But Zhou Yang waited for a long time and didn't wait for them to decide.

Zhou Yang didn't know whether his own system was useless or whether he was too powerful.

In Zhou Yang's mind, the system should be very good.

But now he can't beat a woman, which makes Zhou Yang, who has always felt a little mysterious in the system, have such a feeling, but this feeling is only a flash, and now he relies on the system to save his life.

And the system is also protecting him, so he underestimated the system. It's really inappropriate.

I can only say that I know the system better.

Meng Li and Zhou Yang's system have been consuming in this way. Although they are very tired, they have no other choice.

Not only Meng Li was tired, but Zhou Yang's system also felt that it consumed too much energy. Although he could secretly use a little world power, he could not make ends meet.

But I'm not willing to quit like this!

The system rummaged and found the most powerful weapon at the bottom of the box.

It's a black sword. It's about half a man's height, and the body of the sword has simple patterns. When Zhou Yang was in his hand, Zhou Yang was pressed on the ground by the sword.

I can't get up.


The Buddhist system can't help but curse people when it sees this scene.

You can't hold a sword.

Meng Li also felt a little intoxicated when he saw this scene, but as soon as he took out the sword, Meng Li felt that the momentum around the sword was very strong and it was a good thing.

But think of this sword is used to deal with her, Meng Li temporarily did not appreciate the interest, but more alert.

Meng Li is unarmed now. Now, Meng Li doesn't want 6018 to deliver weapons to her. She has a sword and a gun in her system space, but these seem useless.

It is also very likely that the energy fluctuation of 6018 will be detected by the other party, so that the two systems will fight in the world.

Besides, her sword, when compared with her opponent's sword, has a gap. If you really want to be tough, maybe it's an egg against a stone.

Is that a blank hand?

Zhou Yang is still trying to pick up the sword. It's very hard, just like moving a big stone.

He knew the sword. It was the most expensive sword in the mall. He liked it very much at that time and thought that he could exchange it one day.

I didn't expect that the sword came to him today. Sadly, he couldn't pick it up.

Zhou Yang tried hard to take it. He didn't want to appear too weak. He couldn't even take a sword.

But the system is really impatient, suddenly grabbed Zhou Yang's body, lift the Epee toward Meng Li.

Meng Li looked at the situation and knew that Zhou Yang was no longer Zhou Yang.

"Zhou Yang" flies to Meng Li. His eyes are different from the real Zhou Yang. He should be more mature and firm.

Meng Li uses the power of space very quickly and sets up a barrier in front of him.

"Zhou Yang's sword" cuts into the space barrier, and Meng Li directly blocks Zhou Yang's sword with space along the contact point between the sword and the space barrier.

The system is also very surprised. Before, only when the opponent's space power was used well, but now it is found that this kind of use is far higher than his estimation of her strength.

In other words, he underestimated the strength of the other side.

The system infuses energy into the body of the sword and explodes. The space wall Meng Li uses to block the body of the sword is covered with lines. It seems that it will break in the next second.

Meng Li quickly and continuously constructed multi-layer space walls, which made Zhou Yang's sword unable to move for half a minute. The space was constructed by Meng Li and she had absolute control.

She also plans to take the sword directly, just as she also looks after the sword.

"Zhou Yang" felt Meng Li's intention, and his face became very dignified. He could not help but use more power, which made him once again rejected by the way of heaven.

Zhou Yang's body will lose its center of gravity, and there are black clouds on his head.

"Zhou Yang" was forced to take back part of his strength. Meng Li seized the sword and dropped it. She held it in her hand. The sword was really heavy. Meng Li raised it with great strength and cleaved toward "Zhou Yang".

Zhou Yang hides on his side, staggers at his feet and looks a little embarrassed. Seeing that the best magic sword has been taken away by the other side, he dares not take out other weapons to attack Meng Li. Isn't this equipment for others?

And for the time being, there is no other way. The way of heaven of this pit father, and Zhou Yang's body of this pit father are not strong, and there is no goods in Dantian.

"Zhou Yang" has a strong ability to make choices. Now that he can't attack for a long time, he has lost so much energy that he can't fight any more. When he consumes too much energy, he has little left. Even if he takes the opponent, he can't make up for his loss. He will be trapped in this world.

It's not worth the loss.

Zhou Yang's heart is bright, and he won't fight with others for a moment's sake. Zhou Yang's body suddenly disappears in front of Meng Li's eyes.

Meng Li's Tornado also disappeared without a trace. 6018 left a sentence for me to chase, and there was no sound.Meng Li is also extremely tired now, feeling that he has no strength.

I feel that people's potential and strength are inspired.

Before the fight, it was a matter of life and death. Meng Li felt that he still had strength and could fight again. As soon as the other party left, Meng Li felt that he was nostalgic for the shaking table of system space, and he couldn't get up if he wanted to lie down.

Know 6018 to chase, the other party must be in the escape from the world, may have entered the tunnel of time and space, she put down her heart, clutching the black sword and sitting on her knees, began to breathe.

6018 chases into the time and space tunnel. The time and space tunnel gives people a dark feeling. If a person looks at it with his naked eye, it seems that his body and soul will fall into it if he is not careful. The time and space tunnel gives people an endless feeling, like an endless abyss.

In this tunnel, some weak white light can be seen, and the system of 6018 and Zhou Yang is among them.

Zhou Yang's system carries Zhou Yang. Now Zhou Yang has no consciousness, as if five senses have been closed. Now 6018 is so big, Zhou Yang's system naturally feels it.

He said to 6018:

"Why are you following me?"

Zhou Yang's system was shocked. He didn't know how it happened. Unfortunately, he met another system.

6018 disdains to talk to this kind of system, but does it directly.

"Let's talk. Don't do it yet?" Zhou Yang's system said.

6018 didn't speak at all and didn't stop.

From the perspective of 6018 and Zhou Yang's system, it's so broad that they seem very small in it, and they also look like fireflies in it.

The two will not be unable to perform.

The power generated by their fighting, in the tunnel of time and space, seems to be just like the power of raising a few grains of dust, not grand or spectacular.

But if it's in some worlds, it's possible to collapse buildings that are not strong enough.

Meng Li waited and waited until 6018.

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