Yao Qing replied:

"seven days."

Meng Li was surprised. It's been seven days!

She said:

"let's go out quickly. Cangyou has probably returned to the divine world."

Yaoqing nodded and was about to step out of the border set by the great emperor of Ming Dynasty. Meng Li asked Yaoqing in a voice:

"are you well cultivated these seven days?"

Yao Qing: "you can rest assured that you are in good condition now."

Then Yaoqing felt that the atmosphere was a little serious and tense, because they might have to face cangyou next. He pretended to tease Meng Li with ease:

"if you are well hurt, you must show your strength and kill cangyou."

Meng Li also said in a relaxed tone:

"that's natural."

They stepped out of the border of the Ming Dynasty. As soon as they stepped out of the border, they felt the faint atmosphere outside.

Cangyou did it on purpose.

Meng Li suddenly felt that the Ming emperor Hua was very reliable.

Although the loss of two feathers, but the Ming emperor also considerate what to shield.

Otherwise, when she closed the door, she felt upset and upset.

When Meng Li arrived at the main hall, he looked at the great emperor of Ming Dynasty calmly drinking the wine, and his dark face looked at Meng Li and Yaoqing.

Cangyou's body is full of anger. Meng Li moves silently towards the Ming emperor, who is a little speechless.

Yao Qing follows Meng Li silently.

Two people are crowded in the Ming Dynasty emperor, Ming Dynasty emperor this amulet with good effect, cangyou's anger gradually fade down.

They can't attack the emperor of Ming Dynasty without discrimination. Even if cangyou attacks, the emperor of Ming Dynasty can't be attacked.

The key is that the emperor of Ming Dynasty is the old emperor of the divine world. It's too hard for cangyou to fight in the palace of the emperor of Ming Dynasty.

Cangyou raised his lips and said sarcastically:

"if you have the courage to do it, don't you have the courage to face it?"

Meng Li said:

"now that the cause and effect between us and Xuantian blood ginseng is over, let's take Linghe fairy as the repayment of our resources and efforts."

Cangyou said:

"do you think this is the solution?"

"Hand in Linghe's heart and blood, and I will spare you from death."

Meng Li: "used it."

Cang you's face was livid with anger, and his whole body was full of power. He made an attack on Meng Li, but the attack was not fierce. It was just a trial. With a wave of the Ming emperor, Cang you's attack was resolved.

Cangyou had already made clear the attitude of the Ming emperor, and he would not continue to fight.

The great emperor of Ming Dynasty drank the wine silently, but his face was cold. Cangyou dared to test him, but he didn't take him seriously.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have happened to him.

Looking at cangyou's eyes wandering on her face, Meng Li asked:

"do you still want to say threatening words?"

Just a few words.

Cangyou said:

"you don't understand that what the emperor said was never just a threat."

It's going to turn it into reality.

Meng Li didn't care much in his heart. He said solemnly:

"cangyou, I have existed for many years. I've been practicing all the way. Now, I don't know how many words have threatened me. If I don't have a strong heart and fear, I won't be among the gods now."

Cangyou could not help laughing:

"you are not afraid, but you come out."

Meng Li: "I don't want to fight now."

Yao Qing wants to cover her face. Just now Ning Guang said that her momentum is so strong. She thought Ning Guang wanted to fight cangyou impulsively.

The emperor of Ming Dynasty couldn't help smoking.

Cangyou was angry and powerless. He stood up and said to Emperor Minghua:

"today is my grudge with them. I hope emperor Minghua will not interfere."

The great emperor of Ming Dynasty smoothed his beard and said in a quiet way:

"in fact, I really shouldn't interfere in the affairs of you young people, but I owe Ning Guang a favor. Now I need to exchange it."

After all, the two feathers of rosefinch were collected, and the safety of the moment was still to be guaranteed.

Cangyou: "owe her?"

"I'm afraid it's a speech."

It seems that emperor Hua of the Ming Dynasty is really relying on the old to sell the old.

The great emperor of Ming Dynasty shook his head:

"no, no, this emperor is telling the truth."

Cangyou stood up and said to Meng Li:

"I hope you two can stay in the Minghua hall all your life."

His eyes were cold and disgusted. Meng Li said with a sneer:

"you don't have to worry about it, but I hope you, an ungrateful man, will remember that our cause and effect is not over, and you will have to pay it back one day."Cangyou Road:

"now you have a hard mouth, I hope you will always have a hard mouth."

Then he turned and left.

Yaoqing stares at cangyou's back in disgust, waiting for cangyou's back to disappear in Minghua hall.

The great emperor of Ming Dynasty said:

"how is Ning Guang?"

Meng Li pursed a smile:

"the great emperor Xie Minghua helped each other today. Ning Guang will surely remember it."

Yao Qing also nodded: "Yao Qing also keeps in mind that if we need to help in the future, we will not refuse to do anything against morality and justice."

The great emperor of Ming Dynasty waved his hand and said:

"OK, you'd better consider how to protect yourself first. Originally, the emperor should not intervene in the enmity between you and cangyou. It's really..."

Just need to condense light feather, general feather where can compare with God's feather.

"So if Ning Guang's injury is good, I can't save you all my life. I want you to find a way." Emperor Hua of the Ming Dynasty has a bit of a sense of eviction.

Meng Li is not stupid. She can understand the meaning. She said:

"naturally, we can't disturb the great emperor all the time. Now our enmity with cangyou has been settled. I hope that no matter what happens to the great emperor in the future, we won't worry about our affairs."

Now that she is in good condition, she can continue to practice. She also hopes that emperor Minghua will not come out to help cangyou.

However, cangyou should not be so obscene as her. No matter how serious the situation is, people like cangyou probably won't hide in other people's palace.

The emperor of Ming Dynasty was a little surprised, and he said:

"are you confident that you have beaten cangyou?"

Meng Li shook his head solemnly:


Emperor Hua of Ming Dynasty

No? So you're worried about him helping cangyou?

To be honest, he was in the divine world. He was a bit thin when he saw his people, but his rebellious attitude made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But his broad-minded, these can be ignored, but this thing, the cause is also cangyou unreasonable, and so a little ungrateful, if you will help cangyou, we should also say that he does not know right from wrong.

What's more, why do you want to help cangyou?

"Well, Ning Guang, you'd better not make things so stiff. If you can ease it, it won't be peaceful." The Ming emperor said lightly.

No matter what the Ming emperor thought, Meng Li knew that from his point of view, he could not persuade him to fight.

She said:

"OK, Ning Guang will handle it properly."

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