There are also ways to crack various organs.

This is equivalent to having someone take an exam and give her all the answers.

Meng Li tried to split the map in two, but failed to tear it apart. He was very resilient.

Get a dagger from your body and cut the map.

It seems that the langxing king should have planned for thousands of years.

It's the women who should have been asking about this all the time.

I've been planning for this for a long time. At least I know a lot about it.

Meng Li hesitated whether to go in or not, worried about unexpected things.

And I know in my heart that there is a fraud in this matter. Who will ask people to draw a cracked version of the map and let people steal his tomb.

There's only one possibility. He needs someone to rob the tomb.

But think about it, come to all, think or should not even.

Moreover, after guessing the woman's intention, Meng Li didn't worry about the woman. Now they started on her and turned around to look for the mechanism according to the instructions on the map.

The crowd rushed to keep up.

Ginger follows Meng Li's steps and says to Meng Li:

"do you listen to the secret I told you before?"

Meng Li:

"if you want to say it, just say it if you don't want to."

Ginger said:

"I suspect they are coming for jiulongzhu."

Meng Li:

"that's it?"

Ginger Don't you think it's a secret? "

Meng Li said faintly:

"jiulongfeitian needs a medium to provide energy for its owners, and this jiulongzhu is one of the media. Is this difficult to understand?"


" It's not hard. "

"But do you know the legend of jiulongzhu?"

Meng Li glanced at ginger. Jiulong Feitian was only seen in ancient books. He didn't know what kind of media people would spread.

Meng Li said:

"if you want to say it, just say it. If you don't want to say it, just say it."

Ginger said:

"it's said that Jiulong pearl can make people immortal."

Meng Li stopped:

"immortal? By a bead? "

Ginger: "it's said that it's a legend, but it's better to believe that it has something than nothing."

"In this world, there are many people who pursue immortality. They are not reconciled to see that their hard-earned wealth has no life to spend."

Meng Li noncommittally said, eternal life is good, she doesn't want to die?

Even if it takes too much effort to live.

Meng Li walks to a mural. This mural shows a man walking in a horse stance. His palm is stretched out. The palm is clearly painted. The lines are visible. Meng Li reaches out his hand and prints it on the man's palm with his palm.

As if the man's palm is real, Meng Li and his palm overlap moment, feel as if there is a hand, moving back.

But it should be a mechanism made of stone.

Meng Li followed the hand and pressed it down slowly.

When you press it to the bottom, the palm of your hand no longer goes back.

Then there was a rumbling sound on the ground. The woman looked a little excited and looked around warily.

The stone tablet was moved away, and the woman gave a look. A Tang took the lead in walking past with several people.

Meng Li is far away because he wants to open the mechanism. A Tang and they have already gone down. Only a few people from Meng Li can get there.

There was an entrance under the stone tablet. They all jumped down to prove that it was not deep. Meng Li also jumped down and looked around.

The underground is not as wide as the top. The map shows the stone chambers separated into one after another. Each stone chamber needs to be opened according to the mechanism on the map.

Because I don't know what was put in each stone room, and which one was the coffin of King langxing.

The woman said to Meng Li:

"take the map and let me have a look."

Meng Li said:


The woman was so angry that her face twisted for a moment, and then she said:

"are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

Meng Li: "before you kill me, I can burn the map. Do you believe it?"

The woman snorted coldly:

"yes, you are excellent."

"Lead the way."

"Lead the way. Tell your people to go ahead." Meng Li said.

As if the woman didn't care about the two lives, she directly directed the two men in the front, and the two men were all taut.

Meng Li opened a stone room according to the instructions of the map, which was full of boxes.

It felt like the box was full of treasures. The woman moved her fingers, hesitated and said:"Don't touch it yet."

Don't forget the most important purpose of this trip.

The woman held back, Meng left a few people here also have no what can't help but, opened the second stone room again.

The second stone room is also full of boxes, and even there are antiques on the side. This is a more advanced temptation. It's more red fruit than before.

Now it's a visible baby.

The woman's mind is OK. She still orders not to move, but the people behind her are ready to move.

If you can get any of the things out of here, you will not be short of money.

There are several stone chambers, various boxes, and even some famous calligraphers and painters who have been extinct for a long time. If they are real, they will make a stir in the world, won't they?

The woman's people became more and more difficult to control. Finally, the woman had to use a gun to make her people stop restless.

Then he began to shout that it was cold and uncomfortable.

The woman swears at people:

"fool, can't you feel the evil inside?"

Tang faltered:

"well, they don't understand this."

In fact, we have long used runes to help us resist Yin Qi and avoid entering the body, but now Yin Qi is too heavy, leading to no effect before.

The woman white a Tang, Tang closed his mouth, and then the woman let glasses out more powerful exorcism Fu to her people.

The last stone room is in the innermost part. After Meng Li opened it according to the mechanism, a strong Yin Qi came from the shop, which made them shiver.

There is a big coffin in the middle and a sword in front of it.

Next to the sword, a stele was erected, on which it was written: sacrifice the blood and soul of the predestined person!

The woman's face is happy, but Meng Li's face condenses. Jiang Sheng and fat man are so shocked that they almost can't turn their heads.

Fat man's lips trembled. He looked at Meng Li:

"ginger tea, you Run

Ginger also pulled Meng Li and planned to run away with him. Meng Li threw off ginger's hand and said, "I have my own way."

The woman said simply and directly:

"do it."

Meng Li knows that sooner or later what happened now will happen.

The other party should have known the need for blood sacrifice and soul sacrifice.

And glasses, black strong also know.

Meng Li looks at the people coming towards her. Fortunately, she was too well prepared before. Meng Li whispers to ginger: "hold your breath and wear a mask."

Ginger Leng for a while, quickly whispered to fat man and Anming, three people inside again made a mask to cover the nose and mouth, which makes the woman suspicious, but there is no time to respond.

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