Meng Li raised his eyes:

"wash the children."

The woman was even more angry when she heard that. She went to Meng Li and grabbed the thermos bottle in Meng Li's hand. She said in a fierce voice:

"the little girl is pulling her trouser pocket again. It's useless. I don't know how to shout when I want to pull it."

"You pour out the water, what does Da Wa's father drink when he comes back?"

Meng Li took a deep breath:

"can't you burn later?"

The woman snorted:

"wash her with cold water. The first lady is so delicate. She still uses hot water on hot days."

"Besides, when you're ready to cook, there's no time to boil water."

"I'm not talking about you. You'll be starving all day long when you finish your meal."

Meng Li said impatiently:

"I said why don't you do it when you are free?"

From all aspects of tone, Meng Li almost guessed that this was the client's mother-in-law.

As soon as she came back, the woman was nagging and annoying.

Meng Li is in a bad mood. She is sweating and sticky all over. She is so hungry that her legs are soft. All kinds of tastes make her want to vomit.

The woman's eyes were full of disbelief.

Xu didn't expect Meng Li to talk back to her. He was so angry that he held a thermos bottle in his hand and wanted to smash Meng Li.

Meng Li looked around and said in a cold voice:

"don't smash it. I think the family is so poor. The thermos bottle is also valuable. It's a pity to smash it."

"Ah bah, you bitch, you dare to talk back now."

"I'm not well, don't you know? And expect me to cook for you. "

Meng Li

She really didn't find out what was wrong with this woman's health. Most of a thermos can be raised to smash people.

"Now you have to bully your mother-in-law."

"If Dawa is not at home, you dare to bully his mother. I'll let Dawa come back to judge."

The woman took a look at the thermos and put it down awkwardly. She was reluctant to smash it. She kicked the bucket in front of Meng Li, crossed her waist and spat.

The girl's cry came from the toilet again. Meng Li ignored the woman. He directly carried some boiled water and flushed some cold water towards the toilet. Behind him was the woman's swearing voice.

Meng Li went to the toilet and coaxed the child for a long time. He washed the child and changed his pants and diapers.

He took the child back to the room and closed the door directly. Meng Li intended to lock the door, but found that the door could only be closed.

Meng Li got out of bed and put the child on the bed. When he saw a toy at the head of the bed, Meng Li took it to the child.

The child took it and began to play. Meng Li stood against the door and began to accept the plot.

This is the beginning of the 21st century.

Wang Dayan, the client, was born in a poor mountain village.

There is a younger brother in the family, and the serious preference for boys leads to the lack of primary school culture in the end.

So Wang Dayan, who had not graduated from primary school, could only work at home. By the time of the 16th and 7th, many people in the village had gone over the rugged mountains, through the muddy roads and went out to work.

Wang Dayan wants to go out with her fellow countrymen to see the world.

However, Wang Dayan's parents did not allow her to take care of her younger brother at home and help with some farm work. She was short of hands at home and did not agree to go out.

A few years later, when Wang Dayan was nearly 20 years old, she proposed to go out to work again. Her family said that she had married Li Dayan, but her husband's family didn't agree to her going out.

Maybe I'm afraid of Wang Dayan falling in love outside.

In this era, there are arranged marriages, but Wang Dayan is used to it.

The farthest place she has been since she was a child is in the town. She helps farming at home all day. As long as she is not obedient, her family is full of sticks and sticks. Li Dayan has no other idea in her heart.

Before long, the man's family rushed to marry Li Dayan.

Earlier, Wang Dayan also met her husband, Li Pingkai, who is now her husband. Her dress is still sharp.

Hair with hair gel fixed into a seventh, a pair of small black shoes on the foot, looking energetic.

In Wang Dayan's mind at that time, she was still a little fashionable.

Wang Dayan is not satisfied.

Even at that time, Wang Dayan still had some faint expectations in her heart. If she married, would she not have to be angry at her mother's house all day long, work in the fields all day and all night, let alone stick on her body without paying any attention.

Li Pingkai's home is not in the mountains like Wang Dayan's, but on the roadside at the foot of the mountain.

This makes Wang Dayan a little satisfied. She doesn't have to climb such a high mountain, and it's very convenient to go to the town. If she's lucky, she can take a bus to the town.

But Wang Dayan soon found that the suffering of life did not give up on her, away from her, still in her side.The only son in her husband's family has never worked or worked in the fields. She likes to hang out and gamble with some friends all day long.

If you have no money, you go home and ask for it.

Moreover, her husband often suffers from domestic violence. On her wedding night, Wang Dayan became a wife for the first time. How could she stand the toss of Li Pingkai, who had been single for 30 years? She just refused politely and was slapped in the face by her husband, which made Wang Dayan burst into tears.

Since then, Li Pingkai has always scolded Wang Dayan if he didn't agree with him, and beat him if he didn't.

And the ferocious mother-in-law, at home has always been Wang Dayan as a servant girl, is to make Wang Dayan's Day miserable.

What made Wang Dayan's life worse was that she became pregnant soon after her marriage and gave birth to a daughter, which made the Li family very dissatisfied.

Very dissatisfied.

Of course, the child is indifferent, disgusted, almost did not take out to throw.

Let Wang Dayan give birth to a son when it's OK.

Soon after giving birth to her baby, Wang Dayan found a small factory not far from the town and became a female worker.

Wang Dayan has an income, and the Li family are even more lazy. They all expect Wang Dayan to take money home to support their family.

Wang Dayan really can't stand this kind of life, but she has no choice.

When she went back to her mother's home and told her parents that she wanted a divorce, they strongly opposed it. Anyway, they were very worried that Wang Dayan would take her children home to eat their food.

Wang Dayan naturally saw her parents' thoughts and was very sad.

What's more, when Wang Dayan went back to her mother's house, her parents complained incessantly in front of her, saying that she needed money. When she went back, Wang Dayan, who had been emptied of her savings by her mother's house, came back to Li's house.

When the Li family learned that Wang Dayan had given money to her mother's family, the Li family turned over the sky. It was Li Pingkai's beating that welcomed Wang Dayan.

Wang Dayan suffered from the hardships of life. She was in her twenties just like she was in her thirties.

When Li Pingkai lost his gambling, it was Wang Dayan who gave him the money.

Wang Dayan paid off the gambling debt.

Living expenses at home are earned by Wang Dayan.

What's even more ridiculous is that Li Pingkai found a woman who was not good or bad outside. When he couldn't get away without money, he asked Wang Dayan to send money.

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