Meng Li's expression was a little wordless.

Ever since she laid hands on Qi, she never stayed in her palace.

Maybe we can let everyone see his vulnerability, but we can't let the queen see it.

Qi Ze Sheng has not met the client for many years.

Now I don't want to stay.

Meng Li said he was very comfortable with Qi's behavior, at least he didn't need to see Qi.

Meng Li sits on Qi's left side. Qi's sedan chair is very luxurious. The carpets on the floor are made of animal fur.

It's also fragrant.

The sedan chair was rickety, Qi chesheng closed his eyes and Meng Li was practicing.

"Why does the queen protect huipin's family for no reason?"

"That's very kind."

Qi's voice suddenly rang out in Meng Li's ear.

Meng Li was not surprised that Qi Zesheng knew about it, but it was a little different for him to ask.

She did not deny it, but said:

"it's my duty to maintain the peace of the harem and keep the truth from being buried."

Qi Chih Sheng said with a deep meaning:

"what kind of role does the queen play in it?"

Meng Li raised his eyebrows and said:

"what role?"

"My concubine is your queen."

Qi said: "you like to pretend to be stupid now."

"It's about falling down the well."

Qi chesheng didn't think that huipin would harm you, but Meng Li didn't want to let you turn over, so he did it.

He didn't like to see her proud.

Meng Li calmly smiles and doesn't speak.

Qi said:

"I'll tell you one more time. Take care of yourself."

Meng Li didn't take it to heart. Although she didn't find any sign that Qi Zesheng was attacking the yuan family in the hunting ground, she told the yuan family to be careful again.

It should be something that happened after she came that made Qi Ze Sheng more and more intolerant of her.

It doesn't matter. Meng Li plans to start tonight.

I will never wait for Qi to do something.

Wobbling for a long time, both of them were silent.

Looking at Meng Li's calm appearance, Qi chesheng felt a little irritable.

This woman should not be sitting here. In his life plan, she should be sitting beside him.

But in the end, it's husband and wife. Qi Ze Sheng has to dress up and endure.

Finally, it's outside the hunting ground.

Qi Chee Sheng got out of the sedan chair. He felt that the air outside was much fresher, and the inside of the sedan chair was boring.

The palace has sent people to camp for a long time. The empress's tent is the best, and there are soldiers around.

At this time, in order to set an example for the world and show the harmonious relationship between the emperor and empress, they also need to live together.

Zhiqiu went into the tent to get something for Meng Li.

It's convenient for Meng Li to sleep at night.

Meng Li followed Qi Ze Sheng to meet the princes and ministers and said something about the scene.

No one arrived later than empress dowager, so everyone was there, and Qi did not delay. According to the Convention, he said a lot about the scene every year, which was no different from the nonsense of leaders in meetings.

Finally, let's talk about food. Let's deal with each other at noon.

In the afternoon, we go to the hunting ground to hunt, and in the evening, we eat the game. We are happy together.

According to the situation of the prey, there are various rewards.

The sons of all families are here, and they are eager to try. If they do well in front of the emperor this time, they can make the emperor treat him differently.

Therefore, hunting activities not only let the emperor select talents, but also let talents have a place to show their skills.

Meng Li took a look at the second prince, who was the youngest of the men who took part in the hunting.

Many people wonder why the second prince joined the hunt.

It's so small. Can you pull the bow?

The second prince patted his chest and said he had no problem. He also shot an arrow on the spot.

Well, I didn't expect that the second prince was really good. In terms of performance, he surpassed 99% of his peers.

You are the son of the Lord.

Although the second prince was in the limelight, the prince was also full of confidence. The princess Xie Yanyun and the prince's side princess were standing on one side. They were far apart, and no one was waiting to see them.

Even in the outside surface of the harmony is not willing to install, it seems that two people are not less toss.

Qi Ze Sheng said all that he had to say. He ate something casually. He wanted to go hunting.

Qi Chee Sheng was going to turn over and mount the horse very beautifully, which made him look handsome and powerful.

But the action was finished, but Qi felt pain on both sides of his waist, and his expression became ugly.

Meng Li stood in front of Qi's horse and chuckled at him. He looked very gentle and moving.She said:

"I hope the emperor will bring out a big prey."

Qi said: "that's nature."

Meng Li smiles again and gets out of the way. Qi Zesheng turns his horse's head and runs in the front. The people behind follow him on horseback. With so many people walking together, the sound of horse's hooves is very impressive.

Then he went into the hunting ground.

Also disappeared in the sight of people outside the hunting ground.

Meng Li can only wait outside, and there is no custom for women to enter for hunting.

With the courtiers in the home of the housewife have a set of no set of chat.

Everyone is worried about their husband or son who goes in, hoping that they can bring their big prey out with a long face, and worried that they will be attacked and hurt by the prey.

We also need to worry about whether our opponents plot against them.

Can also face with light clouds, can be tired.

Qi was the first to go in and the first to come out.

Seeing that the emperor came out, Meng Li's eyes and eyebrows were beaming. He looked at the situation behind Qi Zesheng and said to the people around him:

"the emperor is out hunting. It's like a big bison."

People around him also made an expression of curiosity and surprise and looked at Qi Zesheng.

There are a lot of arrows and scars on Bison's body. He should have died long ago.

This is Qi's prey, a big bison.

The attack power of bison is relatively strong.

She doubted that Qi had prepared the cow in advance, otherwise Qi would be the first one to hit the prey every year.

And these prey are not small.

Show his authority.

After all, Qi can't practice. He doesn't even have the most basic exercise.

But these are clearly not the most important.

Seeing this, some scholars and senior officials immediately came forward to flatter Qi chesheng.

Qi Chee Sheng is as powerful as he was then, and he is still as powerful.

Qi Ze Sheng was carrying a bow and arrow, and his face looked proud.

Meng Li also went over and said to Qi Chee Sheng, "the emperor is so powerful."

Her eyes can not help but look at a few more bison, with a can not hide the silk proud, anyway, is proud of her husband's wife.

It's the essence of it.

Qi then went back to the tent, changed his clothes, and began to chat and taste tea with Lao Chen or Wen Chen.

Wait for the rest to come out with their prey.

The hunting ground at this time.

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