He can't stand using other people's bodies.

For example, if a girl is pregnant, whether the child is his or not is a serious and weird question.

In addition, Zhou Yang's body will be improved all the time, and it will gradually approach a perfect body. The host can't be too rubbish. It has to grow. The system also simply takes Zhou Yang's body through.

Meng Li didn't delay all the way. He rode to find Zhou Yang and wrote a letter to Mrs. Jin saying that he was playing outside and didn't want to go back.

Mrs. Kim sneered at the letter.

My daughter is more and more direct. She used to weave all kinds of reasons, but now she says that she wants to play outside.

Without answering Meng Li's letter, Meng Li took it as Mrs. Jin's acquiescence. Yao Zong was also in the south. Meng lisuo went to Yao Zong by the way. The person who asked about Yao Zong asked for several kinds of medicine. In addition to the herbs given to Jin Nanwei by the client, he asked the Ming Yue sect disciple who stayed in Yao Zong to take it back to Jin Nanwei.

The disciple of Mingyue gate asked Meng Li to go back with him. Meng Li said that he had asked for instructions from Mrs. Jin.

Now that they have said that, the sect leader will not blame them for not taking the young sect leader back and leaving with Meng.

But it's not easy to find Zhou Yang, because it's hard for 6018 to sense the energy fluctuation of that system, sometimes it's not, and it's relatively weak. It should be the energy fluctuation caused by Zhou Yang exchanging things for the system.

Meng Li searches for the girls in the plot who are captured by Zhou Yang in the south, and finally thinks of the saint of Tianshan school.

Zhou Yang is definitely going to do the task, this time just by the way.

In addition, the south is far away from the north where the imperial city is located, so it should not be easy to be caught by the emperor's people here.

There was no specific details of Zhou Yang's strategy. Meng Li didn't know how they met, so he went to the Tianshan sect.

I asked about the activities of the lower Tianshan sect recently.

The Tianshan sect is all women. Zhou Yang can't sneak in. Meng Li just takes off Yi Rong and goes to see the leader of the Tianshan sect as the little master of Mingyue sect.

The relationship between the leader of Tianshan sect and Mrs. Jin is very strong. The women of Tianshan sect don't marry and have prejudice against men, and Mrs. Jin doesn't feel much better about men.

There is some resonance between them, so at least they are not enemies.

Meng Li felt that Mrs. Jin must have a sad past, about the trustor's biological father.

However, Meng Li's arrival was not coincidental. The leader of Tianshan sect was closed yesterday.

It was the saint who came out to entertain Meng Li. She was wearing a curtain, a white veil and a white dress. Meng Li barely saw the outline of the saint.

"Mushuang, it's a surprise that you can come to see me." Said the saint in a soft voice.

Meng Li said with a smile:

"just passing by, so I'll come to see you by the way."

"Then you must play a few more days. We haven't seen each other for at least a few years." The voice of the virgin has some memories.

Meng Li nodded:

"the last time we met was a few years ago at the Wulin conference, when we were all children."

They began to talk about each sentence. In fact, the trustor and the saint have seen two sides at most. One of them may have met when they don't remember. Naturally, they haven't said two words. However, they are both the heirs of a power, and their superficial affinity can't be avoided.

Meng Li feels that this trip is also a bit abrupt, but there is no way to find Zhou Yang.

She brought gifts to the saint and the leader of Tianshan sect. When she saw the gift, she said it was too precious and accepted it.

Meng Li feels that the saint is more enthusiastic, so the gift should be very suitable for the saint.

This also makes Meng Li's burden less.

Then the saint took Meng Li to visit the Tianshan sect. The people of the Tianshan sect seem to love white. Every disciple is dressed in white, and all kinds of decorations can use white.

It seems to have some artistic conception.

Meng Li asked 6018 if he sensed the energy fluctuation of that system. 6018 said no. Meng Li decided to stay in Tianshan for a few days. If Zhou Yang was here, he should have a chance to sense it.

Presumably, Zhou Yangzhen is here. Maybe he can only hide it. The rules of Tianshan sect don't allow men to live in Tianshan sect.

After taking Meng Li to the Tianshan sect, the holy girl accompanies Meng Li to dinner and arranges a place for Meng Li to live. She makes an appointment to have a fight with Meng Li the next morning, and the holy girl leaves.

Meng Li is clever and stays in the room to practice.

As soon as the virgin came back to her room and looked at the person lying on the bed, she was not angry. She asked in a cold voice:

"when are you leaving?"

Zhou Yang opened his eyes, looked at the saint and said:

"beauty, I'll leave when I'm well hurt."


"believe it or not, I killed you."

Zhou Yang: "beauty, don't shout, fight and kill all the time. You won't be afraid that others will know that there is a man in your room. You can't say clearly when you have a mouth."The virgin willow eyebrows stand up:

"you threaten me?"

Zhou Yang got up from the bed and ran to the saint:

"how can it be? It's just that it's hard to repay the kindness of saving lives. Why don't you let me promise you by myself?"

The saint was laughed by Zhou Yang's thick skin. Sure enough, the master was right. Men are shameless.

She wants to hit Zhou Yang, but Zhou Yang hides left and right. The saint's face is red with anger, and she doesn't dare to make too much noise to hit Zhou Yang.

Then Zhou Yang was miserable at night. He could only stay in a corner and silently watched the saint cross her knees to practice internal skill.

The next morning, the attendants knocked on the door of the saint. The saint looked at Zhou Yang, and Zhou Yang quickly rolled to the bed of the saint.

The saint just got up and opened the door. Someone came in with a copper basin to clean her face and wash her. The visitor also said:

"the young master of Mingyue gate said that she made an appointment with the saint to have a fight in the back mountain yesterday. She asked the maid to take a message to the saint, saying that she had already waited in the back mountain first."

The virgin said faintly:

"I know."

Zhou Yang heard clearly under the bed. What about the moon gate?

Young master?

It's Kim Mu Shuang.

And how did she get here?

And how did it disappear in the Palace last time?

As for why Meng Li disappeared at that time, the Emperor didn't have the heart to tell Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang's system didn't pay attention to Meng Li, so Zhou Yang didn't know the truth.

Zhou Yang is full of questions.

Waiting for the maid to wash out of the room, Zhou Yang awkwardly rolled out from under the bed, and winked at the maid. She felt funny for a moment, and her face immediately cooled when she thought it was a man.

He also stretched out his foot and kicked Zhou Yang hard.

It's not that ancient women's temperament is simple and they are not as experienced as modern women. Why does he feel that these women are more difficult to deal with than modern women.

Or modern is better, modern women can even use a few sweet words, a bunch of roses easily.

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