After everyone left, the general's wife said to Zheng Xian:

"xuan'er, you are becoming more and more shameful now."

Zheng Xian pouted and said:

"Niang ~ ~"

the general's wife looked at Zheng Xian helplessly:

"tomorrow, I will be with my Niang and believe in the master of heaven with a pious heart, then I can get holy water."

Zheng Xian Oh, said some good words to coax the general's wife, just coax the general's wife away.

As soon as entering the room, Zheng Xian asked, the disgusting aroma was unbearable, and slipped to Meng Li's room.

Meng Li asked:

"do you know what's in that black box?"

Zheng Xian shook his head and said he didn't know.

Meng Li sighed:

"I practice, you go to sleep."

Zheng Xiandao:

"I also practice, the teacher of heaven is not simple, we still need to have the ability to protect ourselves."

She took out the Pearl and held it in her hand. They were practicing together.

Just before dawn, Zheng Xian went back to his room. The general's wife took them to the Dharma Assembly of the Heavenly Master. This time, she even took the housekeeper and aunt with them.

There are a lot of people walking together.

Zheng Xian said impatiently: "I don't want any holy water."

Meng Li said:

"but now it's all out? How can we find a way to go back? "

Zheng Xiandao:

"the key is not to go, do you have the heart of piety?"

"Besides, I dare not drink the holy water." Zheng Xian muttered.

Meng Li shakes her head. How can she believe in something of unknown origin, especially the guy who keeps such disgusting things? She feels bad at first sight.

This time, Meng Li and Zheng Xian still didn't want to go to holy water. Unexpectedly, Wen chuxue didn't want to go to holy water either.

The Heavenly Master sat opposite Meng Li and said,

"look up."

Meng Li and Zheng Xian both raised their heads and looked at the Heavenly Master. There were strange stripes on the mask of the Heavenly Master. Now they looked closer. Staring at it, they felt that the stripes seemed to be flowing.

Staring for a long time, seems to have hypnotic effect?

Now Meng Li's soul power is stronger. He is not afraid to see this kind of thing.

It's Wen chuxue. Meng Li feels that Wen chuxue's eyes are more and more dull.

The Heavenly Master's eyes were fixed on a few people. After a while, he said with a big face:

"well, you still don't have the heart of piety. Go down."

"Next time, please come with reverence."

Three people can only follow, two times in a row did not want to holy water, let a lot of people look at them, three people's eyes are particularly strange.

There are also a lot of blaming eyes. The Dharma Association of the Heavenly Master has only been so long. It's very uncomfortable to be delayed.

The general's wife was anxious, especially when she saw the gloomy eyes of the emperor and the prince.

With Meng Li three people back to the house, the general's wife and three people good meal said.

Zheng Xian asked:

"mother, what kind of state of mind should we have in order to be devout?"

The general's wife was stunned, and then said:

"don't you think the Heavenly Master is omnipotent? Don't you think there's nothing that can't be solved by a Heavenly Master like a God? "

"There are so many people in the world. The officials who are sent to local areas to solve the plague problem, even the imperial doctors who can't solve the epidemic, even the officials and the imperial doctors are dead, and the Heavenly Master can solve it with just a package of medicine."

When Zheng Xianfu came to his heart, if he realized something in his heart, he said:

"so he adored him very much?"

The general's wife nodded and said:

"the master of heaven is here to save the world."

Zheng Xian

God is special to save the world.

The general's wife said that she was tired, so she planned to go down. Meng Li and Zheng Xian crowded together to discuss things.

Zheng Xian said her guess, and she said:

"I once heard that there is another power in the world, which is called the power of faith."

Meng Li nodded. She also knew this concept. The power of belief in the world is pure and powerful. The more people believe, the stronger the power is.

But it's not for the powerful.

If a person can spread through the ages, let people believe in thousands of years, he will always have the power of faith.

However, according to Meng Li's understanding, most ancient books record that the power of belief is most easily cheated by many heretical organizations.

I didn't think it was the power of belief before, because they didn't have a pious attitude, so they didn't know what kind of attitude they should have to get holy water.

As the general's wife said, the power of faith was dedicated to the Heavenly Master.

Meng Li had a clear understanding in her heart, and she said:

"do you mean that the so-called piety of Heavenly Master is the power of people's faith?"Zheng Xian nodded, and Meng Li said:

"if you really have the ability to save the world, you can stand the power of belief."

Zheng Xian pondered for a while and said:

"let's find a test object."

Meng Li, with Zheng Xian, catches a mouse and traps it with the border.

When Zheng Xian wanted to experiment in the general's mansion, Meng Li stopped him and said, "absolutely not. I doubt that the Heavenly Master seems to have the means to know where these things are."

"Or last night couldn't have come so fast."

Zheng Xian nodded and jokingly said, "Li, you are too careful. I have to learn from you."

Meng Li was a little embarrassed and said, "you're my elder."

Zheng Xian patted Meng Li on the shoulder and said in a meaningful way: "my principle is that if I can move my hand, I can't move my brain any more."

Meng Li agreed: "simple and direct."

The two men sneaked out of the general's house and strolled in the street. They listened to the discussion of the people on the street. The Heavenly Master had sent soldiers and doctors out of the city, set up camp and began to distribute good medicine. They also brought food and clothing to settle the people outside.

He also said that the soldiers and doctors drank holy water and would not be infected.

It can be seen that everyone trusted the Heavenly Master. Before, the emperor also sent many officials and soldiers to settle the patients outside the city, but they all had no way back, and they were infected with the disease one after another. We did not dare to go, and the emperor did not dare to send any more people.

Now they are not afraid because of the holy water of the Heavenly Master.

Two people listen to, then found a more secret place, the mouse and yesterday that fly maggots in a border inside.

The flying maggot feels the living body and stabs it into the body of the mouse like a mosquito.

When the mouse was stabbed in, it didn't respond. When the flying maggot pulled out the thorn, the mouse slowly collapsed in the border, its limbs were weak and twitching, its mouth was slowly opened, panting like a human.

Meng Li and Zheng Xian look at each other. After they kill the maggots inside the border and cremate them thoroughly, they find a mouse and lock it up with the mouse that was bitten before.

Sure enough, the mouse, which was alive and kicking, was also infected with the disease.

And their symptoms are somewhat like the symptoms of human epidemic, that is to say, this disgusting maggot is probably the first thing to spread the virus.

Or is it a poison, not a disease.

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