"Anything else?" Hannah put away the magic crystal.

Meng Li leaned against the railings of the corridor and asked Hanno:

"you said that there is something that can make people succeed quickly."


" If there is such a way, you can tell me, and I want to

Meng Li

Oh, my head hurts.

She was actually thinking about ignavi.

If ignavi wants to be ignavi again, he has to show some skills. For instance, the master of pharmacy and the master of weapon refining, which are recognized by people by their ability but not by their force value, it is a little difficult for ignavi to become such a person in a short time.

At the beginning, these masters learned systematically, or they learned from them, and they had to be talented.

All kinds of factors, how can we easily become such a master.

With the strength of ignavi becoming stronger and stronger, the possibility of being noticed becomes greater and greater, and the possibility of producing all kinds of accidents also becomes greater.

The client's selfishness is to want ignavi to be ignavi again.

Because the Marquis is very concerned about the marriage of the client, and the client has been single, many people beat her attention and want to get close to her. These are all troubles.

If ignavi can come back in the right way, they can get the blessing of the whole circle of relatives and friends and be together in the right way.

This is what the client wants.

But she also knows that it's difficult, so the client doesn't force the task to be completed. Even if she wants to, she still insists on the wishes of ignavi. She is a girl who knows how to respect people.

The client once thought about wandering with ignavi, but the family raised her, and she couldn't give up.

There is no conscience.

After falling in love, she and ignavi have more serious practical problems to face.

In the world, the client is in a dilemma. Sometimes he simply doesn't think about the future, but enjoys the present.

The client has not figured out what to do if ignavi has been a wandering necromancer.

Come on, let's go step by step.

But people's life is limited. Meng Li thinks that he can't put off the task for too long. He takes up too much of the client's life and wastes his time.

Han Nuo looked at his sister's frown without saying a word. He looked a little distressed.

He stretched out his hand, patted Meng Li on the shoulder again, and said: "although the elder brother doesn't know what you are thinking, you can say it. Maybe I can help you find a way."

"Of course, there's a way to be successful all at once. Forgive my brain for not coming up with it."

Meng Li said:

"forget it, brother, rest early, good night."

She's going back to her room to meditate.

Now things are going to be different. It's better to practice well.

As a last resort, Meng Li didn't want to use some means that didn't belong to the client. It was really difficult to explain at that time. After a few days of getting along, ignavi was not easy to cheat.

He doesn't believe what you say.

"There will be a party in a few days. Mother has arranged it for you. You have to go."

"It's a message from my brother in advance."

Hanou's voice rang out, full of schadenfreude, eyes across the light of satisfaction.

Meng Li's face is expressionless. As long as the Marquis arranges the party to attend, it can't escape. The Marquis always has many ways to let you go.

Sure enough, when she had tea the next day, the Marquis told Meng Li: "there is a banquet in the palace hosted by the king. It is said that a young Duke was suddenly canonized. The king held the banquet in person to introduce him to everyone."

Meng Li: "Duke."

It should be very strong to be canonized like this by the king, in order to keep this man here and play for this country.

In retrospect, the plot also has this case, but the client didn't pay much attention to it.

This kind of title has territory, which is one level higher than marquis.

The Marquis said enviously:

"yes, you may know very little. In fact, I know very little about the Duke."

"Of course, this kind of banquet, you know, there are many young talents in it. You can get to know each other."

She said to Meng Li, go ahead and get to know a handsome guy.

Choose a suitable one and fall in love.

In a word, the Marquis is very concerned about the marriage of her children, but the Marquis never cares much. He thinks that only by doing something can he attract better people.

And the Marquis thinks that her two children are already excellent.

Meng Li didn't refuse the Marquis, because it's useless to refuse. Why bother and waste time.Besides, it was held by the king, and it's even worse to refuse.

When it was time for the banquet, Meng Li accompanied the Marquis into the palace in a carriage. After verifying their identity, they entered the banquet hall.

There are a lot of nobles in it. The young nobles seem to have divided an area automatically and gathered together.

People like the Marquis and the Marquis are in another area. The palace is resplendent and the people in the hall are gorgeous.

it's been a long time since I saw you, marquis. It's been a long time

"And beautiful nerida, you are really beautiful today. You are the most dazzling person here." Brann said to Meng Li with exaggeration.

Eyes are very obsessed and satisfied, as if Meng Li is dressed for him.

Meng Li doesn't dress up for anyone, but for this kind of occasion. Dressing up is a kind of politeness.

She said to Brann politely and strangely:

"thank you."

"But it's not as exaggerated as you said. Everyone is beautiful and dazzling. I'm not the only one."

Brian shook his head:

"no, you are."

He walks into Meng Li. Meng Li sees a woman behind Brann looking at her with jealousy in her eyes. She doesn't want to argue with other women for Brann. Brann is not worth it.

She raised her eyes and searched the crowd for her brother Hannah, who had been here with the Marquis for a long time.

As long as we get to Hanno's side, Brann will be restrained.

Aiming at Han Nuo, Han Nuo is looking at her at the moment. Meng Li quickly raises her skirt and goes to Han Nuo.

Brane follows monley.

Han Nuo saw Meng Li:

"nerida, you can't wait to see me when you come. Do you want me to introduce you to some excellent young people?"

Brann followed him. Hearing what Hanno said, he was not happy. He looked at Meng Li and asked wrongly:

"nerida, why is this? Am I not good and handsome?"

Meng Li took a look at Hanno and said, "that's my freedom. Please understand that we have nothing to do with each other."

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