu house outside for a walk.

In the end, it was the residence of a minister in the court. The guards were very strict. She had no chance to be alone.

Forget it.

It seems that we can't get Xu Caishan out like this.

And if it's found, it's sure to implicate the prince.

Isn't that a team mate.

Originally, Hubu Shangshu mansion was not in the prince's faction, but now everyone is just standing in line, and they haven't been shamed.

If the prince's personal bodyguard hijacks the legitimate daughter of the Secretary's family, they will certainly take it as an article.

A fierce attack on the prince.

It can be said that it was the prince's advice.

Otherwise, how can a slave dare to do these things?

The crown prince will be abandoned if he can't do it well. She will certainly be abandoned, and this task will come to an end

Meng Li stayed in the prince's mansion for a few days. Let's go step by step.

She doesn't have a say at all now, and she doesn't dare to say much.

The prince, as a reserve candidate for the emperor, is naturally suspicious and careful. She has to be careful.

If it arouses the prince's suspicion, it is certainly not a good thing.

This kind of auxiliary task, the original owner of the body must also come back to live.

On that day, the prince came back and called up the four men, saying, "I'm going to visit the East Lake next time."

Meng Li, together with the other three, bowed his head and said, "yes."

"I understand."

The prince just told them that all four of them had to go. Then he waved his hand:

"step back."

"My subordinates are leaving."

The four said together and withdrew from the hall.

There is no other instruction, that is to follow on the surface.

This time, the children of princes and ministers will have a social meeting.

They also give people who are going to get married a look at each other. If they look at each other, when they go home and their parents ask for advice, they can say whether it's OK or not.

In the plot, Xu Caishan also went.

Meng Li thinks of what Xu Caishan has done this time in the plot.

Well, stop it.

The prince went out, with a few bodyguards and servants, walking on the streets of the capital in a low-key way.

The prince was very cautious, and the carriage used was similar to that used by other princes and ministers. He didn't make it very luxurious in order to show his noble prince status.

Meng Li rode beside the prince's sedan chair, and Qin rode beside Meng Li.

"Book one, do you feel it? There are people staring at us nearby."

Meng Li pulled the reins. As soon as he lifted his head, he saw a head retracted from the second floor window of a house beside a road, and the window was closed.

"So we have to pay more attention."

Meng Li looked at Qin and said.

The prince's every move must have been noticed all the time.

Meng Li was riding on his horse, and his ears were full of shouting of buying and selling things. It was a prosperous scene. Meng Li and his party were walking in the middle of the road, and there were crowds on both sides.

Meng Li kept looking around, looking at the coachman of the prince from time to time, paying close attention to him.

The carriage was driving in the crowd. At this time, Meng looked not far from the front, and there was a sedan chair at the door of an inn.

This sedan chair is very gorgeous. From the decoration point of view, it is the carriage for women.

Meng centrifugal said to start the performance.

About half a minute later, when the prince's carriage was about to reach the gorgeous sedan chair, a boy burst out of the inn.The coachman was driving smoothly. Unexpectedly, a child rushed out of the inn door. The child didn't look at the road and jumped, but he went towards the middle of the road very fast.

It's just close to the prince's horse.

The groom suddenly appeared flustered and strained the reins:


But it's not as easy and convenient for a horse to pull a carriage as it is for a man to ride a horse.

The horse didn't stop for the first time, so the groom had to tighten the reins, hoping to stop the horse.

The child seemed to hear the sound of the groom's cry and turned his head to stare at the groom.

It seems that he was scared by the oncoming horse, and even squatted down in the same place, holding his head in both hands. He was afraid and didn't move.

The tall horse is about to get close to the boy. If the horse takes two more steps, it will step on the child's little body or step directly over the child.

Even if its hooves avoid children, children can easily roll under the carriage and be crushed by the wheels.

At the critical moment, Meng Li let out a cry, pulled the reins and made a great effort. He got up and stepped on the horse with one foot. He jumped directly from the horse and jumped to the boy's side. He picked up the boy and quickly went to one side.

At this time, the horse in the crown prince's carriage stopped and stood still.

The groom also looks at Meng Li gratefully.

The prince lifted up the curtain and looked at Meng Li with calm expression. He asked:

"Shuyi, what's the matter?"

Meng Li caught sight of three women in the corner of his eyes as he picked up the boy.

One of them is a pretty woman in beautiful clothes, but now she looks not worried, but also with some chagrin.

The other two were dressed a little more ordinary. They stood beside the pretty girl, one on the left and the other on the right, to protect her from being crowded by pedestrians on the road.

Meng Li looks at the beautiful woman, who is Xu Caishan.

Meng Li holds the boy in his arms and kneels down on one knee when he hears the prince's inquiry:

"master, it's a child who accidentally goes to the middle of the road and is frightened. His subordinates will settle down."

The prince's head stretched out again. He looked around the scene of going down the street and noticed Xu Caishan.

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